Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 63:51:50
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Artisan Angela shares weekly lessons from Self Coaching Scholars Class through The Life Coach School


  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 133, Are You Doing What You Want?

    14/07/2021 Duração: 13min

    Make sure you grab a notebook before listening to this episode! I'm taking you through a fun exercise that will help you see how you are spending your time versus how you WANT to be spending your time. When you do this exercise with me, you will immediately feel inspired to start to do more of what you want and it doesn't have to be hard or complicated. When you start doing things you actually want to be doing.. you will feel less inclined to seek alcohol or food for that quick hit of pleasure and your life will be fulfilling and you won't need to escape it! **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 132, Getting To The Root and Dry July

    07/07/2021 Duração: 18min

    Tune in this week and hear me explain why just doing Dry July or saying you won't drink during the week doesn't create permanent change with your relationship to alcohol. Understanding WHY you are over-drinking is critical to changing how much you drink. And if you skip this part you will find that all the little breaks and challenges you do will be temporary at best. If you are looking for real change you will not want to miss this episode!   **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 131, Group Discussion: Spouses/Partners Who Drink

    01/07/2021 Duração: 57min

    I've been asked frequently how to cut back on drinking when your spouse/partner also over-drinks.Well, I brought in some experts in this area, my badass clients, who have successfully cut back in spite of their partner's drinking habits.We will uncover how they made cutting back work for them WHILE their spouses continued doing what they do with alcohol.I also share my own experience in working on my own drinking while my husband had his own relationship with alcohol.You DO NOT want to miss this one.   I am also inviting you to join me for a FREE Masterclass called Drink Less, Summer More!July 1st at 6:30pm EST and July 6th at 1:00pm EST.Sign up by clicking this link:   **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 130, What Other People Think

    24/06/2021 Duração: 15min

    This week I discuss the impact of worrying about what other people think about us.If you have worried what other people might think about you not drinking or cutting back this is a must listen!I also discuss how we take on other people’s thoughts and it causes us to get defensive and can create more problems that can be avoided by letting them have their own thoughts and focusing on what we want to think instead!I am also inviting you to join me for a FREE Masterclass called Drink Less, Summer More!July 1st at 6:30pm EST and July 6th at 1:00pm EST.Sign up by clicking this link:   **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 129, Your Enduring Human Spirit

    16/06/2021 Duração: 10min

    This week's podcast is inspired by my recent trip to New York City and visiting the One World Trade Center and the sight of the 9/11 attacks. I hadn't been there since 2006, so it looked a lot different, it was gorgeous. It was very moving and I couldn't help but think about the human spirit and how it endures hardships and often comes out of hardships even better than before. That's what I saw in NYC this past weekend. Just like many of you, who have overcome their struggle with alcohol, this area where the twin towers used to live was like a phoenix rising from the ashes, stronger and more beautiful than before. On July 4, 2004, they laid a cornerstone of the new 'freedom tower' now called the One World Trade Center, a 20 ton piece of granite inscribed with these words 'enduring spirit of freedom.' Just like Americans value their freedom and won't let anyone take that away from them YOU have an enduring spirit within you that is with you no matter what, in hardship and in joy. Tune in this week and hear how

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 128, Taking a New Route

    09/06/2021 Duração: 16min

    This week I'm discussing the process of taking a new route with your drinking patterns.We all know what it's like to learn something new. It takes time. It takes repetition. It takes making mistakes along the way.But when it comes to learning how to stop over-drinking.. we expect perfection.. we are hard on ourselves when we don't do it perfectly.This episode illustrates just how automatic the process of over-drinking has been for us.We don't have to consciously * think * too hard about doing it. We just do.It's the same process as driving home from work.. we don't really have to think about which roads to turn on, we just know and do it.Now, change the route home and try to do that without thinking too hard.. well, you will probably miss some turns.Change the silver ware drawer in your kitchen.. notice how often you go back to grab the silverware in the old location.Taking a new route with alcohol requires us paying attention, getting conscious about our old patterns and having a new route mapped out in adva

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 127, Stop Fighting For Your Problems

    02/06/2021 Duração: 16min

    In this week's episode, I highlight how we have a tendency to 'fight for our problems.' Meaning, we like to say 'I can't stop.. I keep doing xxxxx... I'm never gonna figure this out..'As humans, we like to highlight our past patterns and fight for evidence that it's hard for us to change. But when we do this, we just keep convincing ourselves that we are right. And you will keep creating the exact problems you DON'T WANT TO HAVE.So, in this episode, I'm teaching you how you can STOP fighting for your current struggles and START fighting for what you WANT instead.Link to sign up for TONIGHTS (6/2/21) FREE Public Q+A call with Angela @ 7:00 pm EST to register for SODSL: The CONFERENCE (6/4/21 - 6/6/21) Link to apply for Angela's 6-month coaching program, watch the 3 videos and then apply:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 126, Bypassing Emotions

    26/05/2021 Duração: 20min

    I am digging in this week on what it means to bypass your feelings.What happens when you don't allow yourself to be sad [insert any emotion]?When you think you 'shouldn't' be sad.. and don't acknowledge that you ARE sad you are bypassing how you feel.This causes a disconnect and you become out of alignment with what is happening inside of you and who you are.And you notice that disconnect subtly.. you might think 'what is wrong with me?' or 'Why aren't I happy..?' 'Or what am I supposed to be doing..'You might notice more buffering like over-drinking or overeating and avoiding doing things that you actually want to be doing.Acknowledging that you ARE experiencing an emotion is exactly what we should be doing.There is nothing wrong with you for having feelings. All humans have them, we just aren't taught about them and what to do with them when they come up.Honoring yourself and naming and accepting the feelings you have is the way to preventing more problems like over-drinking or overeating down the line.Your

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 125, How to Identify Self-Sabotage

    19/05/2021 Duração: 21min

    I used to think self-sabotage meant I was doing something wrong.. and I didn’t like thinking that about myself so I haven’t enjoyed using the term self-sabotage until now. I now think self-sabotage is actions I'm doing that aren’t helping me get the results I want. When I think about it this way I feel curious and open to figuring out why I’m doing things I really don't want to do. Being willing to learn about your own self-sabotaging behaviors is taking responsibility for actions you take that don’t create the results you want. For most of you that would mean drinking more than you actually want. For example, wanting and planning that you will only drink 2 and you end up drinking 4, if you do that over and over again, we want to look at that and see why. Humans will always self-sabotage, it’s what we do. So, there is nothing wrong with you. We have limiting beliefs about ourselves and other people and those beliefs often cause us to do things we don’t really want to do. They won’t go away.. but we can shine

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 124, When Things Change

    12/05/2021 Duração: 17min

    Humans like to know what is going to happen. We like routine, structure and doing the same things.. because it's predictable, we know what to expect, and we don't have to constantly scan for danger. Because of this we might be feeling a little unsettled right now as the US starts to open back up and we have more social engagements, travel opportunities, or as we go back to work and being around more people and commuting. A lot of you have been working on how much you are drinking and you might have noticed an uptick in drinking more or are worried that you won't be able to stick to your new non-over drinking habits as you become more social. This podcast episode addresses these changes and gives you some tools to make sure you recognize what might be triggering you to want to drink more or worry about drinking more. Tune and and make sure you stay 'in-tune' with yourself so you can recognize triggers before you start drinking more than you actually want to.   Stop Over-drinking and Start Living: The CONFERENC

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 123, Why It’s Hard to Say NO

    05/05/2021 Duração: 19min

    It's hard to say no to other people sometimes, right? And WHY is that the case, especially for women? Well.. maybe it's because if you stood up and said NO you got in trouble when you were a kid. Maybe.. you have been told by family, society, work, -that you shouldn't be too loud, talk back, disagree... And if you have a hard time saying NO I want you to know that you can learn how. But it takes some awareness of how you might be holding back. This week's podcast I describe how I've held myself back and having a lack of boundaries because pleasing other people came before pleasing myself. And when you do that you often feel discouraged, frustrated, and are hard on yourself for not saying what you actually wanted to and then at the end of the day you DRINK. Learning how to say NO AND speaking your truth and having boundaries for yourself is an art and it takes practice and awareness and the willingness to feel uncomfortable on purpose. But listen, friends, when you do... your mind and your energy will crack so

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 122, I Get To

    28/04/2021 Duração: 13min

    I GET TO SAY NO. But listen.. just over 3 years ago, 'getting to say no' was not an option. I would have thought 'I can't say no,' or 'saying no isn't an option' or really.. NO was not even a consideration. It wouldn't even have crossed my mind that saying no easily could be a possibility. If I had been in one of the cycles of trying to cut back I might have thought 'I shouldn't have that drink..' or 'I said I wasn't going to drink, but I don't want to hurt their feelings' or 'screw it everyone else is drinking, I should be able to have a glass or 2, I'm a grown-ass adult who takes care of my shit.' Getting to say no feels like a freaking privilege. It feels like I have choices. It feels powerful. I get to say NO just like I get to say Yes if I want to. Getting to the place where I get to say NO was the most exciting journey I've ever been on.And I want to share how you can get here too. Tune in and listen.   **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link belo

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 121, Are You Being Too Nice to Yourself?

    21/04/2021 Duração: 14min

    This week's episode explores how you can end shaming yourself when you over-drink AND find compassion when you do. 'I'm gonna be easy on myself and not be too I'm gonna allow myself to have a drink.' This is not being nice to yourself or being easy on yourself. Being nice to yourself looks like checking in with yourself, asking yourself why you want a drink in the first place, slowing down and processing those feelings, and supporting yourself in the ways you WANT to instead of your default of going for that drink. That is compassion for yourself. You are acknowledging that you want something or feel stressed or whatever it is, and you are validating those feelings which is the most loving way you can support yourself. Drinking and deciding to drink and 'take it easy' on yourself and let up on your goals, IS NOT BEING NICE. Because when you do that you are numbing a part of you that wants to be heard and felt and listened to. Tune in as I dive into the balance of not being hard on yourself AND how

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 120, Relationships and Our Manuals For Them

    15/04/2021 Duração: 26min

    This week I'm discussing what is a relationship and all the rules we have in all the different relationships we are in. Uncovering these rules we hold in our minds for the people we are in relationships with is critical to improving our relationships. Our relationships are a big part of our lives and learning how to improve or change one relationship can have a ripple effect in all the other relationships you have, and it's worth every minute you decide to work on it. This is a must-listen for everyone whether you struggle with over-drinking or not.   **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 119, Why Do We Judge Other People?

    07/04/2021 Duração: 12min

    This week's episode is a juicy one.I've been coaching a lot around Covid and all the issues we have with other people and their decisions on masking, not masking, getting vaccinated, not getting vaccinated, traveling vs not traveling, school or no school.This debates on this are about as hot as a presidential election.We get very attached to how people should be acting during this pandemic and it's having an impact in our daily life.I did some research on why humans are so quick to judge and what I found comes down to how our brains are programmed.Basically, it's easier to judge than to pause and take mental energy to think about why the other person might be doing something different than you.Tune in and learn why we judge and how you can see the impact it might be having in your life. Links mentioned in the Podcast:   **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching progr

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 118, Swearing and the Patriarchy

    31/03/2021 Duração: 51min

    Patriarchy, as I define it is a set of beliefs and systems where men hold more power and women have less.One small example of 'the patriarchy' is the beliefs that 'we' women shouldn't swear in so-called professional environments.I have received enough feedback on my swearing and how it's not 'professional' that I wanted to dive deeper into these sets of beliefs, that a lot of WOMEN have.Yes, women can hold patriarchal beliefs that they've adapted from our systems and societies as well. Please join me in this very lively discussion with my colleagues, Corinne Crabtree, Susan Hyatt, Brig Johnson and Kara Loewentheil. All of these women show up authentically in their business and swear away. And they've got A LOT to say about it.This is what I know.I used to hold myself back from who I really was. I wanted to appear 'polished' and 'professional' and didn't swear in public. And when I held myself back from who I am, I DRANK, a lot. I also overate A LOT.So, when I started my journey to stop over-drinking and start

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 117, How to Take Care of Yourself

    24/03/2021 Duração: 19min

    This is a must-listen podcast episode as we approach the next season of the pandemic. We might be experiencing a range of emotions as things start to 'go back to normal.' And your brain is going to need to adjust, again, to change. You might find yourself worried, anxious, or scared even when at the same time you want to start doing more things. This is normal. Tune in to hear my list of 10 things you can do to take extra good care of yourself during this time.   **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 116, Are You Porning Out Over Wine?

    17/03/2021 Duração: 19min

    Ha! This week is a FUN one. I describe how we get really worked up in our heads about our love for our favorite drinks and how this creates a very strong desire for the drink which often leads to over-drinking. I've coined this concept 'porning out.' Similar to fantasizing on how awesome sex would be we fantasize on how good that glass of wine will be. But if you really pay attention to this and look at the truth and the reality of that glass of wine you will quickly see it isn't as good as the story in your head. Tune in, it's a good one y'all!   **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 115, What is Mindset Coaching?

    10/03/2021 Duração: 24min

    What is Mindset Coaching? I get asked all the time what kind of coach I am. And it's a great question because there are a lot of different coaching modalities out there. I coach you on your mind. I show you how your thoughts are creating your results in your life. The first step is awareness and then you have options. A lot of people want specific instructions on what to DO. And I don't tell you what to do. I coach you on how to think differently and create new thought patterns that will drive the actions you want to take and then your actions become more impactful. Tune in listen to the difference between mindset coaching versus action type coaching.   **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 114, Your Unconscious Bias

    04/03/2021 Duração: 24min

    Unconscious Bias (or implicit bias) is often defined as prejudice or unsupported judgments in favor of or against one thing, person, or group as compared to another, in a way that is usually considered unfair. In this week's episode, I'm talking about our own unconscious bias we have against our own bodies or ourselves. I explore how you can find an unconscious bias you have toward women who look different than what we as a society consider 'normal.' Women in larger bodies, women with non-white skin color, women who dress outside of the norm, older women who wear 'younger' women's clothing, women who dress too sexy, women who expose their bodies more than what we believe is acceptable. When you have this unconscious bias happening (WE ALL HAVE IT BTW) and then you want to change your own body or health, ie lose weight, stop over-drinking, then you turn those biases towards yourself. I help you see how this shows up in your mind and how you can get aware of it, and start to let go of some of these biases so yo

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