Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

13 Truths About Being Alive (after 32 years on this planet) || Part 1



What I’ve learned after 32 years on this planet ✦ People will come into your life to present you with moments or hard truths about yourself, and then they will leave. This is the law of constant movement. Life is not static & you must learn to flow with each season without looking back. Don’t desperately hold on to people who are meant to move on. Send them love & be grateful for the memories. When you forget about the HOW, go back to the WHY. When you know WHY you want to do/become/feel/achieve something, you will easily find your HOW. The books I'm recommending in the episode: The Desire Map - Danielle LaPorte Find Your Why - Simon Sinek Start With Why - Simon Sinek Come find everything I do and create at ♡