Saints Unscripted

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 200:24:50
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Saints Unscripted is a show with faithful, hilarious Mormons with different opinions on being Mormon.


  • Bri Ray - LDS Mormon Roots

    06/05/2019 Duração: 09min

    Saints Unscripted sit down with Bri Ray from “American Idol." The four of them discuss Mormons and Music and Bri’s background in the LDS church!   Bri grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and loved music from the start. Her dad was raised Baptist and was converted to the Mormon Church, and because of that Bri was raised on Gospel music. She also says that LDS hymns plays a big role in her music life.  Bri chose to audition for “American Idol” because the producers from the show sent her an email to audition for the show. Being on the show she said that she would hang around other contestants that were Mormon as well and that helped her as she strived to live her religion.    Bri says that content is the most important thing to decide what music is good to listen to and what music is not. She says that you need to have good feelings when you are listening to specific types of music. It can be hard to live LDS standards but when choosing music it’s always important to f

  • Mormon Health Code - LDS Word of Wisdom

    03/05/2019 Duração: 06min

    Saints Unscripted discuss the Word of Wisdom, a health code that LDS members live by. Do you have any thoughts on the Word of Wisdom?   God revealed to Joseph Smith, the first Prophet of the Mormon Church, the Word of Wisdom in 1833 (even though Ian said 1831). The Word of Wisdom is a health code that LDS members are commanded to follow today. It means that Mormon members are to abstain from Tea, Coffee, Alcohol, Tobacco, and illegal drugs.  There are numerous blessings that come from following this commandment that members of the LDS church enjoy every day!  The substances that LDS members don’t consume are addictive, and the 3 Mormons recognize that. God gives spiritual blessings and physical blessings for anyone who choses to follow this commandment. We can be healthier and have the spirit of God more abundantly in our lives when we follow it.   Saints Unscripted know that the Word of Wisdom keeps us healthy and happy that many LDS members choose to follow. 

  • Mormons are Christian, Feat. Stacey Harkey

    01/05/2019 Duração: 11min

    Are Mormons Christian? Saints Unscripted discuss why Mormons / LDS Members are Christian and their belief in Jesus Christ with Stacey Harkey from Studio C.    Saints Unscripted each take turns asking Stacey questions about his life as a Christian, being a part of Studio C, his embarrassing moments, and his celebrity crushes, and his favorite Apostles and Prophets. Stacey and the Saints Unscripted also discuss their thoughts about why Mormons are Christian and what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.   Mormons easily meet the definition of a Christian as implicitly defined in the New Testament: they believe that ancient prophets foretold Christ’s coming, that Jesus Christ suffered for our transgressions, that he was put to death but rose from the dead, that through him we may obtain forgiveness of our sins, and that he will come again in glory.  Stacey believes a Mormon is a Christian, a follower of Christ and one who seeks after his teachings. Jesus Christ is fundamental to the Morm

  • Have Millennials Changed Worship? Feat. Nate Jones

    30/04/2019 Duração: 16min

    Today we got to talk to Nate Jones who is the host of the Peculiar People Podcast (we told him to call it P-cubed (yes, P^3) so we'll see what happens

  • Mormon Founding Prophet Joseph Smith

    29/04/2019 Duração: 06min

    Does God Answer Prayers? What do Mormons believe? Saints Unscripted talk about their beliefs and how they came to know that God restored His church to the earth and that Joseph Smith really did see and speak with God the Father and His son Jesus Christ.   Joseph Smith is the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormon church) who translated The Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God.    In 1820 Joseph Smith wanted to know which church was God's true church. He searched the Bible and read the scripture in James 1:5, which says "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." Joseph acted on this scripture and went to the woods and prayed to God and asked which church was true. God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him and told him he was to join none of the churches in existence. Through this first vision and many others that followed, God chose Jos

  • What Do Mormons Do on Sunday?

    26/04/2019 Duração: 10min

    How do you keep the Sabbath day holy? Saints Unscripted discuss their views on Sabbath day observance and what we should do to keep the Sabbath day holy.   Shelley believes that Sunday is God’s day. All of the things that we do on the Sabbath day should relate back to God and be the kinds of things that God would want us to do on the Sabbath. She believes that going out to eat and watching sports on Sundays is wrong. Because there is a time set aside on Monday nights for Family Home Evening, we can eat out and watch sports during those times, instead of on Sundays.    Kwaku thinks that on Sunday you should be reading your scriptures, dedicating time to the Lord, and providing service to others. That service can come from many different opportunities like cleaning, home and visiting teaching, or serving the homeless. He believes those are things that anyone can do while keeping the Sabbath day holy.   Ian believes that you need to try your hardest to work 5 or 6 days of the week, and not be

  • What Happens in Mormon Temples?

    24/04/2019 Duração: 09min

    Have you ever wondered what happens in Mormon temples? Saints Unscripted discuss the sacredness of what goes on inside a temple of the Mormon Church.    Shelley puts it best when she says that the main goal of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints isn’t for people not to know what goes on inside the temple, we as a church want everyone to know what goes on and to receive the same blessings we do. The Mormon Church and all its members invite everyone to take and read a free copy of The Book of Mormon, to visit with Mormon Missionaries to learn more about our Church and the Temple!   What is the difference between secret and sacred? This question is discussed when Shelley and Ian go to the campus of Brigham Young University to discuss with other Mormons about their thoughts on the temple and the sacredness of it. Each Mormon member they talk to gives insight to the matter of secret vs. sacred and that the things we do inside the temple are sacred and bring us closer to our Heavenly

  • Mormon Chastity: Sex, Porn & Masturbation

    22/04/2019 Duração: 11min

    What do Mormons think about sex? Saints Unscripted tackle the hard questions about the Law of Chastity: sex, porn, and masturbation.  What is the Law of Chastity? Saints Unscripted talk about the idea that “waiting to have sex until you're married is too hard” is a bad mentality and is just not true. We are children of God, and because of that we can utilize many tools God has given us to overcome those sexual pressures and maintain pure thoughts. Christ died for us, and through him we can overcome anything. We as human beings have the sacred ability to procreate, and it should be treated as a sacred act.    All 3 recognize that pornography is evil thing in all forms (soft pornography included) and leads to addiction. When someone you know is struggling with an addiction to pornography, the best thing you can do is support them and let them know that there is always hope for them no matter what. The best thing we can do is avoid it at all costs to avoid that evil and addiction altogether. The C

  • Do Mormons Celebrate Easter?

    19/04/2019 Duração: 08min

    Ian says that Easter is perhaps the biggest holiday celebrated by Mormons. Ian talks about this important subject with his wife Sienna and his friend Elisabeth.   First, Sienna brings up Mormons and Holy Week. Elisabeth says that growing up, her mom made sure to emphasize each day of Holy Week in preparation for Easter.  Saints Unscripted then go through the different days of Holy Week, starting with Palm Sunday. Jesus Christ came back to Jerusalem on a donkey. On Monday, Jesus Christ cleansed the temple and taught of the sacredness of the temple. Then on Maundy Thursday, the Passover occurs. Christ teaches his disciples at the Last Supper. Then Peter, James and John follow Christ to the Garden of Gethsemane where he suffers for all of the children of God. Jesus suffered because he loves us. After Jesus died, he was placed in a tomb. Finally, Jesus Christ is resurrected.    Mormons don’t use the cross as the symbol of faith but rather, they focus on the life and power of the Savior in over

  • FACT: Mormons Read the BIBLE Before They Turn 19

    29/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormon Church or LDS Church, youth between the ages of 14-18 (give or take) are encouraged to attend seminary. Generally speaking, seminary is a religious education course taught throughout the year about a specific book of scripture. The rotating topics are typically New Testament, Old Testament, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants (the four of which are often referred to as the "Standard Works" in LDS doctrine).  Seminary is different in different parts of the world and can be attended in-person or virtually. Where there is a large concentration of members of the Church, it is very likely to find that a secondary school will set aside released time during school for seminary. In that situation, seminary isn't taught as a calling (in other words, an unpaid, volunteer position) but is taught as a full-time job by someone who has undergone the proper teacher training. Have you ever been to seminary? What did you think abou

  • What to Do If the Church ISN'T True (feat. Christopher Cunningham)

    27/03/2019 Duração: 20min

    If you haven't been in a faith crisis, it's very likely that one day, you will. A faith crisis is where you come across facts or opinions that challenge your faith, bringing you to question your beliefs and doubt everything you once knew to be true.  Guess what? Going through a faith crisis is NORMAL. But it can be scary, frustrating, and confusing. How do you navigate the questions while also trying to hold fast to your testimony? Is it possible to have doubts yet still want to believe? YES.  In this episode, we brought Christopher Cunningham to help us determine how to approach doubts. Christopher is a Senior Religion Writer and his publications can be found all over the internet (links to specific places below). We ask, "What can we do when we come across negative (often called 'anti-Mormon') content about the Church?" Christopher has become very familiar with the concerns against the Church and through his study, he's been able to see the Church in the most positive possible light. He's also b

  • How to Have the BEST Daily Scripture Study (feat. Sabrina)

    25/03/2019 Duração: 08min

    Has it ever been hard for you to prioritize the gospel on a daily basis? Some days are more difficult than others but how do we get past that? In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormon Church, members are encouraged to progress everyday by being consistent in their studies of the scriptures and in practicing their religion. But sometimes living "in the world" (where not everything is centered around Jesus Christ and his gospel) can feel almost impossible. So how do we prioritize the gospel every single day? In this episode, Justin, Kwaku, and Sabrina talk about how they prioritize the gospel in their lives.  Let us know your tips by sending us a message on Facebook or Instagram! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel! 

  • The History of EVERYTHING!

    22/03/2019 Duração: 21min

    In this episode, we discuss the history of EVERYTHING. Okay, maybe not everything but the history of the world. We talk about our ancestors (yes, yours too), our Savior, Adam and Eve, and everything in between. This history is according to our beliefs as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormon church or LDS church.  David leads the discussion and gives a brief account of how man came to be. The three hosts talk about eras when people were faithful to God and eras when they fell away into apostasy (or deviance from the word of God).  What did we miss? What did you learn? Message us on Facebook or Instagram with your thoughts!! Also, don't forget to follow us on YouTube! 

  • Responding to Mormon DATING TIPS! (feat. Sabrina)

    20/03/2019 Duração: 14min

    There are A TON of dating tips out there... especially for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons). The emphasis on marriage within the restored Church may be a contributing factor to the tons and tons of dating tips out there, but whatever the reason for the dating advice, we decided to respond to some random suggestions we found online.  Sabrina, Kwaku, and Justin talk about gender stereotypes, about difficulties specifically in LDS Culture (otherwise known as Mormon culture), and about general dating tips for people of all religions and backgrounds.  What dating tips do YOU have?? Message us on Instagram or Facebook with your thoughts! Thanks for listening :) 

  • Growing Up Mormon in the Bible Belt

    18/03/2019 Duração: 18min

    In this episode, Jordan joins us to talk about growing up in the Bible Belt as a member of the Church or Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church or LDS Church).  Jordan and Kwaku both grew up in the south and grew up surrounded by people who had a knowledge of the misconceptions about the restored church. Jordan expresses how difficult it is to teach by the spirit when those around you are solely interested in proving you wrong and arguing with you. She talks about what it was like to be surrounded by those who have heard all kinds of stories about the restored church (casually called the Mormon church) and how to overcome the difficulties therein.  *In this episode, Jordan speaks of the people in her life who did not respect her beliefs. However, she did have some FABULOUS friends who supported her despite her religious affiliation. She is forever grateful for their love and support.  Have you ever been confronted with falsities about your religion? What do y

  • Do All Mormons Serve Missions??

    15/03/2019 Duração: 14min

    A LOT of people in our audience have asked, "Is it okay NOT to serve a mission?" Short answer: YES. It's okay.  David says that in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church), young men are encouraged to serve a full-time mission. However, just because it's an encouragement does not mean it's a requirement to be a faithful member of the Church.  Kwaku talks about his experience in determining whether or not to serve a mission. Kwaku has decided not to serve a full-time mission, as it is formally known, and has instead determined that his mission was to preach the gospel online through different social media platforms.  David and Kwaku both express that their choice to serve a mission changed their lives for the better and that they don't regret the choices they made.  Did you serve a mission? And would you only date someone who served a mission? Let us know via Instagram DM's or follow us on YouTube and let us know in the comments to the video

  • YOU ARE NOT PERFECT, feat. Stephen Jones

    14/03/2019 Duração: 16min

    In this episode, Stephen Jones joins us to talk about PERFECTIONISM. And he explains it PERFECTLY

  • Can Mormons CURE Sickness?

    13/03/2019 Duração: 11min

    Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons) frequently give 'blessings.' But what is a blessing and does it actually work?  In this episode, Kwaku, David, and Justin discuss what blessings are in the restored Church (also known as the LDS Church or Mormon Church) and how blessings work. They talk about the 'laying on of hands,' meaning that when a blessing is given, the person (or persons) giving the blessing will put their hands on the head of the receiver. This is an ancient practice that can be found throughout religious history of christianity and is still practice today.  So, can blessings cure sickness? Listen to the episode for our thoughts :)  Have you ever received a blessing? What was your experience? Shoot us a DM on Instagram with your experience! And don't forget to follow us on YouTube! 

  • From Non Believer to Firm Believer, feat. Charlie

    12/03/2019 Duração: 26min

    For this episode, we had the INSANELY INCREDIBLE opportunity to interview Charlie! As you can see from the video, she is intelligent, sweet, beautiful and everything in between.  Everyone loves a good conversion story but this one was especially cool. Charlie talks about when she first encountered the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly known as the Mormon Church) and her initial thoughts. She talks about her baptism and the difficulties among friends and family that followed.  For those of you looking for advice on how navigate unsupportive friends and family, listen to Charlie’s story! It just might be the answer to your prayers.  What did you like most about Charlie’s story? Send us a DM on Instagram or Facebook with your thoughts! Happy listening :) 

  • Does God Answer EVERY Prayer?

    11/03/2019 Duração: 13min

    We pray for LOTS of different things. We pray when something is lost, we pray to ace a test, we pray for others who are suffering, we pray to overcome intense trials, etc. But which prayers does God answer? Does God answer every prayer? And how do I know that I'm praying for the right thing?  In this episode, David, Kwaku and Justin answer the questions above and more. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons), we are taught to pray A LOT. David, Kwaku, and Justin start the discussion with a quote from a young boy in the church who said, "My church guy told me that Jesus Christ knows where to find anything. He can find medals or anything you want." They discuss Jesus's role in prayer and the things that we should pray for in order to receive the guidance from God that we need.  Do you have any tips for heartfelt prayers? Shoot us a DM on Instagram or check us out on YouTube! Thanks for listening :) 

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