Amanda's Wellbeing Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 97:00:23
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Welcome to Amanda's Wellbeing Podcast, a podcast dedicated to interviewing experts in the fields of nutrition, fitness, and the science of the mind.


  • Today's guest, Dr Tim Crowe, is a scientific researcher & health and medical writer

    01/03/2020 Duração: 32min

    Today I am honoured to be chatting with Dr Tim Crowe, career research scientist and educator, and founder of Thinking Nutrition blog and podcast.Tim has had a long and interesting scientific career ranging from medical research in cancer and diabetes, to dietetics and teaching in the School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Deakin University for 16 years - where our paths crossed. Tim’s real passion is communicating and translating nutrition research - three years ago he left academia to pursue this interest full time. Part of Tim's freelance career includes his Thinking Nutrition blog and his new Thinking Nutrition podcast. Both are excellent resources - links are below.We discuss why nutrition can appear confusing, how to make sense of it and some of the things that have changed in the field of nutrition as more scientific research is undertaken, for example, the management of Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with a low FODMAP diet. However, much of the advice about healthy eating, like including plenty o

  • This week's guest, Melissa Stefano, is the creator of Cancer Confidence (and so much more)

    23/02/2020 Duração: 54min

    Today I have a candid and entertaining chat with the dynamo that is Melissa Stefano! Mel worked in education for 25 years, she's worked as a consultant and as a coach, plus, she's a highly awarded choreographer. Suffice to say, Mel had a lot going on; she was a busy and successful business woman and then she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Mel's world changed but in ways that you might not imagine.Mel was struck by the language around cancer which is often hostile and full of war metaphors and she did not want to take this on. Mel decided to work towards reframing the way we see cancer. She says, "Cancer is not a war, it is a transformational experience. But, it is more than that - it's a rise to wisdom." From Mel's cancer experience and her deep wish to help others with cancer, came the creation of Cancer Confidence.I hope you enjoy this warm and engaging chat. Mel will be back soon to update us on the new developments, including a new website, happening at Cancer Confidence.Links:-Cancer Confidence: https

  • This week's guest, Anna Howard, is the founder of Plantmade WA

    16/02/2020 Duração: 31min

    Today, I chat with an old school friend of mine, Anna Howard, who happens to be extraordinary. Anna has lived all over the world including in some very remote places - think mud huts in west Africa when she worked in the mining industry. Since her early 20s, Anna has loved cooking and has been drawn towards plant based eating. Her passion for vegetarian and vegan food has now become the basis of her work at Plantmade WA, the plant based lifestyle company she's established. At Plantmade WA Anna offers cooking classes, recipes, catering and she sells her own delicious, healthy granola.Again, I am speaking with someone who has moved away from a previous career to embrace a more fulfilling lifestyle, or, as Anna would put it, a life that "fills her cup".Anna talks about being inspired by and learning some of her cooking skills from chef Matthew Kenny. Here is a link to his beautiful website: https://www.matthewkenneycuisine.comYou can connect with Anna and follow Plantmade WA here:Website: https://www.plantmadewa

  • This week's guests, Rachelle Martin and Olaf Sorensen, discuss low carb & carnivore diets

    09/02/2020 Duração: 54min

    My chat today with Rachelle Martin and Olaf Sorensen is anything but dull! These two are the ultimate self-experimenters, particularly when it comes to diet (and, in Olaf’s case, finding the perfect exercise regime but that will be the subject of another podcast).Both Rachelle and Olaf started experimenting with a low carb diet several years ago, Rachelle, to correct some health issues and Olaf, to find the optimal way to manage his energy for long distance running e.g. ultra marathons. We heard about Rachelle's ketogenic diet in Episode #7 of Amanda’s Wellbeing Podcast (link below). Olaf, as you will hear, found the low carb way of eating agreed with his physiology but not content to stop there, he took it further and experimented with the carnivore diet and says, he felt so good, he never went back. Today, Olaf eats meat, organ meat, fat and eggs. We chat about the importance of the source of protein consumed and Olaf’s business with his parents, Grassland Nutrition, where they produced freeze dried organ m

  • Five Minute Food Facts - PROCESSED FOOD

    05/02/2020 Duração: 14min

    "Eat less processed food" - you hear it all the time. Today I discuss what that really means. Some forms of processing, like freezing, to increase shelf life is not necessarily a bad thing. The problems lie with ultra-processing where multiple ingredients like fats, sugars and starches are mixed with other substances e.g. artificial colouring and flavourings to come up with some palatable food-like product. This ultra-processed "food" (if you can even call it that) is not health-promoting. Consumption has been linked to obesity and other non-communicable diseases. The trouble is we eat way, way too much of it. You might be shocked to find out how much - I was.I hope this episode sheds some light on why avoiding or limiting your consumption of ultra-processed food is really worth doing.Let me know what you think by contacting me here:

  • This week's guest, Tony Karoussis, is a Ninja Warrior

    26/01/2020 Duração: 48min

    Today’s podcast guest, Tony Karoussis, is a Ninja Warrior, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) purple belt, personal trainer and former engineer. Is there anything this Ninja can’t do?Tony was drawn to martial arts after he left school and fell in love with BJJ. Apart from the obvious physical benefits of enhanced strength and fitness, one of the tenets Jiu-Jitsu is that it builds character and Tony attests to that. We chat about how BJJ has played a big part in who Tony is today - BJJ has taught him to think under pressure and to build his confidence.Several years ago Tony became interested in Ninja Warrior. He has competed in numerous competitions - there are several Ninja leagues, not just the one we see on television. Tony and I chew the fat about what it takes to be a Ninja Warrior and how he trains for all the unexpected obstacles that can be throw his way.For someone so young (looking from my perspective anyway), he is wise; Tony's goal for 2020 is to have more fun. Hear what this looks like for Tony. How would

  • This week's guest, Melissa Anderson, is the director of Korpermotus Pilates studio

    19/01/2020 Duração: 58min

    Today’s podcast guest, Melissa Anderson, has had a long association with dance, beginning tap dance at the age of three. Fast forward and Mel completed a Bachelor of Dance Performance during which she took Pilates classes. As Mel pondered her career options, which included doing a Diploma of Specialist Makeup Services and Cross Fit instructor training, she was always drawn back to Pilates and that is where her career has landed. In 2018, Mel opened up her very beautiful Pilates studio, Korpermotus, in Adelaide's chic suburb of Unley. It is obvious when talking with Mel that she is doing what she loves. She has taken some of her favourite aspects of dance training - discipline, athleticism, artistic expression - and channelled them into Korpermotus.I hope you enjoy my entertaining chat with Mel. She is full of energy and embraces life with vigour!If you’d like to follow Mel, her Instagram handle is: korpermotusHere is a link Korpermotus pilates studio website:

  • Five Minute Food Facts - FOOD WASTE

    23/12/2019 Duração: 16min

    Did you know that one third of all the food produced in the world is lost or wasted? That is 1.3 billion tonnes of food costing the global economy around $940 billion every year. This is crazy, right? Especially when 11% of the global population does not have enough to eat.Today I’ll chat about food waste, what the major causes of it are and what is being done about it. There is some innovative and effective action in this space, especially from charities like OzHarvest. I’ll also talk about what each of us can do to reduce food waste in our own households. If you have any tips, please share them with me at to Ronni Kahn's 2018 UniSA Nelson Mandela Lecture: to OzHarvest's website: to information about food rescue charities:

  • This week's guest, Dr. George Forrest, is a dentist and we discuss oral health

    15/12/2019 Duração: 30min

    When many of us think of health and wellbeing, we don’t automatically think of oral health but imagine life with a constant toothache, or not being able to chew properly or speak clearly due to tooth decay or gum disease. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare states that, “Good oral health is fundamental to overall health and wellbeing.” There is nothing ambiguous about that statement!Today I chat with my dentist, Dr. George Forrest, about this crucial aspect of our wellbeing. George explains what causes and the various forms of oral disease, and, some of the impacts it can have. We chat about the life cycle of teeth and he clears up the mystery of wisdom teeth - why we have them and why some people need to have them extracted.It turns out, unsurprisingly, that the foods that are good for our bodies, like unprocessed whole foods, are also good for the health of our teeth and those foods and drinks that are less beneficial, like sugary drinks (including sports drinks) are the enemy of good oral health

  • This week's guest, Helen Hyde, is a personal trainer with an interesting career path

    08/12/2019 Duração: 41min

    Today’s podcast guest, Helen Hyde, runs her own personal training business, Helen Hyde Fitness. I was interested in Helen’s story because, like the majority of women I have interviewed, she has moved away from a corporate career into something that is more compatible wth family life and that developed from following her passion - in Helen’s case, movement and fitness. Helen lived a busy expatriate life for two decades that included moves from Adelaide to London to Sydney and then to Chicago, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore and finally back to Adelaide. Moving countries, and indeed cities, is challenging but also very rewarding and Helen’s evolution is testament to that; it was her expat friends that encouraged her to study her Certificate III in Fitness and the rest, as they saying goes, is history!Helen Hyde Fitness is now a thriving business in Adelaide where Helen elects to train women. Her understanding of the stresses particular to women following child birth and juggling a busy family makes her a wise an

  • This week's guest, Catherine Sayer, is the CEO of Food South Australia

    01/12/2019 Duração: 40min

    Today's podcast guest, Catherine Sayer, is CEO of Food South Australia (SA). Food SA is the peak body supporting SA's food and beverage industry; an industry that contributes $19.7 billion dollars to SA's Gross State Product.I thoroughly enjoyed this discussion, because who doesn't love talking about food, but mainly because it was such an interesting insight into some of the behind the scenes factors that food and beverage producers have to take into account.We chat about the South Australian food scene, including what makes it unique, the successful "Eat Local" campaign and some of the star producers who have recently been recognised at the SA Premier's Food and Beverage Industry Awards dinner like Haigh's Chocolates, Barossa Fine Foods, Mexex, Coopers Brewery and Ceravolo Orchards.You can check out Food SA's website and the various program they offer here:

  • Five Minute Food Facts - ALCOHOL

    27/10/2019 Duração: 15min

    Alcohol, like it or loathe it, has been part of the human diet for thousands of years. Today I explain how it is metabolised, what comprises a standard drink, the causes of a hangover and what the latest research has to say about the risks of alcohol consumption. Most importantly, I talk about the short and long term health effects of alcohol consumption. The safest option, from a health point of view, is to eschew it altogether. However, if you do choose to drink, I conclude with some tips about how to minimise the potential damage of alcohol consumption.

  • This week's guest, Chris Chapman, established The Running Company, a specialist running shoe store

    20/10/2019 Duração: 53min

    Today's podcast guest, Chris Chapman (AKA Chicken), established The Running Company in 2009 at Bondi Beach, Sydney. Fast forward 11 years and he now has 10 stores all over Australia. The Running Company is unique in its approach because they sell only running shoes and the staff gain an in depth knowledge about every style they carry. They also do a full gait analysis and, where appropriate, work with other health professionals like physiotherapists and podiatrist, to ensure that each customer gets the best service and walks (or runs) out of the store with the correct shoes to reduce the risk of injury.Chris and I chat about his path to opening The Running Company, his excellent grounding at Nike, his own sporting endeavours - he has a pretty impressive marathon PB of 2:46 - and the reasons why having the right shoe helps minimise the chance of injury.A theme that come up often in my conversation with Chris is that his stores are “all about the people” from customers to staff to store owners.Do yourself a big

  • This week's guest, Tina Jameson, is the founder of the Strong Daughters program

    15/10/2019 Duração: 45min

    Today's podcast guest, Tina Jameson, is the founder of Strong Daughters, bushwalking and camping adventures for girls and their mothers (or grandmothers) that are designed to equip girls with a "tool kit" of skills that help them recognise they are capable and resilient. The adventures also foster the mother-daughter bond.Tina, as a school librarian, noticed a real "confidence gap" in girls between the ages of 11 and 13. Through hiking and camping with her own daughter, Tina observed her daughter's sense of self-worth flourish. She wanted to share this with others and so developed Strong Daughters.Tina acquired her bushwalking leadership skills through Bushwalking Leadership South Australia: is a link to Strong Daughters which is offered by Big Heart Adventures: can follow Tina on Instagram @thehikinglibrarian

  • This week's guest, Jamie Wetherell, is a physiotherapist specialising in chronic pain, a yoga teacher and surfer

    06/10/2019 Duração: 37min

    Today's podcast guest, Jamie Wetherell, is a physiotherapist at Active Bodies Physiotherapy with a background in chronic pain education and research. We begin our chat by discussing chronic pain which results from a complex interplay between the body and the brain including how fear and anxiety around pain can be a relevant factor in approaching treatment.Jamie talks about his philosophy around his physio practice; rather than simply treating a condition and sending a patient on his or her way, he tries to mentor and inspire them to help reach their physical goals. I think there is a lot to be said for being listened to as a patient rather than just being told what is "wrong" with you.We also talk about dry needling, the release of muscular tension via needling trigger points, surfing and Jamie's deep love of the ocean, and, if that is not enough, Jamie is also a yoga instructor at Power Living.In our conversation, Jamie refers to J Krishnamurti's teachings on presence and here is a link to his website: https

  • This week's guests, Sarah Sutter and Jason Tyndall, run Nature Play SA

    29/09/2019 Duração: 42min

    Today's podcast guests are Sarah Sutter and Jason Tyndall, CEO and GM of Nature Play SA respectively. Nature Play SA is a not-for-profit organisation, the vision of which is to "inspire the South Australian community to engage children in nature through outdoor learning and play".Nature Play SA runs numerous events in outdoor spaces and national parks around South Australia including events for families where kids can engage in cubby house building, potion making and other activities where they will be assured to get their hands dirty. They work with educators to teach them how to encourage children to engage with nature and also run incursions in schools. When the organisation was formed, Sarah was approached by the Board and asked if she would be it's inaugural CEO because, in addition to being well qualified, the Board recognised that Sarah truly lives the brand.Sarah and Jason talk about their observations that childhood has changed dramatically in the past several decades; children growing up in our risk

  • This week's guest, Lisa Murphy, is an adventurer and founder of travel company, Big Heart Adventures

    22/09/2019 Duração: 39min

    Today's Podcast guest, Lisa Murphy, is the founder of Big Heart Adventures, a travel company specialising in unique, culturally authentic, hosted group active and adventure travel experiences.Lisa and I discuss some of the amazing benefits travel, especially travel involving a physical challenge like trekking, can bring to peoples lives. Lisa believes that travel encouragesempathy, cultural understanding and open mindedness. When combined with physical challenge, it can also help to build resilience and confidence. Big Heart Adventures offerers Challenge trips to destinations like the Wilderness trail on Kangaroo Island to Kumano Kodo in Japan and the Inca Trail in Peru. Big Heart Adventures also have a wonderful program called Wise Women Walking, women only trips, designed for women to reflect, nurture and celebrate their identity. Sounds terrific, doesn't it?Lisa, like the name of her company, has a big heart and a very important part of her work is to fundraising for charities and non-profit organisations,

  • This week's guest, William Pullen, is a psychotherapist and founder of Dynamic Running Therapy

    15/09/2019 Duração: 34min

    Today's podcast guest, William Pullen, is a London-based psychotherapist, TEDx speaker and author who has developed a unique treatment method called "Dynamic Running Therapy" (DRT). DRT has been described as a "revolutionary method" and as "a radical new approach to mindfulness".According to William, movement combined with talking exploits something deep within our DNA and DRT is based on this concept. DRT helps people work through issues like anxiety, depression, anger management or decision making.Listen to my chat with William to hear the inspiring story of how he left the dizzying world of alcohol, gambling and other destructive pursuits to one of health, wellbeing and inner peace. He achieved this U turn with a combination of running and psychotherapy and then chose to study psychotherapy himself as he was simultaneously so inspired and healed by it. With a background in philosophy and a deep appreciation of the Buddhist concept of mindfulness, William has a unique perspective on the human mind - for any

  • This week's guest, Dr Scott Coussens, is a neuroscientist with an interest in nature play and resilience

    12/09/2019 Duração: 38min

    Today's podcast guest, Dr Scott Coussens, is the first guest to return for a repeat episode! Scott, I have discovered, has expertise in many aspects of neuroscience. In Episode #11 we discussed sleep. In this episode we consider the benefits of nature play for children.Set against a back drop of rising mental illness in children, it is important to identify mediating factors and unstructured nature play appears to be one such factor. Nature play positively impacts resilience and resilience is an important preventative factor against mental ill health.Scott and the team at the University of South Australia are conducting research designed to find evidence to support the benefits of unstructured nature play and the underlying mechanisms. For many of us, the link between being in nature and mental wellbeing seems self-evident but for nature play to be incorporated into school curriculums in Australia, scientific evidence of its worth is crucial.Link to Episode #11 where Scott and I discuss sleep: https://media.w

  • This week's guest, Dr Tom Nehmy, is a clinical psychologist specialising in preventative mental health

    01/09/2019 Duração: 39min

    Today’s podcast guest, Dr. Tom Nehmy, is a clinical psychologist, author and founder of the Healthy Minds Program. The Healthy Minds Program is a preventative mental health program taught in secondary schools (and businesses). During his years as a clinical psychologist, Tom realised that those receiving psychological help and learning how to support their mental wellbeing were the ones who ended up in a therapy setting. He increasingly felt that it would be of great benefit for a wider audience to learn how to look after their mental health both to promote life long wellbeing and to potentially prevent people ending up on the psychologist’s couch. This motivated Tom to develop the Healthy Minds Program, an 8 week program incorporated into the school curriculum.Tom talks about how the Healthy Minds Program teaches people how to make good decisions, that is, how to build psychological muscle to manage reaction urges. We touch on anxiety, depression and perfectionism - some of the issues many of our young peopl

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