Effective managers talk to their team about their performance frequently. Like, daily. Many managers avoid feedback because they don't know what to say, or they're worried it'll become a "heavy, deep and real" conversation. Feedback can be quick, light and effective. In this feed, we give you all the guidance you need to start and continue giving Feedback effectively. Manager Tools is a weekly business podcast focused on helping professionals become more effective managers and leaders. Each week, we discuss specific actions for professionals to take to achieve their desired management and career objectives. Manager Tools won Best Business Podcast Award in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2012 as well as the People's Choice Award in 2008. The Business Podcast Award is now named after Manager Tools. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Manager Tools has had on their careers and lives. Our goal: Every Manager Effective (TM).
The Part After Feedback - Chapter One - Part 2 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)
01/02/2019The conclusion of our guidance on how to respond initially to a direct who pushes back in various ways to an instance of feedback.
The Part After Feedback - Chapter One - Part 1 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)
01/02/2019This guidance describes how to respond initially to a direct who pushes back in various ways to an instance of feedback.
8 Positive Feedback Examples
01/02/2019Most managers have too high a standard for giving positive feedback. Here are some simple examples.
Positive Feedback Before Its Time
01/02/2019This guidance recommends what to do when a direct would get positive feedback but it's not yet time for it in the Trinity Rollout Process.
Negative Feedback Before Its Time
01/02/2019This guidance recommends what to do when a direct would get negative feedback but it's not yet time for it in the Trinity Rollout Process.
Not Too Picky Feedback
01/02/2019This guidance recommends giving negative feedback only after a second instance, and only ON the second instance.
When NOT To Give Feedback - Part 2
01/02/2019This cast concludes our conversation on some situations where feedback isn't appropriate, because the error/mistake/infraction is so egregious, encouragement of effective future behavior isn't enough.
When NOT To Give Feedback - Part 1
01/02/2019This cast describes some situations where feedback isn't appropriate, because the error/mistake/infraction is so egregious, encouragement of effective future behavior isn't enough.
Meeting Distractions - Don't Wait To Give Feedback
01/02/2019What to do when people are on their phones/laptops during meetings, or doing anything else counterproductive to the meeting.
Feedback Grace Period
01/02/2019Our guidance on how long to wait before giving negative feedback to a direct.
Feedback Step 3 - Emotions Are Okay
01/02/2019It's okay to tell your directs how you feel (within professional limits) when giving them feedback.
When Angry, Disengage
01/02/2019Our recommendations on what to do when you are feeling angry with your direct.
There Is No Why In Feedback - Part 2 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)
01/02/2019This cast concludes our guidance on what to do and why when directs want to describe why they did what they did when you have given them negative feedback.
There Is No Why In Feedback - Part 1 (Hall Of Fame Guidance)
01/02/2019This cast contains our guidance on what to do and why when directs want to describe why they did what they did when you have given them negative feedback.
Effective Documentation - Part 2
01/02/2019Part 2 of our guidance on how to document the performance of your directs and your communications with them.
Effective Documentation - Part 1
01/02/2019Our guidance for how to document the performance of your directs and your communications with them.
Systemic Feedback (Hall Of Fame Guidance)
01/02/2019What do we do when we've tried giving negative feedback but it doesn't seem to be working? We've given repeated instances of feedback, and yet we don't see a change in a direct's behavior?
The Feedback Continuum
01/02/2019This cast describes how to give negative feedback in an escalating way, over time, to improve performance.
Praise In Public, Criticize In Private Is WRONG
01/02/2019This guidance disagrees with the old notion of praise in public, criticize in private, and recommends more effective behaviors.
Feedback and the Shot Across the Bow (Hall Of Fame Guidance)
01/02/2019In this cast, we share what do effective managers do when a direct disagrees with the feedback you give them.