Your Workplace HoRizon

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 24:26:58
  • Mais informações



Your Workplace HoRizon is a podcast that shares experiences and insights for business owners, operators, managers, and everyday workers to help them transcend their business environment. Host Greg Heiss has conversations with business consultants John McFarland, Joseph Anderson, Richard Dao along with frequent guest appearances who will enhance the value for the listener. The conversations are lively, fun and highly informative. This series was developed from the HoRizon strategic consultation model created by Greg and his team.


  • A Conversation about Gender Pay Equality in the U.S.

    20/04/2020 Duração: 30min

    There is much to be said, (and heard) about the differences in compensation between the sexes.  So much so, that there has been legislation written and passed into law to mitigate it.  And let us not forget about the political nature of the topic which sometimes provides opportunity for ideological bias to enter the discussion.  So what do we really know about this gender pay gap?  Pull up a peg and join in to find out.  Host Greg Heiss cites numerous studies and mines data to drill down a bit on the controversy.  What he found was surprising.  Besides revealing what a nerd he is about numbers, they actually reveal some unexpected findings. Ever the contrarian, Joseph pipes in and offers some counterpoints.  John adds his perspective and considerable knowledge in HR as an experienced and certified HR Pro.The links below are helpful.

  • COVID-19 Considerations in the HR Arena

    14/03/2020 Duração: 15min

    First – Our most sincere, heartfelt sympathies to those communities directly impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.  Out of respect, following this episode, the HoRizon Podcast Team with be taking a pause from production until the situation has become better understood and contained.  We appreciate your understanding and continued support, we will be back!That said, the office is being inundated with HR related questions about what to do and just as importantly what not to do in this unprecedented situation, so John McFarland, SHRM-CP will field a few of those from Greg.  Things are still morphing, so the list is likely to grow, and naturally we cannot cover every HR scenario in this setting.During the show, information resources are mentioned multiple times and those links are provided below for your use.  We touch on some related topics such as leaves of absence, and Doctor notes in other shows, so check the show history for them if this interests you.Until then be safe, be gentle, be kind.  We are all in th

  • A Conversation about Employment Law with Attorney Katy Raytis

    09/03/2020 Duração: 42min

    Join Katy Raytis, Employment Attorney as she discusses a myriad of new legislation affecting employers of all sizes in 2020.  Greg, Joseph and John quiz Katy in several areas - and there are a metric ton of them!  The conversation moves along quickly, and Katy's effervescent personality makes the topic enjoyable.Ignorance of the Law is no defense!  Being aware and furthermore, compliant with those laws is the responsibility of the employer.  Katy is in studio today to remind listeners of some important laws that have taken effect in California as of January 01, 2020.  Topics include but are not limited to: minimum wage changes, AB5.... the list goes on.It's a must listen and a heckuva value for anyone having employees subject to California labor and employment law.  You will want to take notes for sure!Further information can be found at: www.beldenblaine.com661-864-7826We would love your feedback, so please feel free to leave us a note and give us your thoughts. E-mail us y

  • Public Relations with Tracy Leach of Providence Consulting

    02/03/2020 Duração: 31min

    If you have every wondered what in the wide, wide world of sports is going on in the rapidly evolving universe of digital media, and how the existence of it affects your business (and it does whether you like it or not), this is a good place to get started.  Not only that, but the importance of managing ones way through the jungle of public relations, including dealing with the subtleties of local government interactions are just the tip of the iceberg.  Join the conversation and gain some valuable insights into the nebulous and utterly fascinating world of managing for success with a well planned PR strategy.Providence Strategic Consulting has grown from a single issue, single person entity to one of the most well respected firms in California. Take advantage of the opportunity to have a chat with Tracy and the guys.  Her affable nature and just completely pleasant personality make the experience genuine and comfortable!  Tracy and her team can be reached  by calling 661-327-1697, emailing to consult@provcon

  • Quality is Free - What is Quality and Why it is Mission Critical

    24/02/2020 Duração: 21min

    Yes, it is.....  Quality is indeed free. Most of us have an idea of what it is when we hear the term quality or high-quality.  And it's reasonable to assume that most of us have very different ideas about what it is when the notion comes up in conversation.There is an entire professional discipline dedicated to quality.  Many have heard about Six Sigma, or Statistical Process Control.  Total Quality Management or TQM was all the buzz in some circles a few years ago.If your business provides a product or service and you have not considered quality and ways to improve it, this podcast is a good place to jump-in.The guys discuss quality and how to get at it.  Greg is a certified Quality professional and worked many years as a quality engineer across multiple business disciplines.  He shares some of his wisdom, experience and training.  More episodes are planned for the future, where we get a little more weedy with respect to quality metrics, statistics and process control.  The nerd factor will really come

  • Some Ideas: Professional Women Who are no Longer in the Workplace.

    17/02/2020 Duração: 35min

    Today's discussion is lead by John McFarland, SHRM-CP as he shares his own experiences, both personal and professional.  As a tenured HR manager, director, and now SVP of a growing HR consultancy, his insights here are worth noting.Professional and management roles held by women are often abandoned by them when family plans come into play.  The stay-at-home-dad is much rarer a commodity, even when the female partner possesses a higher level of education, experience, and in many cases compensation.Join in and listen as Greg, John, and Joe dive into this matter, and present some interesting ideas.  Many firms could take advantage of this highly valuable resource by looking at some alternative employment arrangements.  We'll cover these and other ideas during today's show.We would love to have your feedback.  E-mail us your suggestions, ideas, comments and critiques to: podcast@worklogichr.com

  • Fraternization in the Workplace - Some Answers

    10/02/2020 Duração: 30min

    It is that time of year again. Spring is in the air, and the blossoms are all around us.  In more ways than one!  Relationships at the office that transcend the traditional social and professional norms are not uncommon.  It can be a bit of a touchy subject none-the-less. (Tongue firmly in cheek!)In this episode, the guys sit down and hash out some guidelines regarding this phenomenon.  The discussion is frank, to the point, and interesting,  You'll get a laugh or two as well we suspect.Join the chat and learn some helpful tips on dealing with the issues in your workplace setting.

  • Joe's Journey: A New Business from Scratch, Part 2

    03/02/2020 Duração: 27min

    Once again,  join Greg, Rich, John and our very own podcast engineer, Joe Anderson as we dive into just what it takes to launch a business from an idea into a real, viable enterprise; part two. In this episode of a three part series, we'll pick up where we left off last week on Joe's Journey.  Topics today include selecting and entity or organization (think S vs. C-Corp, LLC etc....)  Entity selection can be predicated on a number of things such as number of owners, owner(s) liability, and tax implications to name just a few.Grab your notebook, and get ready to absorb more great information which will be ultra beneficial as you make your trek into entrepreneurship.  It's not for the faint of heart!Listen in to this and then the final installment on the topic to see if you have the goods to start and operate a small business, and who knows; maybe by the end of this series, you will be on the road to success like "Joe".All the Best!We would love to have your feedback.  E-mail us your su

  • It's a Balancing Act - Some Thoughts on Work-Life Priorities

    27/01/2020 Duração: 28min

    Corporate trainer and coach, Sheri Stringer, PHR, joins Greg and the gang for another insightful episode on managing the people in an organization.  This time her topic centers on the ever front-of-mind notion of work-life balance.I have never seen a tombstone which was inscribed with "I should have spent more time at the office!"  The constant struggle to balance efforts to build a business or career, and build a rich and meaningful life often lie in stark contrast to one another. Or do they?Sherri offers her thoughts and ideas around finding a balance.  Tips and tricks about organization, prioritization and yes, even proper delegation can lead one to a path of righting the ship so-to-speak.Covey is famous for his Seven Habits Series.  One of his most meaningful quotes is, (and I'm paraphrasing)  "Effective time management is not about getting more done in less time, rather it is about doing less.  It is about subordinating the urgent to the important."  We'll talk about this an

  • It IS that hard! Difficult Conversations in the Workplace, Some Tips

    20/01/2020 Duração: 33min

    Whether it is a performance issue needing corrective action, or something more subtle, as leaders, having that difficult conversation is inevitable.  Listen in today, as the team joins forces again with guest Sherri Stringer as we explore the topic and present real-world tips on how to make difficult conversations more palatable for all parties concerned.We'll focus on keeping things professional, leaving the "taking it personally" aspect of such conversations out among other relevant topics all of which are sure to bring some value to your workplace chats.We would love to have your feedback.  E-mail us your suggestions, ideas, comments and critiques at podcast@worklogichr.com

  • Listen for the Voice of the Customer

    16/01/2020 Duração: 16min

    Today has been named  "Get to Know your Customers Day".  WorklogicHR client Kelly Kemp joins the team today to discuss the WorklogicHR HoRizon process and how it has worked for him and the entire team and board of directors at R-Ranch in the Sequoias.  We decided to publish this testimonial today, not because we felt like we needed another plug, but rather to have our audience meet a client  and have him explain why getting to know the customer is critical to refining the product or service delivery your business offers.And this is precisely what HoRizon is all about - getting to know the owner of the business in such a way as to truly understand what is on his or her mind as it relates to the current state of the organization, and what lies ahead - the horizon  (that's weird eh?) The HoRizon team is grateful to Kelly for offering to share his experiences with the HoRizon strategic development model. We hope you enjoy it as well and find it useful and helpful.We would love your feedback, so ple

  • Managing Finances and Banking in the World of Lawful Cannabis Business

    13/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    GreenleafHR returns today, building on the conversation from podcast #8, season 1,  "Lawful Cannabis Enterprises...." .  JasonThomasy, VP, GreenLeafHR is back in studio with Greg and the Podcast team. Joining in with us is Jason's guest, Rick Lindsay of Seven Points Financial, a financial services company dedicated exclusively to serving this sector.Rick and his organization specialize in dealing with the nuanced world of cash management in the budding cannabis business world.  He has created banking relationships and strategic alliances with a number of businesses of this type and shares his knowledge with the team today.From legacy cash, currency transaction reports, financial audits, and so on, the cash management needs of this new business sector brings numerous challenges with it.  From managing both operational and reputational risk, to interstate commerce regulation,  the big-box nationally chartered banks traditionally run for the hills when they hear the words "cannabis" or "

  • Joe's Journey: A New Business from Scratch, Part I

    06/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    Join Greg, Rich, John and our very own podcast engineer, Joe Anderson as we dive into just what it takes to launch a business from an idea into a real, viable enterprise. Joe will stand-in as a surrogate "Entrepreneur", and walk the talk for us. (And he executes a full-on command performance!)In this episode of a three part series, the guys will discuss the concept itself, overcoming mental obstacles, determining costs, and creating a meaningful preliminary business plan.  What about risks?  How to mitigate them.  Finance?  What are some options?  Debt vs Equity financing - Angel investors?  Crowdfunding?  SBA?  The options are "out there",  as we like to say, and so are other resources that should be tapped.Listen in to this and subsequent podcasts on the topic and see if you have the goods to start and own a small business, and who knows, maybe by the end of this series, you will be on the road to success like "Joe"  (It actually is his real name.....)All the Best!We would love

  • A Conversation About Requiring a Dr.'s Note from an Employee

    30/12/2019 Duração: 14min

    Join the regular suspects in what was not intended to be a podcast at all.  The mics were left hot after a previous session when Joe had an unrelated (to that podcast) question about when an employer can insist on a Dr. excuse before allowing an employee to return to work after an absence for illness.During this time of year, when festivities are running at higher levels, let's just say that at times, self-inflicted cases of the "flu" crop up more often than they might at other times.  Keep this in mind.  That being said...….Per CA law, 3 days of paid sick leave are a state mandated (not federal) benefit for all employees, regardless of status (full-time, part-time, seasonal, etc.).  Beyond this legal minimum, time off accrual plans are at the employer's discretion.  If an employer requires a bona fide note from a licensed physician for a single sick-day request, they may run afoul of the law.    Joe chimes in about the larger issues of attendance problems in general, and company culture m

  • Labor and Employment Law updates for the New Year

    23/12/2019 Duração: 27min

    Podcast regular Leo Villanueva returns with what seems to be a recurring subject on the podcast these days:  Legislative updates.  As WorkogicHR's compliance manager, it is Leo who keeps us and our clients out of trouble with respect to current Federal, State and Local employment and compliance matters. Settle in, grab a coffee and your notepad as Leo, Greg and the guys go over the major labor law changes taking effect in the new year.We would love your feedback, so please feel free to leave us a note and give us your thoughts. E-mail us your suggestions, ideas, comments and critiques at podcast@worklogichr.comFor additional information, point your web browser to:

  • The Only Thing that Doesn't Change is Change. Workers' Comp in 2020 with Brad Burks

    16/12/2019 Duração: 33min

    Do you own a Small Business?  Does that business have employees?  Then this is a must listen!Join Greg, Joe and John along with special guest Brad Burks of Worklogic Insurance Services.  Brad and his team (you may recall a very informative podcast with guest Lina Perez from a few weeks ago) handle a myriad of insurance matters for not only WorklogicHR PEO clients, but for many others as well.  With over 20 years experience in the industry, Brad's expertise in Workers' Comp is shared with our audience. The conversation is centered on upcoming changes that will affect of number of classes of businesses and employees.  Brad discusses rate changes, new compensation caps, the latest happenings at the WCIRB, and many more topics. Be sure to tune in and get up to speed!  2020 is heading straight at us!We would love to have your feedback.  E-mail us your suggestions, ideas, comments and critiques at podcast@worklogichr.com

  • Bane or Boon? Progressive Discipline Tips &Tricks

    09/12/2019 Duração: 29min

    Sit down with the team today and gain some useful knowledge from Neyra Thibodeau, Human Resource Manager at WorklogicHR.  Neyra offers her significant experience in the world of HR Compliance to discuss the finer points surrounding progressive discipline in a workplace setting. As Neyra and the team explain, the primary purpose of deploying progressive discipline is to help both the employee and employer address and understand an identified performance shortcoming. Once done, an action plan can be put into place which will systematically address the matter at hand.  Neyra will discuss this process, how best to implement it, and ways in which to avoid unintended consequences while obtaining the results needed.Join Greg and the team in a conversation about how to get the best results from progressive discipline and get your staff back on track and making progress for your company.

  • H.R. Compliance: What you Must Know and Do

    02/12/2019 Duração: 33min

    Human Resource compliance is a business critical topic in today's highly regulated and litigious environment.  Being aware of constantly changing labor law is critical to ongoing business success.  Being compliant with those laws is the responsibility of the employer, and is most generally delegated to the HR department.  If you operate a small business today, having the luxury of an internal HR department may not be a resource to which you can turn.Get a primer with today's Podcast, as Greg is joined with the usual suspects, Joe and John,  and special guest Leo Villaneuva, HR Compliance Manager as we discuss the topic at large, and discuss ways which smaller employers can stay abreast and out of court.

  • ThankYOU!

    28/11/2019 Duração: 03min

    On behalf of WorklogicHR, Vensure Employer Services and our Division Partners, we wish you a very blessed Holiday and offer our sincere thanks for being a value listener, client and strategic partner.  We are thankful for each and every one of you!

  • Generational Diversity in the Workplace: Some Answers

    25/11/2019 Duração: 29min

    Generational diversity has never been so great in American companies as it is today.  Younger generations are entering the workforce in larger numbers than ever before and older workers are remaining in the workforce longer.Each generation defines itself through its experiences and this shows itself in the workplace perhaps like in no other setting.  Exploit these differences in your organization by taking the time to understand them.Greg is joined by an up and coming millennial, Savanah Natividad, HR Business Partner with Vensure Employer Services.  She offers her perspective and perceptions.  Sherri Stringer, corporate trainer joins us once again in this episode and offers balance as a seasoned Gen-X professional. The discussion is lively, fun and informative and covers the often conflicting priorities and work-styles across the demographic.

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