Article 23

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 50:29:24
  • Mais informações



Article 23, a podcast all about work, and making it work for more of us! In this weekly 13 minute podcast, Rhonda Brighton-Hall, James Hancock and Sonja Ankucic will be exploring the big themes being your best at work, Leadership that makes a difference and the people stuff that matters most to business whether you it be a small business starting up, or a huge multinational.Tune in and enjoy the signature mwah. optimistic, yet pragmatic big thinking across all things work, topped off with a giggle or two!


  • The great resignation that wasn't

    06/04/2023 Duração: 17min

    In this episode of Article 23, we explore the great resignation that wasn't (at least here down under!) and explore social and community systems at breaking point that aren't discussed often enough. We land on a moment, the NSW State Election, where whatever your political beliefs - you can be proud of the Australian community, democratic process and civility towards a better future together.

  • The great resignation that wasn't

    05/04/2023 Duração: 17min

    In this episode of Article 23, we explore the great resignation that wasn't (at least here down under!) and explore social and community systems at breaking point that aren't discussed often enough. We land on a moment, the NSW State Election, where whatever your political beliefs - you can be proud of the Australian community, democratic process and civility towards a better future together.

  • Benchmarks and mindsets - the big distraction from genuine culture work

    23/03/2023 Duração: 15min

    Culture is not a competition. It is about being the very best in your context. Rhonda and James discuss how irrelevant benchmarks can distract from the real work, and how our own mindsets determine how we receive everything.

  • Benchmarks and mindsets - the big distraction from genuine culture work

    21/03/2023 Duração: 15min

    Culture is not a competition. It is about being the very best in your context. Rhonda and James discuss how irrelevant benchmarks can distract from the real work, and how our own mindsets determine how we receive everything.

  • What’s on the mind of the average Aussie?

    09/03/2023 Duração: 15min

    As cost-of-living pressures persist, our co-hosts discuss how this might impact some of Australia's most vulnerable citizens. While on the topic of money, Rhonda and James also consider if those with millions in their super should get taxed more and discuss the value of regional communities.

  • Why we should move beyond ‘cultural fit’ when recruiting

    21/02/2023 Duração: 14min

    Ten years ago, hiring for 'cultural fit' was all the rage, but in 2023 it might be preventing your team from coming up with their most innovative and creative ideas. Plus, let's put intellectual honesty and trust on the table. Tune in to see what our hosts have to say on these topics and to celebrate the start of Sydney's World Pride month.

  • What if ChatGTP was in charge of this podcast?

    09/02/2023 Duração: 15min

    You might have heard of this week's special guest. It goes by the name ChatGPT and it's here to tell us its best tips for effective working. But should you take advice from a robot? The jury is still out on that one. Our hosts also discuss the complexities of blending organisational cultures together and managing the stress of rising interest rates.

  • Performative leadership is out, visible leadership is in

    07/02/2023 Duração: 19min

    What does the Australian identity look like to you? Rhonda and James explore this question in relation to this year's Australian of the Year winners. They also dive into how rapid gratification is disrupting the way we communicate and unpack the difference between performative 'woke' leadership and authentic visible leadership.

  • With great power comes great responsibility

    27/01/2023 Duração: 15min

    What can we learn from superheroes about good leadership? Turns out, quite a lot. In this week's pod, Rhonda and James talk about what makes for a responsible leader, using their favourite superheroes as examples. They also dive into the value of public displays of resiliency, using tennis commentator Jelena Dokic and player Alex de Minaur as examples, and unpack the importance of showing up when people need you most. Music - Catch it by Coma-Media from Pixabay.

  • Less small talks, more big talks

    20/01/2023 Duração: 17min

    Rhonda and James tackle some controversial topics currently challenging organisational culture discussions, starting with organisations changing their Australian Day holiday, and that maybe, work should be hard. Later on in the episode, they discuss the flood of HR-built policies and urge organisations to move the discussion away from HR policy-dictated sympathy and more towards leader-led empathy and care. Music - Catch it by Coma-Media from Pixabay.

  • Our organisational culture predictions for 2023

    12/01/2023 Duração: 24min

    Article 23 is back for another year with a new look and feel. In this first episode, Rhonda and James take us through their five organisational culture predictions for 2023 – the two-speed workforce, the rising tension between humanity and technology, building capability, and the increasing importance of community building. Listen to learn more about what these predictions mean and how they could impact your workplace. Music - Catch it by Coma-Media from Pixabay.

  • Your one-way ticket to space: reflect, regroup and set yourself up for success in 2023

    16/12/2022 Duração: 18min

    Rhonda and James cap off the year with an important message for their listeners: it's time to take a trip to space (metaphorically speaking, of course). Give yourself space to reflect, relax and regroup over the holiday break in order to come into 2023 refreshed and ready to do impactful work. Rhonda and James reflect on the lessons they've gained from 2022 around resilience, growth and the power of working with great people, and outline some of the unresolved factors that the new year could hold. They also share what they're both looking forward to jumping back into when the work year kicks off again, but not before they've switched off for a well-deserved break. Enjoy your time reflecting in space, and we'll see you back down on earth in the new year!

  • Are we catastrophising everything?

    08/12/2022 Duração: 19min

    The 2022 word of the year is out and it's 'permacrisis', which in simple terms, is a portmanteau of 'permanent' and 'crisis'. And so, in this week's episode, Rhonda Brighton-Hall and Brenton 'Willo' Williamson, Business Director at mwah., discuss 'what catastrophic thinking should look like.' They talk about how to remain calm, and learn to organise chaos when dealing with it rather than sinking into it. Rhonda and Willo also chat about what leadership traits make a difference (and even get mildly political), and give a shoutout to the incredible organisation - TradeMutt - who are making waves for starting conversations around mental wellbeing for consturction workers through their iconic workwear collection.

  • Have you worked with someone who identifies as neurodivergent?

    02/12/2022 Duração: 21min

    International Day for People with Disabilities is not just another day on the calendar. It is a reminder to value, acknowledge and actively seek the talent of people with disabilities. Tune in to listen to this special episode as Rhonda Brighton-Hall interviews an exceptional human being, Aron Mercer, Chief Growth Officer at Xceptional, who is tirelessly working towards helping people living with disabilities secure meaningful careers. Mercer also explains how leaders can be in the change-making process around DEI in the workplace and suggests fostering an environment of care, flexible work arrangements, one-on-one conversations on belonging, and gaining literacy around inclusivity.

  • Is identity coming under attack?

    22/11/2022 Duração: 16min

    In this week's episode, Rhonda and James take a deep dive into people’s right to express their unique identity and discuss how this is currently being challenged in the US, and talk about why it’s essential to give people a safe space to express who they are. They also unpack a misconception about a common workplace gripe – how to say ‘no’ to taking on more work – and encourage people to know when to say ‘yes’ in order to seize unexpected opportunities. To round things off, they shine a light on Nagi Maehashi, a self-taught chef whose new cookbook is flying off the shelves!

  • People and culture = The future of economy

    17/11/2022 Duração: 16min

    In today's episode, Rhonda and James talk about their experiences of being around exceptional people and the incredible work they get to do at mwah. Rhonda talks about a recent investment summit she attended, which was not just grey-suited men but involved women from all walks of life making an impact in business. Then they share the big news of being recognised for a national award for redefining work as it should be. They conclude by highlighting some amazing charities helping less-fortunate Australians through efforts like packed lunches, medical service for those experiencing homelessness and increasing access to education for Indigenous Australians.

  • Unpacking NDAs at work

    10/11/2022 Duração: 15min

    "Sunlight is the best disinfectant," said late Louis Brandeis, Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. And Rhonda and James couldn't agree more with this phrase! In this latest podcast episode, Rhonda and James dive into what might transpire when an issue is swept under the rug in an organisation. Would it lead to employees becoming less transparent with one another? Tune in to listen to yet another engaging conversation as they cover topics like reasonable adjustments in the workplace. What would you do if a leader signed an NDA at your organisation? Let us know in the comments below!

  • 100% pay for 80% work time: Unpacking Unilever's four day workweek experiment

    04/11/2022 Duração: 17min

    Hundreds of Unilever employees will be joining its four-day work week experiment with zero cuts to their pay. But what about those working on the factory floor? In this latest podcast episode, Rhonda and James sit down to examine what this working style could look in action. They also discuss where to draw the line in relation to freedom of speech, and highlight the inspiring work of a finalist for next year's 'Australian of the Year' award. What are your thoughts on a four-day work week, or any of the other topics discussed? Drop us a line to share your perspective.

  • Can we thrive in a two-speed workplace?

    27/10/2022 Duração: 16min

    Offices are no longer about individuals; they are spaces for groups to come together and get work done. In the latest episode of Article 23, Rhonda Brighton-Hall and James Hancock cover three trending topics: Emerging work trends that go beyond hybrid work, how to create more uplifting workplaces and the commendable work of the 'softly spoken professor'.

  • The undeniable need for accountability

    21/10/2022 Duração: 10min

    Join Rhonda and James as they discuss the importance of accountability and how leaders can make a significant difference. They'll examine these ideas in relation to two major topics: Our responsibility towards climate change in Australia and the top-job pressures of being the UK's PM.

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