Common Censored

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 100:57:49
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With Lee Camp and Eleanor Goldfield. Censored stories, sensible solutions and common ground movements to fight and build.And sometimes other stuff


  • Episode 243 - What Can The World Court Do Now, UK Plots Against Journalist, American Gas Chambers

    29/01/2024 Duração: 59min

    Welp, the ICJ ruling has come down as you've now likely heard - what does it mean, what does it do and where do we go from here? Meanwhile in the shared category of horrific acts, the US can now add gassing prisoners to its tally of human rights violations. This past week, a prisoner in Alabama was tortured and ultimately murdered by the state using nitrogen gas.  But wait, there's more: A new investigation at the border shows that Border Patrol doesn't just actively try to kill migrants and refugees, they kill them through decisive passivity - as in ignoring their calls for help.  PLUS the UK plots against a truthteller, NATO are Naz*s (no really), and more!

  • Episode 242 - US Admits It Aims to Suppress Democracy, Rent Is Killing Us, Rest in Power Klee Benally

    08/01/2024 Duração: 56min

    And now for a list of things you knew but didn't have official confirmation on! Amidst its ongoing support for genocide in Gaza, a US representative said the quiet part loud and just straight up said (or slipped) that the US is all about suppressing democracy.  Next up, the struggle to pay rent in the US is actually killing us sooner.  The US is implicated in South Africa's case of genocide - more on that via Eleanor's latest show on Project Censored.  We can't green colonialist or green capitalist our ways out of our current system. The whole damn system has to go. And there was perhaps no one who put it better and lived it more fully than Klee Benally. Rest in Power.

  • Episode 241 - How US Media Laid the Groundwork for Israel's Onslaught, Thoughtcrimes Against Apartheid, Get Them Kids Back To Work!

    20/12/2023 Duração: 56min

    'Tis the season! Earlier this month, rad Jews celebrated the eight nights of Chanukah with direct action blocking business as usual in the face of genocide.  Several Jewish elders also locked themselves to the gates of the White House in protest of the US support for genocide.  Meanwhile, it's already a crime to boycott Israel in about 30 states. But now, thoughtcrimes against Israel could also be illegal.  Child labor is no big deal, right? It's so not a big deal that in Florida, the argument is no longer about whether kids should work but whether the kids at work deserve any worker's rights.  PLUS further proof Bezos is a penis wrinkle, and MORE! 

  • Episode 240 - Why Go After Poets, Neoliberalism The Long Road to Fascism, And YOU Get a Grenade Launcher!

    11/12/2023 Duração: 01h03min

    It's not worth discussing COP(out)28 much, but here's an action that draws the important connection between what's happening in Palestine to the greenwashing farce of the COP meetings.  Last week, a much beloved and powerful poet and teacher Refaat Alareer was murdered by Israel. He was specifically targeted - why? Why is it so important to go after the poets, the storytellers? In Europe, the far right continues to gain momentum. It's not hard to see why once you consider the fact that neoliberalism is the long road to fascism. 2023 is already beating out all previous years on record when it comes to gun violence and mass killings in the US. Congress (and yes, Dems too) deserves a healthy dose of blame for never passing common sense gun legislation AND we can't talk about gun violence in this country unless we address the culture of violence that drives it, and the networks of far right wing men who goad each other into committing acts of terrorism for their ideological aims.  PLUS senior and childhood povert

  • Episode 239 - Inside and Under the Hospital, Calls for a Ceasefire Continue, War Pigs Making Bank

    27/11/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    The media has moved on from the breathtakingly horrific terrorist raid on Al Shifa hospital - so here are some things worth nothing, insde and under. Actions for Palestine continue across the country while these war pigs making bank off of the continued genoc1de.  PLUS a guy who thinks H1tler was just a really intense tourguide, the rad tactics in Atlanta to block cop city AND MORE!  *Note: this episode was recorded on November 16th, 2023  

  • Episode 238 - State Department Fumbles Over Zionist Illogic, Connecting Struggles From Atlanta to Gaza

    13/11/2023 Duração: 01h04min

    A State Dept talking head was tasked with defending the US' backing of genocide, and it goes about as smoothly as you'd expect. Not so side note, hats off to Sam Husseini for not rushing the stage... In that same vein, Eleanor and Lee dig into some popular talking points in the ongoing Zionist mental gymnastics and how to approach/debunk them.  Finally, the days of action to Block Cop City are here, and here's why that matters in the context of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. 

  • Episode 237 - Zelensky's Inner Circle Admits It's Over, Unprecedented Secret Weapon Deals

    06/11/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    What with a genoc*de unfolding, folks would be forgiven for not paying attention to Ukraine. But since we last spoke of good ole Zelensky, it seems that things are not looking up for him. In fact, it's gotten to the point where even his closest advisers are admitting that there is no path to victory for them. So, what now? More udpates on what's happening in Palestine as well as what's happening here - be it Biden's request for secret arms deals or cracks in the facade of Israeli propaganda - to the point that even Wolf Blitzer, former AIPAC man, is questioning carpet bombing children.

  • Episode 236 - Europe Makes Solidarity With The Oppressed Illegal, Should We Call It A Genocide?

    30/10/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    We must never lose our ability to be disgusted, even if we quickly lose our ability to be shocked.  Congress voted (in a totally pointless display of awfulness) to support genocide.  Oh and should we call it "genocide?" Here's a look at what that term means and how it applies.  PLUS Europe makes moves to crackdown on solidarity with the oppressed, tears for Ukrainians, shrugs for Palestinians. 

  • Episode 235 - The US War on Peace, Most Zionists Are Christian

    23/10/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    Imagine a US President standing up in front of Congress and demanding money for healthcare, education, infrastructure, reforestation. Hard to do, huh? Now imagine a US President standing up in front of Congress demanding $100 billion for war. Pretty easy to imagine, right? Well, that's because it happened. And that's because it's toally in line with what the US empire cherishes most: war.  PLUS fun fact: most Zionists aren't Jews, they're Christian. And if we're gonna talk hostages, we gotta talk about all the hostages. And MORE!

  • Episode 234 - Why These Two Jews Support Palestine

    16/10/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    It's been a non-stop barrage of propaganda from the corporate media, and if you follow alternative sources, it's been non-stop vital reporting of the horrifying facts from the ground.  Lee and Eleanor wade through this to contextualize what's going on, where the nuance lies and why we fundamentally support the Palestinian struggle for freedom.

  • Episode 233 - Walls Don't Work So Let's Build One, US Invading Haiti, Why Drag Shows Are Dangerous

    11/10/2023 Duração: 58min

    With much himming and hawing, Biden announces his administration's fast tracking of border wall construction - because walls don't work! Wait, what? Meanwhile, the US is invading Haiti - but not like officially.  In other news, drag shows are dangerous - because they threaten the heteronormative patriarchal state.  PLUS good and bad news from California! 

  • Episode 232 - Lee Camp Attacked For Being Anti-War, Democrats and Republicans Reach Across Aisle To Punch The Unhoused

    02/10/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    Oh Mother Jones, how horrified you be to know that your name is being used to smear legitimate leftists! Eleanor and Lee peruse a new hit piece against Lee and two presidential candidates for being...anti-war.  Meanwhile, did you know that it's Russia's fault that Canada harbored N*zis after the 2nd world war and gave a standing ovation to one in their Parliament?  Back in the US of A, Dems and Republicans are once again working together - this time, it's to ensure their ability to violate the basic human rights of the unhoused because they find them icky.  PLUS read Banned Books!

  • Episode 231 - West Virginia's Chernobyl, A Tale of Two UN Speeches, World's 5th Largest Economy Sues Big Oil

    25/09/2023 Duração: 01h56s

    Israeli forces are concerned about their government - because they want to keep murdering children.  Hey, war in Ukraine is over! But Uncle Sam can't stop, won't stop. Look no further than Biden's address to the UN where he used his time to have a sandbox tiff of propaganda against Russia. Meanwhile, President of Brazil Lula da Silva used his time to highlight the grotesque terror campaign against truthteller Julian Assange.  In the world's 5th largest economy, the government is going after big oil. What will this lead to? In West Virginia, kids are using a radioactive dump site as a hangout - because they don't realize how dangerous it is. PLUS updates from the movement to Stop Cop City.   

  • Episode 230 - Striking Strategies, Block Cop City, Google Nimbus Apartheid, Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse

    18/09/2023 Duração: 59min

    UAW's striking strategy looks different than some expected and others hoped. Relatedly, some Google employees take a stand against the company's role in perpetuating apartheid.  A call to action this November: Block Cop City! And this continued push against this highly unpopular project marks one of the many reasons why Stop Cop City is so dangerous to the ruling establishment: it lays bare how remarkably undemocratic our system really is. Four horsement of the apocalypse? That's so 2,000 years ago. How about 5. These are the 5 nations that will drill us to death by 2050.  PLUS proof that the rich really do want you to die!

  • Episode 229 - A Bird, A Plane? No! It's A Cop Drone In Your Backyard!

    05/09/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    Hope y'all had a good weekend filled with drones spying on you in the name of the law... Meanwhile, the EPA has tossed 63% of all wetlands out of its purview of giving a shit (not that it gave much of a shit to begin with), and oh how apt, this has a lot to do with the wildfires in Maui! Be it banning the history of US racism and genocide or the banning of books, thousands of school districts across the country have fallen prey to so-called "education intimidation bills." PLUS flight attendants authorize a strike, taxing the rich ain't enough, and MORE!

  • Episode 228 - The Remarkable and Avoidable Failures of Maui Officials, A Salamander Stole Your Vote, and I Got Chased by a Bear

    28/08/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    Much of the disastrous wildfires on Maui could not be avoided thanks to decades of capitalist and colonialist destruction. But some of it, particularly the numbers of dead and missing - could have been avoided.  It's a topsy turvy world so why wouldn't there be an onomatopoeia-esque consolidation of our food system... PLUS Yard Rock 2024 attends BRICS summit, Eleanor got chased by a bear, salamanders stole your vote and MORE!  p.s. yes, we did talk about Trump but only to talk about why it's dumb to talk about :)

  • Episode 227 - Cops Stole Your DNA, Justice Department Confirms There's No Right To Livable Climate

    21/08/2023 Duração: 59min

    If you've ever gotten a glimpse into your family tree via a DNA-testing service, well now the cops have a glimpse into you - literally. It wouldn't be a Democrat in office if they weren't kicking millions of people off of Medicaid while also saying what a shame it is that millions are being kicked off of Medicaid.  Eleanor's new film is out on August 22nd! Check out the trailer and get the film at  

  • Episode 226 - What's Driving Maui Fires, Forcing a Pipeline Through a US Rainforest

    14/08/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    The wildfires on Maui are the worst in US history. Here's a look at what's really driving them and a few ideas on support that isn't the god damn Red Cross (sereiously y'all, don't give money to the Red Cross). Meanwhile, the US government including Congress, Biden and even the fucking Supreme Court are all working hard to ensure that the Mountain Valley Pipeline gets shoved through one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, Appalachia. But pipeline fighters aren't taking this fight lying down - unless of course, they're locking down.  And in the midst of this, it appears that the US' plan for dealing with climate chaos is to build back better...military bases...  PLUS deforestation in the Amazon is actually decreasing, and we can't talk about war unless we talk about the petro-dollar, and MORE!

  • Episode 225 - Schools Crumbling, Millions of Kids in Poverty & The Pentagon Needs Money for Whiteboards!

    07/08/2023 Duração: 01h04min

    The Pentagon might have a budget of over $1 trillion but they're somehow short on whiteboards... Meanwhile, schools are literally falling apart and students are freezing, boiling and being piled into trailers in order to learn about the gloriousness and exceptionalism of 'Murica.  And absolutely relatedly, 11 million of the 70+ million children in the US live in extreme poverty.  In other news, cells taken without consent from a Black woman back in the 50s have been used for scientific research for more than half a century.  PLUS some updates/discussion on the Teamsters/UPS tentative agreement and is Flint getting UBI?

  • Episode 224 - Child Labor Laws Are So Last Century, How a News Outlet Staged a Coup

    31/07/2023 Duração: 01h36s

    Slap a new name on it and you got yourself a Trump-era policy in Democrat swatches! Biden's  asylum ban has recently been halted by a Federal Judge, but the administration is already challenging the Judge's order. Here's a scoop on the aslyum ban, and how so-called sanctuary cities are leaning on mutual aid groups in order to live up to their name.  From kids in cages to kids in deep fat friers, child labor laws are so last century! Indeed, why even bother paying a 10-year old mopping floors at 2am?? News outlets aren't just for peddling propaganda anymore! They can be frontline fighters in the push to overthrowing democratically elected governments! PLUS in the wake of record-breaking heat waves, our government is forcing through a fracked gas pipeline, and MORE!  

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