Pod Fiction

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 84:14:49
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Listen to these guys try to make each other laugh while hopefully discussing a movie and playing guessing games. Just a couple of 90's kids, friends since grade school, kickin a bucket down the road.Episodes out Tuesdays and Fridays



    21/04/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    We should be clear - We are usually all for protesting. The ineptitude displayed over the past week in regards to staying at home during a pandemic, has set a new standard for stupidity. This was supposed to be a short part of today's show but the topic rubbed off on us, and here we are.  If you happen to make it through the insistent 1st chunk of this episode we might talk a little bit about tattoo culture. We both have a lot of tattoos so you'd think we know a little bit about this one, right? Wrong again. 


    16/04/2020 Duração: 48min

    We are getting old. We're not what we used to be. It takes forever to edit and in this case, record and create a new intro that we will probably hate, tomorrow. But alas, here we are. Late, as usual.  White people with dreads should rethink their strategy. If that isn't appropriating culture, what is?  Then.. What is your ideal survival situation? It sorta sounds like we just want to live in Alexandria, if you catch my drift.  Subscribe to our podcast, where ever you listen to podcasts.   


    07/04/2020 Duração: 53min

    Another episode for all to enjoy and we tried to stay away from Corona as much as possible.  Our discussion takes many turns as we navigate conspiracy theories, living in different times, and all kinds of other shit. It was hard listening to this episode during editing, cause we are chatty off the mike as well, so the content you are about to listen to escapes us. But thank you for listening anyway.  Don't forget to Subscribe to our podcast, please. 


    31/03/2020 Duração: 01h41s

    Its amazing to watch the majority of people freak out over being at home for a few weeks. We, on the other hand, are really only pissed that we didn't make our journey happen and had to reschedule. Get to know yourself during these unprecedented times. Quit being a sissy.  We chat about things we're doing in quarantine, and a bunch of other great stuff, on this episode. Let us know in the comments, where ever they are, what you're doing during social distancing. I think we're gonna try this tik tok thing.  Follow us. Drop a like. Write a review. DBD. 


    24/03/2020 Duração: 59min

    We apologize for the no call, no show.  Its been two weeks since our last episode and what else is there to talk about, really? Coronavirus is the zombie apocalypse we've been waiting for. Our world has been turned upside down in 14 days and we're wondering how much worse it's going to get. It feels like these episodes are slowly going to morph into a survival series until we bug out and become an am radio show.  Thank you for listening to DBD. Please dont forget to follow, subscribe and like where possible. We appreciate you all. ' Stay clean and safe. Wash your hands. Also, please stay the fuck home if you can.      Oh and, we are still down a tablet. Thanks a lot, Karen.  


    10/03/2020 Duração: 56min

    What does it mean to be an American? We aren't too sure what it means to be American, but we speculate anyway.  Our solicitation still stands: We need a tablet. Thank you.  Also. Masculinity. Some new information on the toxic part of it. Check out this link. Click here. For real. Pretty please don't forget to subscribe to the podcast that we love doing so much, so that we will keep doing it forever. Follow us on twitter, instagram and facebook.   


    04/03/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    Is Bernie electable? Is the corona virus an actual threat? Why do we care so much about what other people believe? We try to answer a couple of questions like these and a few more on this episode.  For those of you who are new to the podcast or just weren't aware, the hosts live in different states - Oregon and Utah. To record the podcast, which we do on Sunday mornings mostly, we have to Skype one another. Unfortunately, one of the devices we were using to Skype each other is broken and we are in need of new one.  Any and all donations would be greatly appreciated as we are poor, low middle class, just trying to make you think, and laugh.    Follow us on Twitter and Instagram and LIKE us on Facebook. Subscribe to Dumb by Design where ever you listen to podcasts! 


    25/02/2020 Duração: 50min

    As the rest of the world did, we wanna let Quaden know that we are also, his buddy.  Bullies seem to just be a part of life. Assholes beget assholes and breaking that cycle has boggled the minds of many a generation a nerd. Don't bully, or let your kids be bullies it doesn't suit you. We have our own anti bullying systems if you listen, and it isn't only violence. Stay tuned through any technical difficulties that we may experience to hear our thoughts on Bernie Sanders. It is of our beliefs that we are all socialists at heart. Socialist shouldn't be such a negative term being that we live in a very socialist society as it is, FDR made sure of that a long time ago.    Thanks for sticking with us through it all! Don't forget to subscribe on your way out and as always follow us where ever you can. We really appreciate it.  Dumb by Design   


    18/02/2020 Duração: 01h10min

    Maybe they aren't trying to. We have evolved to a place that 99% of doctors 100% believe that they are doing the right thing for people by treating symptoms rather than causes. If we were to really sit back and meditate on how the human race has evolved and made it to the place that we are, we should realize pretty easily that our current systems are not how we have survived this long. The more that we intervene with foreign substances the more disease is mutated and ultimately introduced to humanity.  Everything is in your head. The mind/body connection is remarkable and the more that you understand the power of the mind the more opportunity for growth there is, in your own world. Everything starts with you, not the doctors office.  We also discuss minimalism. The responsibility of every little thing you own, holds weight. Try to imagine your life without an abundance of shit that you don't use, or even see or think about everyday. Once you realize that social acceptance is moot in the grand scheme of things


    11/02/2020 Duração: 01h06min

    On this episode we try to normalize men walking around pants-less because, why not. It wouldn't even take that long for it to be normal. Like 20 years or so, probably.  Its 2020, another presidential election will soon be upon us and we have a few opinions on the severity of the coming decision we as Americans have to make. Its time for the pendulum to swing, hard. A political revolution. Big structural change. Something. Or the freaks are going to come out at night and start spiking drinks with psilocybin. Free your mind.  Be the yes man. Try new things. Take on new challenges. Live your best life because its the only one we got, we think. Start a bucket list, its important.    Follow us where ever. Subscribe where ever you listen to pods. Dumb by Design. 


    04/02/2020 Duração: 01h08min

    We talk about a lot of important shit on this episode, damn it. Mushrooms, our desire to micro-dose, what we're searching for on a spiritual journey. Lot of important stuff here.  Death comes up in conversation which should never be a surprise to anyone in any context because it is the one thing, for sure, that we all have in common. Our feelings are on full display.  Now to be clear. We definitely would like to see a walking dead-ish zombie apocalypse happen, and have immense respect for anyone legitimately prepped for that, but the chances are nil. A flu pandemic though? We're on the "probably going to kill most of you" side of that coin.  Happy Dumb by Design Day  Subscribe where you listen to podcasts and follow us where you want to. We like to party. Sort of. We're pretty introverted. 


    28/01/2020 Duração: 58min

    Sunday was a rough day.  People using their platforms to speak out should be admired rather than berated. If you are progressive and think that the "Hollywood elite" is not looking out for the little guy, you are not paying attention. Maybe you're in too deep, I don't know. Hollywood is an ally, and they're viral already. We NEED people to speak up for the unfortunate, people that have a louder voice because we have given it to them.  Hate speech, mediation methods and more. The tangents were flowing on this episode.  #erasinghate Follow us on all the social medias and hit the subscribe button where ever you listen to podcasts. 


    21/01/2020 Duração: 01h09min

    Boners in the morning probably mean that we are drinking too much water before bed. Which also is one of the only reasons for wet dreams. Cue sound of running water.  We decided to chat about a video clip of the Joe Rogan Experience, on this episode. The YouTube link of the 8+ minute video is below, feel free to check it out and form your own opinion before listening to the words coming out of our mouths. We have... evolving points of view.  Hit subscribe to our podcast and then click the link to the video to interact with our opinions live. Really you'll just be screaming at us in your car on your way to work but that is basically live interaction.  Follow us on Twitter, IG, FB and.... thats really about it, we are not the best social mediaers. #dumbbydesign https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGdDmWiw3Pc


    15/01/2020 Duração: 52min

    Hello Dumb by Design listeners!  Sexuality is something that has been in and out of the taboo for centuries. During certain times through history, people hid their fantasies from their loved ones creating what we guess to be some pretty broken homes. Sexuality is not something to be ashamed of, rather it should be celebrated!  We talk about a lot of funny stuff on this episode and I cant remember half of it! So listen in and laugh along with our insanity.    Please subscribe where ever you listen to podcasts!


    07/01/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    Happy New Fucking Decade, Dummies.  2020 is gonna be a good year, we can feel it. So to start the decade off right, why not discuss new year resolutions and why we can never stay consistent doing any thing. 30 second abs infomercials from the 90's have a lot to do with it, we think. There is one thing we have been able to do consistently, cold showers. We talk about it a lot, we know, but this is the beginning of the journey, not the end. You are not listening to old, wise spiritual guru's, you are listening to a couple guys figuring it out as they go. The end of the journey is when our spiritual guruness will be at its maximum.  So embrace the suck, the cold, and us talking about it a lot, and call us in the morning cause you are going to be a new person.  Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe to this podcast where ever you get your podcasts. We appreciate you!  Dumb by Design - This is breakfast, bitch!


    19/12/2019 Duração: 54min

    Happy Holiday season from our families to yours. We want to thank you so much for listening to this podcast through out the year and we look forward to hearing from you all in 2020.  On our final episode we chat about technology, the average number of men's sexual partners, and other randomness.  We also get into depression and what we do about it because you know, men's mental health.    Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast where ever you listen. Insta - @DumbbyDesign Tweet - @DumbbyDesignPOD   Happy Impeachment Day 


    11/12/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    In a world where a low flow toilet means flushing 15 times.....nope, we do not live in that world.  Suck it up, walk it off, rub some dirt on it. That about sums up our childhood. While it is no longer okay to strike children as punishment, according to modern society, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be teaching them to beat the shit out of other humans. Our daughters will be krav maga masters. Its gonna be raining testicles if you sneak up on these two. Keep your eye in the news cause we keep it Dumb By Design.    FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @DUMBBYDESIGNPOD FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @DUMBBYDESIGN SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST WHERE EVER YOU LISTEN, AND SHARE! PLEASE SHARE THE EPISODE, THE WEBSITE, THE ANYTHING THAT RELATES TO US, ON YOUR PAGE OR ANYWHERE YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE. WE REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT. 


    04/12/2019 Duração: 49min

     The idea of a millennial seems to be that we're a cohort of young dumb kids that are unsure of what we really want. The reality is we are much older than you think and for the most part, pretty fuckin awesome. Maybe people just like blaming the most intriguing generation in a century for everything that they created in the first place. We're killing industry? No that's the minimum wage stagnation. Dinner dates? Who WOULDN'T rather Netflix and chill?  Maybe we're actually a little ageist. We obviously no longer like wine from a corked bottle, or the 9 to fucking 5 work week. It's not that we don't love you, old people, we just hate your ideas and reluctance to rise to the occasion. Millennials are going to do wonders for this country, and the world. Ok Boomer.  Twitter - @DumbbyDesignPOD Instagram - @DumbbyDesign   Subscribe wherever you listen to podcast or just go to spotify like a normal person. 


    27/11/2019 Duração: 46min

    According to a meme on the "Weird Facts" page on Facebook, In the Netherlands, sex is viewed as a human right; disabled citizens can receive government allowances for legal prostitutes up to 12 times a year. Is sex for everyone to share? Before marrying for love jealousy might not have really existed, has monogamy stifled human progress?  Do we really love our monogamous partners, or are we in love with the concept of the one? Marriage shifted to being about a love for another, a half to your whole, from a way to financial and familial gain. Before that we we're all hunter gatherers boning it out. Maybe we should just have a conversation, things for some aren't always for others.  Don't forget to subscribe where ever you listen to podcasts Follow us on Twitter @DumbbyDesingPOD On Instagram @DumbbyDesign or on Facebook.   


    20/11/2019 Duração: 52min

    Mental health is not a you issue, is societal. For Men's health awareness month or "Movember", we committed to a few goals  between us and because we have fairly strong opinions regarding mental health, men's especially, why wouldn't we wanna talk about it. Mental health is as important, if not more, as physical health and the discussion around it is trivial, comparatively.  When the human species evolves as fast as we have over the last 100 years, technologically at least, its gotta be common sense that there would be some sort of side effect.  Thank you for your continued support. You know who you are.  Follow us on Twitter @DumbbyDesignPOD Instagram @DumbbyDesign Facebook is like, the same thing.  Subscribe.

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