Streetwise Hebrew

#385 You Don’t Want to Mess With Me



There are people you don’t want to mess with, and there are things you shouldn’t do because they’re too much of a hassle. How do you say all this in Hebrew? Well, you’d use the עסק root, of course! Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Laasok be- – To deal with – לעסוק ב Hu osek be-ze harbe shanim – He’s been dealing with this for many years – הוא עוסק בזה הרבה שנים Al taasok be-ze achshav – You don’t have to deal with this right now – אל תעסוק בזה עכשיו Be-ma ata osek / Be-ma at oseket – What do you do for a living? – במה אתה עוסק, במה את עוסקת Ha-hevra oseket be- – The company is in the field of so and so – החברה עוסקת ב Osek murshe – Licensed freelancer – עוסק מורשה Ta’asuka – Employment, occupation – תעסוקה Lishkat ha-taasuka – Employment bureau – לשכת התעסוקה Lachtom ba-lishka – To sign at the employment office – לחתום בלשכה “Nimtsa avoda zmanit, lo retsinit” – We’ll find a temporary, non-serious job – נמצא עבודה זמנית, לא רצינית “Vegam nahtom ba-lishka” – And at the same ti