Chris and Chrissy Rouse, an experienced father-and-son scuba diving team, hoped to achieve widespread recognition for their outstanding but controversial diving skills. Obsessed...
In this love letter to his father, former professional golfer Nathaniel Crosby shares memories of Bing Crosby on the golf course, and the lessons he taught him about the game and...
New York Times Bestseller A candid and inspiring memoir from Olympic gold medalist, world champion, and one of the best swimmers ever to compete: Katie Ledecky. Katie Ledecky has...
This state-of-the-art golf book provides a focused, step-by-step golf instruction program that will help you understand the golf game and improve your golfing ability.Today only,...
To learn bushcraft, one must adjust the state of mind. Instead of going through a series of complex mental processes when coming up with a decision, one should reform to a...
*** BEST SELLER ***Guide for soccer coaches of any category or level.From the fundamental principles for the development of young soccer players to tactics, game systems and...
"This book examines the trail blazed by the FIVB that culminated in the partnership with CVC Capital Partners.The authors explain each step of the way from the moment the FIVB's...
Soon to be an ABC reality series entitled Ultimate Surfer, starring 11-time World Surf League champion Kelly SlaterEleven-time world surfing champion, actor, and American...
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * “One of the best golf books this century.” —Golf Digest Tom Coyne’s A Course Called Scotland is a heartfelt and humorous...
Golf is more than a game. Behind every stroke and ace, there are hours of practice. Before every trophy, there is sacrifice. At every driving range, there are successes and...