Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 42:54:24
  • Mais informações



Songwriter and author Charlotte Eriksson -- The Glass Child -- lets you in behind the glass. Raw and honest conversations, essays, spoken poetry and journals exploring the subjects of growing up, change, loneliness, living as a nomad, missing people, loving people. How to live with uncertainty. What is home? What is anxiety? What is happiness?I wanted to turn my life into my art. My very existence into a poem. This is my story it might not always be easy, but it will always be beautiful.


  • The greatest gift of my 30s (so far)

    04/05/2024 Duração: 13min

    About rediscovering yourself in your 30s ♡ If I could share one revelation with anyone out there navigating the transitions in life, it would be this:   Rediscover those passions or objects that made you feel free before the world told you what to do and who to be. The hobbies you picked up before you asked yourself if they were cool or would pay your rent. Dig them up from wherever you've buried them, and engage with them totally anew - as the grounded, self-assured person you've maybe become, or are becoming. No more pressure to make a career out of them, to get graded or judged. Now it’s just for you. Because life is short and long and time is all there is. It's there inside you, those passions. That essential part of you that never left, it just got mislaid along the way. All it takes is a little courage to find that voice again, to say "Excuse me, this is me we're talking about here. My bliss, my loves, my ecstasies."

  • The art of moving away - Q&A

    14/04/2024 Duração: 38min

    I have always talked about turning fear of the unknown into excitement for the endless possibilities. When you don’t know what’s going to happen, anything can happen. Everything is possible now. How exciting is that?! So instead of being scared of not knowing what's going to happen, you can learn to view uncertainty as something exciting. Honestly, I believe it’s one of the greatest mindsets to learn because fear of the unknown will hold you back like nothing else. It will keep you hostage in dark relationships, stuck in a job you hate, or stuck in a city you don’t love because you’re simply scared to make a change. There is no better feeling than being on your way to unknown lands, truly feeling deep in your core that you’re driving towards unlimited opportunities in life, and now it’s up to you.

  • I lost a friend

    30/03/2024 Duração: 11min

    Losing people is a part of life, I do not think we can avoid it. So it’s the way we move forward that counts. I’ve moved on from people without looking back; without wanting to spend any more time dwelling or thinking or reliving. But I also think you can move while also treasuring a place for them in your heart, forever. Moving on doesn’t always mean forgetting. Moving on can mean: building on, honoring, treasuring, and remembering. And maybe one day, when we’re old and grey, we’ll find ourselves back in our hometown on Christmas Eve at the same old pub. "So, Dave, tell me about the last 30 years of your life". And he’ll go… "it started when I moved to Nashville". And I will smile and listen and laugh and cry and then I’ll tell him about Porto, where it started for me, and where I went after that. We’ll have another whisky and drink to life, for its wonderful and cruel ways of turning friends into strangers and, on lucky days, strangers into friends and friends into family.  Find my book

  • My new life in Portugal <> the art of starting over

    17/03/2024 Duração: 38min

    I'm back ♡ I missed talking to you! I sold all my belongings and moved to Portugal. To start over, once more. Let's chat about it. Life is weird and strange and uncertain and absolutely wonderful. DM me your thoughts and stories on IG: @justaglasschild Find all my books and music and links at “What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? - it's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.”― Jack Kerouac

  • People say there is sadness in my eyes

    24/09/2023 Duração: 04min

    A writing from my book Everything Changed When I Forgave Myself ♡ They say you can trace a person’s history, hidden emotions and unhealed scars in their appearance. How you act, how you walk, how you laugh. Do you have a broken heart? It shows. Are you in love? It shows. They say bad skin reveals stress or anxiety. Do you blink a lot or do you keep a steady gaze during a conversation? Do you talk clearly with strong support from your stomach, or do you speak quietly and fast, running over your words? Have you ever tried not to eat, just to keep some sort of focus? Sad people either sleep a lot or not at all. I often wonder what people see when they look at me. What energy do I send out? Do I look happy? Do I look sad? Do I look friendly? Do I look like someone you'd want to hang out with? Do I look like someone you could like? Do I look insecure, or like I'm strong and sure, a role model to follow? Do I look like someone who threw my fist into a mirror because I simply saw myself in there and coul

  • Human interaction: the most complicated form of happiness [Book Excerpt]

    20/09/2023 Duração: 03min

    An excerpt from my book Everything Changed When I Forgave Myself. Pick up a signed copy of my book in my store here, or find it on Amazon ♡ They tell me I have an interesting life. Going places, seeing people, and I shrug my shoulders as I pour another drink, sitting lonely on my floor in my empty room, another Sunday, in another city, like I’ve done so many times for so many years and they tell me I’m lucky and should be grateful. And yes, I am grateful. I was grateful walking lonely through a freezing Berlin on Christmas Eve last year and I was grateful as I lied about my name and job and age to everyone I met and meet and if you seek the papers where I’ve been the last years you will find nothing. Or at best, or worst, a spread-out girl leaving small traces here and there, covering it up with different states of mind or jobs or name and there was a time they said I would go places. I would go places, they said, once, way back when. And this is what I think of as I’m sitting lonely on the train home from

  • Random thoughts on art and social media from the country side

    17/09/2023 Duração: 18min

    Come find me

  • I have no cares in the world [Book Excerpt]

    03/09/2023 Duração: 03min

    This is a writing from my book Everything Changed When I Forgave Myself

  • Life As An Independent Artist [REPLAY]

    20/08/2023 Duração: 55min

    What does it actually mean to be an independent creator (artist, author, photographer...) and why did I become one? In this replay episode [from the archive!] I share my own story of how I built my little career and how you can too ♡

  • Travel Q&A: How to find cheap accommodation, how to pack, loneliness and friendships

    06/08/2023 Duração: 46min

    Come hang with me as I answer ALL the questions about vagabonding, loneliness, travel hacks and more!

  • How I Get Through Hard Times [REPLAY]

    22/07/2023 Duração: 40min

    The number 1 most popular episode of all time is back! “Your relationship with your future self is the most important relationship in your life.” Future me, whom I looked up to 3 years ago, is me now, and that’s why I feel so familiar with myself because I’ve communicated with future me for years. I’m really grateful to past me for putting in the work, pushing on, making plans, and creating, because without past me doing this, my life would look very different now. So when I go through hard times, I try to think about future me in a year from now, or just 6 months from now. What can I do today, that future me will be really really grateful for? What can I do today, to make life for future me a little easier and more beautiful?

  • Long-Term Travel on a Minimal Budget

    04/07/2023 Duração: 01h21min

    Today we're diving into the topic of living a wandering or vagabonding life on a minimal budget. We'll explore how it is possible to create any lifestyle you want for yourself if you just want it bad enough. If you’re ready to sacrifice the lifestyle you have right now. If you’re willing to paint a little bit outside the box. We will talk about how to create a remote working career and what doors it might open up for you, how to be smart with your money, how to live simply and minimally, and how embracing solitude can unlock a life filled with incredible experiences and long-term travel. So, if you've ever dreamed of wandering the globe but thought, "I can't afford it" or "I'm not born into wealth" or "what about my job," this episode is for you. My goal in life is to show by example, how it’s possible to live a life on your own terms, a life that gets you excited to wake up every single morning, and how this life is 100% possible to create, if you just want

  • Charles Bukowski, poetry and going mad for what you believe in.

    11/06/2023 Duração: 33min

    “What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.”― Charles Bukowski

  • Sunday book chat - Jack Kerouac and nomadic living

    28/05/2023 Duração: 23min

    “Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.” ― Jack Kerouac, On the Road Hi! Let me introduce you to one of my absolute favorite writers, Jack Kerouac, and three incredible books that have had a profound impact on me as a writer: "On The Road," "The Dharma Bums," and "Big Sur." What makes Kerouac so special? Well, he believed in embracing the present moment and fully immersing oneself in life, breaking free from societal norms and expectations. His words beautifully captured the raw beauty and intensity of his experiences, treating life itself as a work of art. With his philosophy of "spontaneous prose," he encouraged writers to follow the natural rhythm and flow of their minds, avoiding rigid structures and rules. Trust me, once you dive into Kerouac's world, you'll understand why I'm so passionate about him! If you decide to pick up one of his books, I'd love to hear about your experience.

  • Freedom or Commitment? Conformity or isolation? • The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

    20/05/2023 Duração: 20min

    “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” by Milan Kundera is one of the most beautiful and complex novels I’ve discovered. It’s reflecting on something that I’m struggling with a lot right now: lightness versus heaviness. Commitment versus freedom. As I’m writing on my 6th book, I’m going to share some of the books and authors I’m reading, studying and finding comfort in and that will massively influence my new book.

  • 13 Truths About Being Alive || Part 3

    13/05/2023 Duração: 36min

    7. Don’t think you know yourself. You're an ever-evolving incredibly vast thing. You’re not static. Wake up every day excited to discover new sides of yourself. New passions, new hobbies, new talents. Be your own biggest change-supporter. 8. Have less, do more. Simplicity is the key to everlasting peace. Learn to live on as little as possible. 9. Embrace unexpected opportunities. 10. You can never save people, but you can inspire them to believe they can save themselves. 11. Build a connection with the natural world. Greet Father Sky, thank Mother Earth. Meditate. Walk barefoot. Eat foods from the ground. We’re all under the same sky. 12. It’s ok to spend a year on your own if that’s what you need right now. It’s okay to go quiet. It’s okay to pause that dream, pause that project, cancel the contract and just sit and watch the waves come and go in some lonesome town in Portugal. It’s all ok. Trust your story. Be where you are and don’t be sorry. 13. Your only task is to live.

  • 13 Truths About Being Alive || Part 2

    29/04/2023 Duração: 19min

    Part two of the 13 truths I have learned about being alive. Part 3 coming next week! 3. Don’t underestimate yourself. If you don’t have the necessary skillset now, you can develop it. If you don’t have the resources now, you can get them. If you haven’t met the right people yet, you’re just getting ready for them. Everything is possible if you just want it bad enough.
 4. Slow down. Stay in bed an extra hour. Sip your coffee while watching the clouds drifts. Read the instructions one more time. Fast is no longer useful. Slow, steady, conscious, and aware—that’s the way to go. 5. Uncertainty can grow into excitement if you learn to trust your own path. 6. Friends are hard to find. Take care of them when you do. Find all my books, music, and story here: Find me on IG: @justaglasschild Signed copies of my books:

  • 13 Truths About Being Alive (after 32 years on this planet) || Part 1

    16/04/2023 Duração: 25min

    What I’ve learned after 32 years on this planet ✦ People will come into your life to present you with moments or hard truths about yourself, and then they will leave. This is the law of constant movement. Life is not static & you must learn to flow with each season without looking back. Don’t desperately hold on to people who are meant to move on. Send them love & be grateful for the memories. When you forget about the HOW, go back to the WHY. When you know WHY you want to do/become/feel/achieve something, you will easily find your HOW. The books I'm recommending in the episode: The Desire Map - Danielle LaPorte Find Your Why - Simon Sinek Start With Why - Simon Sinek Come find everything I do and create at ♡

  • Breaking Up With A City

    03/04/2023 Duração: 11min

    Relationships with cities are very much like relationships with people. Sometimes even stronger, or more formative. You fall into them feeling like a child. Everything is new and exciting, endless opportunities, everything is possible. You wake up in a rented bed, smiling not knowing what the day will bring, and you lie down at night taking a long exhale, perfectly overwhelmed by all new smells and sounds and sights and sounds. You feel like your life has restarted. You imagine yourself in this new relationship, who you could be now, who you could grow to be, the life you could live out. Shiny. Everything is shiny. But you change and sometimes the person, or city, you’re in a relationship with does not, or just changes in a different direction, and one day you find yourself in an argument and you can’t seem to reach each other. Like suddenly you speak two different languages and nothing translates. You flail your arms, raising the white flag, not understanding where you’re being misunderstood, but off you bo

  • Coffee chat - Part 2! ☕️ Answering all your questions!

    03/03/2023 Duração: 43min

    Hanging out sipping coffee, answering all your questions ☕️ More stuff from little me here:

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