Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 103:04:29
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The Redefining Strength Podcast brought to you by Cori Lefkowith is here to help you navigate through this crazy world of diet and fitness. Bringing you new workout, diet and fitness hacks every episode.


  • FHP 547 - Cardio For Fat Loss - Yay Or Nay?

    28/11/2023 Duração: 38min

    I talk a lot about strength work for body recomp and fat loss.Because muscle is metabolic magic. It truly stokes our metabolic fire.More muscle means more calories burned at rest, which means better fat loss results. And us looking leaner as we do lose.BUT….Cardio has its place.And many even enjoy it…even though I think you’re weird.That’s why I want to talk about how cardio can help you achieve amazing body recomposition and talk about other key components to see better fat loss results!Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 546 - The No Excuses Way To Results

    21/11/2023 Duração: 47min

    There are always a bazillion and one valid reasons NOT to make a change…not to do something.No time is ever the right time.Because often our excuses stem from our priorities and what we value and have always done.But there is also always a way to make a change and meet ourselves where we are at to move forward.We just have to choose to see the OPPORTUNITIES there.Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 545 - Menopause - "The Big Change"

    14/11/2023 Duração: 38min

    Life is about constant exploration. About constant growth.About constantly challenging ourselves to learn and improve.We should always be setting goals - whether they are performance, lifestyle, monetary, aesthetic…And we should always be CHANGING to reach them.Our identity is more fluid than we realize and at some point, we almost start fearing changes to it over seeking to explore it.And when we do, our lifestyle also stops evolving, which can keep us stuck repeating the same habits that aren’t moving us forward - even fearing change.That’s why I want to talk about some shifts to both your nutrition and workouts you may need to make as you get older especially as you go through a time actually called THE CHANGE aka Menopause!Lead RS Dietitian Michelle will also share some helpful macro ratio adjustments that can help you feel your best and keep your body stronger till your final day on this planet!Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 544 - STOP Sabotaging Your Results - Create Lasting Habits

    09/11/2023 Duração: 34min

    Creating new habits is HARD. And just when you think you’ve got an old pattern or habit broken and a new routine…Life does something that makes the old habit pop up and rear its ugly head!But in this episode you’ll learn how to create those lasting changes.Michelle will share how to get those new healthy behaviors to really stick and I’ll discuss some helpful mindset shifts and even a quick workout option so you always have a back up plan in place!00:00 - intro01:10 - Strong Systems04:50 - Behavior20:35 - Macro Hack29:53 - Workout HackLearn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 543 - THIS Is Killing Your Metabolism...

    31/10/2023 Duração: 42min

    Muscle stokes our metabolic fire.Often if we just focused on building muscle, we would ultimately be leaner and see fat loss results faster.Yet so often our previous dieting practices have already sabotaged our metabolic health.The good thing is our metabolism isn’t just broken.BUT often there are a couple of key things we’ve done to kill our metabolism in the first place…Things we have to reverse that I’m going to go over here.And I’m excited to have on RS Coach Rachel to discuss how to eat more to lose fat as well as some of the mindset struggles we may have.But first I want to really outline the dieting pattern that leads to metabolic adaptations and what we need to do to make a change now….Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 542 - STOP The Extreme Diets And Workouts To Lose Weight

    23/10/2023 Duração: 31min

    Stop the extremes. Stop the restriction. Stop pushing yourself to the point you want to give up constantly.Instead embrace finding your balance and realize why some changes are more of a struggle.Start to listen to what your body and mind are telling you and what is realistic for your lifestyle!In this episode of the Fitness Hacks Podcast, Michelle is going to go over how you can start to learn to eat more intuitively while focusing on a specific goal and I’ll share both more nutrition and workout tips to help you meet yourself where you are at to move forward.But first…I want to talk about something many of us have thought….“Why is it so much harder to change your diet than to workout more?!”Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 541 - Define How You Age

    17/10/2023 Duração: 26min

    You can’t stop getting older.But you can DEFINE HOW YOU AGE.Our body will change. Our needs and goals will evolve.But getting older doesn’t have to mean decline.We can lead our healthiest, happiest lives at any and every age as long as we embrace evolution to meet ourselves where we are at.And often the fact that we just ACCEPT certain things happening is what truly makes us get older faster. That’s why in this episode I want to go over key mindset, workout and nutrition tips, thanks Michelle, to help you feel your most fabulous at any and every age!And a delicious dessert recipe…because who doesn’t want to improve their health, feel younger AND get that sweet treat!?Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 540 - 5 Diet and Exercise Myths

    10/10/2023 Duração: 44min

    There are lots of different opinions and perspectives out there. And while I think this is a good thing, it can also lead to us creating beliefs and habits that don’t serve us.That’s why in this episode I’m excited to chat with RS coach Cathy about some common diet and exercise myths she sees holding people back and even why there is no perfect workout or diet plan out there!00:00 - Intro00:42 - The "Perfect" Plan02:18 - 5 Diet and Exercise Myths29:40 - Your Magic Macros35:38 - Workout DesignLearn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 539 - Why Is Nothing Working?!

    03/10/2023 Duração: 45min

    Sometimes it feels like nothing is working! No matter how hard we try, we stay stuck in the same spot, asking ourselves, "Why is nothing working?!"A lot of the time, what it takes is going back to those boring basics.As much as it's tempting to search for a magic pill, as much as it's tempting to think we'll set a goal and that motivation will drive us...If we don't take action the right way, we won't progress, and we'll be stuck thinking, "WHY IS NOTHING WORKING?!"That's why in this episode, we're going to focus on HABITS.Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 538 - You're Sabotaging Your Own Success...Here's How

    26/09/2023 Duração: 39min

    We are often our own worst enemy.And it comes back to the fact that whether we believe we can or we can’t we’re right.How we perceive things, dictates our actions - whether we see things as obstacles or opportunities is our choice.That’s why I wanted to discuss some common ways we sabotage ourselves, including what I call our “Selfless Sabotage.” One of my fabulous coaches Andrea will provide some great tips to help us even learn to be a bit SELFISH!But first I want to talk about how you may be dooming yourself with doubt.Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 537 - Why 1% Tweaks Can Lead To BIG Results

    19/09/2023 Duração: 31min

    So often when we want to see a better result, we feel like we need to make these massive changes.When often it is 1% tweaks, slight shifts in perspective that add up.That’s why I’m excited to share some amazing meal prep and workout hacks you can implement this week without really making any massive changes to what you’re currently doing.And the meal prep hacks from Michelle can help you not only get more micronutrient value from your food but even make meal prep easier and your meals more funLearn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 536 - Postpartum Fitness - What You Need To Know

    10/09/2023 Duração: 38min

    Are you a new mom juggling baby care and fitness goals? In this episode, I'm joined by my fabulous trainer Rachel, a new mom, who shares her real-life experiences and strategies to balance motherhood and personal fitness. In this candid conversation, we uncover the often-unspoken realities of being a new parent, discussing the importance of setting realistic fitness goals, embracing constant life changes, and building a healthy lifestyle that includes the whole family.Rachel discusses how she fits workouts into her hectic schedule without compromising on her role as a mom. We dissect the significance of creating a routine and schedule for workouts that fit seamlessly into your existing lifestyle. Furthermore, we highlight the importance of self-care and mental health in the journey of parenthood. Rachel emphasizes the need for new moms to learn when to hit the pause button, and why it's essential to prioritize your own health and wellbeing, even amidst the chaos of motherhood.We'll also cover s

  • FHP 535 - Is it Healthy? Busting Food Labels

    05/09/2023 Duração: 47min

    Many healthy terms and habits have evolved over time.Keto now is not what keto originally was.Tabata now refers to so many variations of intervals it didn’t originally stand for.And I don’t think the evolution of terms is a bad thing.HOWEVER, these healthy terms can become distorted and misused to market things to us that actually sabotage our results.We can also stop seeing the NUANCE in things which makes us demonize foods or training methods that may actually benefit us.That’s why I want to discuss some of the ways these terms can be used to mislead us or even impact our results and habits!And I’m excited for Michelle to go over some ways you’ll find food labels try to deceive us and ultimately sabotage our weight loss results!Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 534 - Challenging 'Healthy' Habits and The Truth About Net Carbs

    26/08/2023 Duração: 29min

    We all want to get away with whatever we can. What I mean by this is…if something seems like a short cut or a way around what we “should” be doing, we are going to take it.That’s why I wanted to discuss some supposedly “healthy” habits we include in our diet and workout routines and why they may be sabotaging our results.And one of the biggest issues Michelle and I have seen recently is the habit of tracking just net carbs. Michelle will go over why this can sabotage your weight loss success and even cause other health issues!00:00 - Intro 01:17 - Every Healthy Habit04:41 - Net Carbs20:20 - 1200 Calories24:21 - Quality Not QuantityLearn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 533 - Fad Diets - How Dangerous Are They?

    22/08/2023 Duração: 37min

    Fad diets promise a quick fix or easy solution, but not only do they not lead to LASTING results they could also even be bad for your health and KILL you.I’m not trying to scare you or be overly dramatic.But some of the fad diets popping up on social media recently have been incredibly dangerous.That’s why Michelle wants to share 5 popular fad diets that can have serious consequences to your overall health while NOT leading to the lasting weight loss results you want.And I’ll share other tips to help you filter through the BS fads you see to make sure you’re implementing a program that will help you rock those results!Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 532- How To Manage Stress (And How it's Sabotaging Your Results)

    15/08/2023 Duração: 47min

    How to manage stress...When we want to lose weight, gain muscle, achieve amazing body recomposition or even improve our health, we turn to the things that are often easiest to adjust….Our workouts and our diet.It’s harder to address things like SLEEP or STRESS so we often focus first on those other two things.And often through changes to our diet and workouts, we CAN improve our stress levels and sleep.In this episode we're going to cover how to manage stress. We'll look at stress and nutrition and cover some exercises that can help with stress relief.My amazing Dietitian Brooke will share some key nutrients we all need and even discuss the impact that STRESS can have on the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause!00:00 - How To Manage Stress01:49 - Stress is inevitable 05:43 - Stress and Nutrition29:38 - Macro Tip32:51 - Mobility MovesLearn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 531 - The Biggest Fat Loss Mistakes (Nutrition + Workout)

    08/08/2023 Duração: 42min

    Many of us desperately want to get off the dieting roller coaster and each new program we begin we have the hopes of it being the thing.But what makes something ultimately work? And how can we avoid making the same dieting mistakes over and over again?The common mistakes, both habit and mindset, I see clients making and how to avoid them are exactly what we’ll go over in this episode. And Michelle will share some amazing tips about avoiding common mistakes when it comes to creating that calorie deficit to lose weight!00:00 - Intro01:06 - Diet Vs. Lifestyle05:11 - 5 Calorie Deficit Mistakes32:34 - Motivation38:08 - Complimentary GoalsLearn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 530 - The Dose Makes The Poison

    01/08/2023 Duração: 52min

    Are you tirelessly chasing perfection and often falling short? We've been there, and we're here to help! In our latest episode, we shed light on the importance of balance and sustainability in our lifestyle. The pursuit of perfection can be detrimental to your long-term success, and we're here to tell you why the 80-20 rule may be your key to sustained triumph. We'll also explain the concept of the 'stress bucket' and why overloading it can lead to plan abandonment. The nutrition and supplement industry's fear mongering tactics have created a minefield of anxiety and misinformation. It's time to fight back with knowledge and understanding. We'll guide you through the labyrinth, helping you to understand the context and nuances of health claims. Food should not be your enemy. We'll guide you on understanding the nuances of different foods and adjusting our diets according to our changing nutritional needs. Don't miss our enlightening discourse on misunders

  • FHP 529 - Managing Menopause (Hormones, Nutrition, Workouts and More)

    25/07/2023 Duração: 47min

    Let’s talk about MENOPAUSE. Sorry ladies, you can’t avoid it. And for some, the hormonal changes will hit harder than others. But I want to discuss strategies and tips and even some helpful mindsets to implement to help you navigate the hormonal changes.Because we don’t want to deny the struggles that can occur but we also don’t want them to dictate what we can achieve.While they will impact how we want to fuel and train, there is so much within our power to control and work around.That’s why I’m also excited to share tips from one of my magical managers Susa about how she navigated menopause to feel like her most fabulous self!Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

  • FHP 528 - Optimize Your Workouts and Nutrition for Better Health

    18/07/2023 Duração: 38min

    We also want to better understand what is going on with our body.And getting an official diagnosis can help. Labels can help us then assess what we need.We just have to make sure we don’t let our “labels” become an excuse but truly do focus on controlling what we can control.That’s why in this episode I want to talk about meeting yourself where you are at and even managing some common labels, like Adrenal Fatigue, that you may find yourself suddenly having to address.Michelle will share some great tips if you are suffering from Adrenal fatigue or even seeing changes to your motivation and fatigue levels with menopause or stress.Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe

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