Common Censored

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 100:57:49
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With Lee Camp and Eleanor Goldfield. Censored stories, sensible solutions and common ground movements to fight and build.And sometimes other stuff


  • Episode 203 - When Not To Boil Your Water, Dancing On the Queen's Grave, Ukraine For Sale, and More!

    13/09/2022 Duração: 01h31min

    Folks in Baltimore found themselves on the "boil your water" advisory list as the disgusting state of US water quality becomes ever more clear...unlike the water. Meanwhile, as much as we spend on military in one year is what we need to spend to completely overhaul our water system - over the next 25 years. As people in the US struggle to find water to drink, thousands in Pakistan struggle to stay afloat in the torrential floods. US media has barely reported on this, and has certainly failed to mention the US' role in this catastrophe.  The Queen of England is dead. Here's a short list of why millions around the world would line up just to dance on her grave... A bit to the east, Zelensky is quite literally selling Ukraine to the highest bidders - no really, he opened up the NYSE as part of a new project to sell off Ukrainian assets to foreign investors. And finally, Biden is asking for $47 billion in pandemic relief. Totally unrelatedly, Biden has sent about $40 billion to Ukraine.

  • Episode 202 - Minimum Wage Now In Sandwiches, You Already Have This Virus, and Even Henry Kissinger is Anti-War Now?

    24/08/2022 Duração: 01h01min

    Next time you're craving a chicken sandwich, just think: that could be your minimum wage! It sounded like a good deal to Chick-Fil-A... Meanwhile unionization via workplace organizing is a growing threat to more and more stores. Some corporations are so afraid of their workers that they're pre-emptively shuttering their stores rather than allow them to unionize. 50 years after ruining Sacheen Littlefeather's career, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences apologizes. Too little too late you might say...and you'd be right. Meanwhile the lived experiences of indigenous peoples have improved little since that day in 1973. PLUS it's a topsy-turvy world when even Kissinger is pushing for peace, AND capitalism is a brain virus - and we all have it.

  • Episode 201 - Whitewashing the Espionage Act, Zelensky's Toxic Nationalism, The Importance of Anti-Zionism, and Cuba Exports Peace!

    18/08/2022 Duração: 01h03min

    So, let's be clear: the FBI is bad. So is Trump. So is the Espionage Act. And yes, it's that simple. Corporate media's push to aim the Espionage Act at a favorite villain of liberal America smacks very hard of trying to lube up the public for aiming the very same Act at the most dangerous truth-teller of our time, Julian Assange. Zelensky uplifts toxic nationalism as he claims that all Russians are bad, suggesting therefore that all peoples are inextricably linked to the actions of their government. And on the subject of toxic nationalism, perhaps the most toxic of all...Israel. Following the most recent "pre-emptive" attack on Palestinians, Lee & Eleanor dig into the importance of anti-Zionism, and the bullshittery of the "both sides" are to blame argument. PLUS good news for Colombia, Cuba and peace in general, and new stories about Lee Camp, courtesy of the interwebs!

  • Episode 200 - Inflation Reduction Bill Hands Millions of Acres to Big Oil, Ukraine Admits US Pulling Strings, and Bank of America Wants You Destitute

    12/08/2022 Duração: 01h03min

    The banal sounding "Inflation Reduction Act" is remarkably evil - handing millions of acres to oil and gas drilling under the guise of renewable energy. Meanwhile, the North Slope of Alaska is in the crosshairs as a horrifically destructive oil drilling project is set to get the greenlight before the end of the summer. How's that climate candidate Biden treatin ya? In other news, both Ukraine and the US have admitted to the fact that the US is driving the bus on this catastrophic proxy war. And still people fly Ukrainan flags ignorant of the fact that their symbolic gesture is pushing for nuclear war at worst and at best the continued slaughter of thousands in a totally unnecessary (but lucrative) war. PLUS 4.2 million extra gallons of oil a day sound like what we need right now? Because we got it. And Bank of America REALLY hopes you're destitute at a shit-paying job. This internal memo says so.

  • Episode 199 - It's Illegal to be 'Disloyal,' Massive Tiny Ocean Cleanups, and Massively Evil Trade Deals

    31/07/2022 Duração: 43min

    The Supreme Court of Israel (which seems to be just as interested in human rights as ours) has recently ruled that it is constitutional to revoke citizenship of citizens deemed 'disloyal' to the state of Israel. To the surprise of no one, this law has been and will likely continue to be used only against Palestinians.  100,000 kg of waste has been pulled from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. That's roughly 1/1000th of the total amount. Lee and Eleanor discuss the potential of such efforts as well as the importance of producing and using less waste.  And finally, you likely haven't heard about it and if you have, you may have passed out from boredom. But the banality of evil is back vis a vis massive trade deals that encompass quite literally every aspect of our lives. Their reach and threat indicate the importance of connecting issues on the ground and of confronting these horrific deals just like we did with TPP when activism killed it a few years ago.

  • Episode 198 - Nancy Pelosi in Castle and Needs Cash; Robotic Elder Care; $100Bn Cut From Pentagon?

    11/07/2022 Duração: 01h01min

    Biden suggests that someone else should maybe urge the creation of a task force to contemplate the doing of the action to address the issue at a future time pending approval in regards to abortion access... Meanwhile, two Dems stand up to the ever bloating Pentagon budget. Grandma's getting a robot to keep her company - you know, since we've gutted the concept of community care and discard care our elderly as soon as they're not "useful" so their only real hope at this point is to befriend a rumba. PLUS the EU has decided that nuclear power and fracked gas are green, and Nancy Pelosi is desperately in need of cash as she leans out of a castle window.

  • Episode 197 - New Ways To Block Third Parties, Slavery Just Involuntary Relocation & The EPA Can't Protect the Environment But is Still Agency

    06/07/2022 Duração: 01h01min

    There always seem to be new and exciting ways to block third parties from the ballot. This time it's text and phone harassment and silencing a veteran. Slavery was uncomfortable - but mostly for white kids to learn about. So let's call it "Involuntary Relocation." So suggests Texas. After a month where millions of Americans were told to stay inside due to record heat, Biden opens up more ecosystems to oil and gas drilling. PLUS Ecuador's indigenous-led victory, how the Dems are more dangerous than Republicans & The EPA Can't Protect the Environment But is Still Agency...

  • Episode 196 - Why Dems Are Happy About The End of Roe v Wade, SCOTUS Says Cops Not Legally Obligated to Protect You & MORE!

    02/07/2022 Duração: 01h01min

    The end of Roe v Wade has the Dems doing back flips of joy. Here's why. Plus, get the lowdown on the myriad ways in which people are supporting bodily autonomy, not least of all through abortion pills. Meanwhile, SCOTUS passes another cracker jack decision on guns and oh since we're on the subject of SCOTUS, cops aren't legally obligated to protect you. SCOTUS said so.  Slavery is legal in prisons. The constitution says so. And Dems in CA are totally cool with that.  PLUS how to decipher totally meaningless legislation, do we need cops, and more!

  • Episode 195 - Affluenza For Sex Trafficker, Some Good Climate News & Forever Chemicals Apparently Bad For You

    30/06/2022 Duração: 01h02min

    Ghislaine Maxwell has been sentenced to 20 yrs in prison and yet her defense argues that she couldn't have known what she was doing because she had such a bizarrely affluent childhood... The EPA recently found that so-called forever chemicals are bad for you, even in small amounts. Coludn't have ever guessed that by the name. At the same time there is some good news on the eco front: insurers are backing out of coal and several companies are retreating from Arctic drilling plans. PLUS a new report finds that the rise in slavery is directly linked to climate chaos and yes, even MORE money for the military

  • Episode 194 - Biden Blames & Backs Away From Ukraine, Reclaiming Pride and Breaking Up Big Corps

    20/06/2022 Duração: 59min

    Whenever the US knows it's stuck in a quagmire, it reframes the narrative. Right now, that's happening in Ukraine. Meanwhile in the UK, in the same breath as Priti Patel signed the extradition order for Assange, she has put forward mindblowingly dictatorial legislation against free press and free speech - made all the more dangerous by its vagueness. Here in the US, new legislation could break up big corporations in a nw anti-trust push - depending of course on the details. As it's Pride month, it's a good time to not only remember the radical but to reclaim the radical. PLUS a rad read on mutual aid and community organizing in a failing empire!

  • Episode 193 - USAbsolute Monarchy, The Supreme Court Does It Again, EU Wants To Read Your Texts & MORE!

    01/06/2022 Duração: 01h07s

    The US isn't supposed to be an absolute monarchy, where leaders have the green-light to violate basic human rights & the nation's own constitutional guarantees...but these documents suggest that the absolute monarchs of the past got nothing on post-9/11 USA. Meanwhile, the EU wants to seize all digital communications...because child abuse. And the Supreme Court does it again and kills a lifeline (and by default the 6th amendment) for wrongfully convicted prisoners. PLUS ancient civilzations and the power of zooming out from our own cocooned blink in time.

  • Episode 192 - Poop and Paint: Creative Tactics to Disrupt the Machine, and Violent Packs Not a Lone Wolf

    27/05/2022 Duração: 01h02min

    Ever wanted to drop a turd in a county council meeting to make a point? Well, this guy did! Meanwhile, the fight against cop city continues with new and targeted tactics. When right-wing violence erupts,  it's almost never a lone wolf attack. And calling it that does damage to our understanding of the problem and therefore, how well we can address it. PLUS the Peace Corps has some safety & security tips for folks looking to volunteer in Ukraine. Must be ok with racial slurs and gender stereotypes.

  • Episode 191 - NATO Groupies, Biden Governing for Ukraine More Than US, Starbucks Unionization Wave

    17/05/2022 Duração: 56min

    As the proxy war between Russia & the US continues, imperialist groupies Finland and Sweden rush to join NATO further risking world war. Meanwhile, Biden is so into Ukraine that he's actually passing more policy for Ukraine than the US. And in the US, Starbucks workers continue a wave of organizing that could create a powerful ripple effect for workplaces everywhere.

  • Episode 190 - Fighting for the Community & Climate Revolution

    11/04/2022 Duração: 01h04min

    Community organizing might seem narrow at first - til you realize that each struggle we face in our home place is an echo, a mirror of struggles happening across the country, and the world. And as we stare down climate catastrophe, doing what you can where you are is not only about fighting against destruction, it's about building and constructing a new world.

  • Episode 189 - LIVESTREAM: Biden's Gaffes Threaten the World

    29/03/2022 Duração: 01h16min

    Remember when Bush was the modern president you were most embarrassed by? Ha, oh the good ole days. In this live episode of the podcast, Lee Camp and Eleanor Goldfield run thru a list of some of Biden's gaffes - from twisted imperialism to shameless racism & more! Support Lee's new work at

  • Episode 188 - SPECIAL EPISODE: US Empire Shuts Down Dissident Voice

    06/03/2022 Duração: 33min

    Lee Camp's show "Redacted Tonight" brought you anti-war, anti-corporate comedy every week for 8 years. Today it was ended in a matter of minutes by the US government war machine. You can continue to support his vital work at PLUS the importance of context and media literacy in these turbulent times.  

  • Episode 187 - Ukraine's Reality, NYC Attacks Homeless & How To Defend a Forest

    23/02/2022 Duração: 56min

    The media frame on Ukraine is highly distorted. We have to consider a larger picture. NYC's cop mayor takes aim at the city's homeless instead of fighting homelessness. The fight to protect forestland in Atlanta highlights the power of thinking creatively in our movements to defend what we love. PLUS Starbucks workers unionizing, more oil production under Biden & how the military uses slavery to profit.

  • Episode 186 - Gold Medal Propaganda, Brad Pitt's Disaster & NY Times Copaganda

    08/02/2022 Duração: 46min

    The Olympic Games have begun and the US has already won gold in anti-China propaganda! In the lower 9th ward in New Orleans, a sick intersection of celebrity culture and late stage capitalism has left a community in literal ruin. PLUS the tired call for more police in the world's largest police state, workers unionizing across the country, big wins for people and planet over pipelines, AND more!

  • Episode 185 - GMO loopholes, Biden out-Trumps Trump & Fracking Earthquakes

    23/01/2022 Duração: 53min

    A new law requires GMO foods to be labeled. ** Several restrictions apply. ICE detainments soar to over 22,000 under Biden, that’s 7,000 more than under Trump. But hey, at least we got rid of Trump! PLUS Texas is all of a sudden on a fault line, US government moves to end daily COVID-19 death reporting by hospitals & more!  

  • Episode 184 - The Pandemic of Capitalism - A Virus We Can Overcome

    09/01/2022 Duração: 01h02min

    Welcome back to us and you! As we trudge into a new year, it seemed like a good time to reflect at the roots - throwing into focus the architects of oppression beyond tiny viruses and annoying bosses. PLUS a look at how science is catching up to the inherent, how the boat carpets could help save the ocean, and MORE!

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