Streetwise Hebrew

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 68:06:53
  • Mais informações



A bite-size podcast showcasing modern Hebrew and its slang. Host Guy Sharett explains what we can learn about Israeli psyche, society, and culture through the Hebrew language.


  • #428 A Strange Series of Events

    10/09/2024 Duração: 07min

    How do you watch your favorite television series? And what genre do you like most? Guy explains all things TV series in Hebrew, and what verbs go along with them. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Sidra – Series – סדרה Sidrat televizya – A TV series – סדרת טלוויזיה Sidrat ha-televizya – The TV series – סדרת הטלוויזיה Sidra shel eru’im – Series of events – סדרת אירועים Sidrat mikrei pesha – Series of crimes – סדרת מקרי פשע Sidrat sadna’ot – Series of workshops – סדרת סדנאות Sidrat hartsa’ot – Lecture series – סדרת הרצאות Sidrat reshet – Web series – סדרת רשת Sidrat yeladim – Kids series – סדרת ילדים Sidrat noar – Teen series – סדרת נוער Sidrat pesha – Crime series – סדרת פשע Sidra ti’oodit – Documentary series – סדרה תיעודית Sidra be-anglit im ktoviyot be-ivrit – Series in English with subtitles in Hebrew – סדרה באנגלית עם כתוביות בעברית Sidra brazilait im ktoviyot be-ivrit – Brazilian series with Hebrew subtitles – סדרה ברזילאית עם כתוביות בעברית Sdarot – Series (pl.) – סְדרו

  • #427 Take Some Initiative!

    03/09/2024 Duração: 07min

    The Hebrew word יוזמה means initiative. We also use יוזמה when talking about new educational or social projects. Using the verb ליזום, we Israelis often give unsolicited advice to family, friends, and even passersby, telling them to take some initiative in their life! Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Yozma – Initiative – יוזמה Ein lo yozma, hu hasar yozma – He lacks initiative – אין לו יוזמה, הוא חסר יוזמה Ein la yozma, hi hasrat yozma – She lacks initiative – אין לה יוזמה, היא חסרת יוזמה Yesh lo/la yozmot – He/she has got projects – יש לו/לה יוזמות Yozma hadasha – New initiative – יוזמה חדשה Yozma hevratit – Social initiative/project – יוזמה חברתית Yozma ezrachit – People’s initiative – יוזמה אזרחית Yozma hinuchit – Educational initiative – יוזמה חינוכית Yozma mevorechet – Welcomed initiative – יוזמה מבורכת Shel mi ha-yozma ha-zo? – Whose initiative is this – של מי היוזמה הזו Eize yozma meula – What a great initiative – איזה יוזמה מעולה Yozmat ha-shalom – The peace initiati

  • #81 You’re Suddenly Learning Hebrew? No Way! (Rerun)

    27/08/2024 Duração: 07min

    What do Israelis mean when they say “ma pit’om”? What about just “pit’om,” all by itself? We hear it all the time in spoken Hebrew, and Guy will explain it all. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Pit’om -Suddenly – פתאום “Pit’om kam adam ba-boker” – A person suddenly wakes up in the morning – פתאום קם אדם בבוקר Pit’om giliti bor anak she-nif’ar – Suddenly I found a huge pit – פתאום גיליתי בור ענק שנפער “Ahava, pit’om hi mitparetset kmo lehava” – Love, it’s suddenly erupting like a flame – אהבה, פתאום היא מתפרצת כמו להבה Chazarta pit’om – You suddenly came back – חזרת פתאום “Yeled, ma pit’om ata yoshev” – Hey boy, how come you’re sitting – ילד, מה פתאום אתה יושב Ma pit’om? – It’s not true, no way, get out of here – מה פתאום Pit’omi – Sudden – פתאומי Geshem pit’omi – Sudden rain – גשם פתאומי Ze haya mavet pit’omi – It was a sudden death – זה היה מוות פתאומי Pit’omiyut – Suddenness – פתאומיות Be-fit’omiyut – Suddenly – בפתאומיות Be-ofen pit’omi – Suddenly (in a sudden manner) – ב

  • #77 Election Finger-Pointing (Rerun)

    20/08/2024 Duração: 07min

    There's lots of talk about looming elections, so today we’ll talk about voting in Hebrew. Guy also explains how it’s connected to the word for finger - אצבע. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lehatsbi’a – To vote – להצביע Etsba, etsba’ot – Finger, fingers – אצבע, אצבעות Lehatsbi’a al mashehu – To point at something – להצביע “Ein lachem adayin zchut hatsba’a” – You still don’t have the right to vote – אין לכם עדיין זכות הצבעה “Aval yesh lachem zchut hashpa’a” – But you do have the right to influence – אבל יש לכם זכות השפעה Hatsbaa le-mishehu – Voting for someone – הצבעה למישהו Le-mi / avoor mi ata matsbi’a – Whom do you vote for? – למי / עבור מי אתה מצביע Hatsba’a ba bchirot – Vote in the elections – הצבעה בבחירות Hatsba’a al hahachlata – Vote on a decision – הצבעה על ההחלטה Lehatsbi’a al mashehu – Pointing at something – להצביע על משהו “Ani rotse lehatsbi’a al ha-gormim ha-hashuvim” – I want to highlight the key factors – אני רוצה להצביע על הגורמים החשובים Hatsbaa chashait –

  • #71 Fine-Tune Your Hebrew With “Be’Etsem” (Rerun)

    13/08/2024 Duração: 06min

    Be’etsem, which means ‘actually,’ is comprised of preposition ‘be’ -בְּ plus the word etsem, which is an ‘object,’ ‘essence,’ or ‘gist’… but also a ‘bone.’ What? Guy Sharett explains all. And what is, be’etsem, the difference between small talk and networking? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Be’etsem – Actually – בעצם Etsem (Pl. atsamim) – Object, gist, bone – עצם Zehu etsem ha’inyan – This is the gist – זהו עצם העניין “Ve-himshichu lichyot be-osher va-osher ad etsem hayom ha-ze – And they lived happily ever after till this very day – והמשיכו לחיות באושר ועושר עד עצם היום הזה Abam, etsem bilti mezuheh – UFO – עצם בלי מזוהה, עב”מ Abamim – UFOs – עב”מים Shem etsem, shmot etsem – Noun, nouns – שם עצם, שמות עצם Atsmi – Myself – עצמי Chaim mi-shel atsmi – A life of my own – חיים משל עצמי Sherut atsmi – self service – שירות עצמי “Ein be’etsem zman” – Actually, there’s no time – אין בעצם זמן “Shikarti kshe-amarti shehakol kol kach nifla, ki shum davar be’etsem lo haya nachon” – I

  • #426 The Olympics Are Here!

    30/07/2024 Duração: 07min

    The Paris 2024 Olympics are here! What Hebrew words and phrases must we know in order to understand the broadcasts and fully enjoy the games? The hardest of them might just be טניס שולחן. Stam! Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Ha-mischakim ha-olimpyiim – The olympic games – המשחקים האולימפיים Ha-olimpiada – The Olympics – האולימפיאדה Atem ro’eem ta-olimpiada? – Do you watch the olympics? – אתם רואים ת’אולימפיאדה Agav – By the way – אגב Tacharut, tacharuyot – Competition, competitions – תחרות, תחרויות Lenatsech – To win – לנצח Lehafsid – To lose – להפסיד Tekes ha-pticha – The opening ceremony – טקס הפתיחה Ha-mishlachat ha-israelit – The Israeli delegation – המשלחת הישראלית Ha-nivcheret ha-israelit – The Israeli team – הנבחרת הישראלית Ha-atletim ha-israelim – The Israeli athletes – האתלטים הישראלים Medlaya, medalyot – Medal, medals – מדליה, מדליות Makom rishon/sheni/shlishi – First/second/third place – מקום ראשון/שני/שלישי Medalyat zahav – Gold medal – מדליית זהב Medalyat kese

  • #425 Are You a Real Estate Agent?

    23/07/2024 Duração: 08min

    The Hebrew word מתווך means a real estate agent. Some people really really dislike מתווכים. Let’s learn why. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Metavech (dirot) – Real estate agent – מתווך Metavech – Mediator, middleman – מתווך Ha-metavech ba-sichot – The mediator in the talks – המתווך בשיחות “Halo halo halo, ani lo metavech beynechem” – Hey, I am not mediating between you guys – הלו, הלו, הלו, אני לא מתווך ביניכם “Metavchim ze am” – Real estate agents are a specific kind of lot – מתווכים זה עם Tivooch – Mediation – תיווך Sochnoot tivooch – Real estate agency – סוכנות תיווך Dmei tivooch – Finder’s fee – דמי תיווך “Ze lo mi-tivooch, ken?” – I hope it’s not through an agent – זה לא מתיווך, כן Nadlan – Real estate – נדל”ן, נכסי דלא ניידי Mashki’im be-nadlan – Investing in real estate – משקיעים בנדל”ן Nadlanist, nadlanistit – Someone who invests in real estate – נדלניסט, נדלניסטית  Li-mkhira – For sale – למכירה Le-haskara – For rent – להשכרה Ani mechapes, mechapeset dira le-haskar

  • #424 Can I Pet Your Dog?

    09/07/2024 Duração: 07min

    Imagine this: You are walking your dog in the ‘Viv and, out of nowhere, someone comes up to you, clearly wanting to speak about something important. Their lips are moving. They are saying something. What are they likely to say to a dog owner like you? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Zachar o nekava? – Is it male or female? – זכר או נקבה Ben kama hu / bat kama hi? – How old is he/she? – בן כמה הוא, בת כמה היא Hi bat arba / Hu ben arba – She/He is four years old – היא בת ארבע, הוא בן ארבע Eich korim lo? Eich korim la? – What’s her name, what’s his name? – איך קוראים לו, איך קוראים לה Efshar latet lo / la hatif? – May I give him/her a treat? – אפשר לתת לו/לה חטיף Ginat klavim – Dog park – גינת כלבים Tiyul aroch – Long walk – טיול ארוך Hu noshech? Hi noshechet? – Does he bite, does she bite? – הוא נושך, היא נושכת Efshar lelatef? – May I pet your dog? – אפשר ללטף Kelev ze’ev – Wolfhound – כלב זאב Geza, gza’im – Tree trunk, breed – גזע, גזעים Eize geza hu/hi? – What breed is it?

  • #423 Weighing Your Options

    25/06/2024 Duração: 08min

    You’re eyeing the cheddar cheese at a Tel Avivi deli. Now comes the big question: How do you ask the seller to give you 100 grams of it in Hebrew? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lishkol – To weigh – לשקול Ani shokel / shokelet 63 kilo – I weigh 63kg – אני שוקל / שוקלת 63 ק”ג Ani shokel/shokelet et ha’optsiot sheli – I am weighing my options – אני שוקל / שוקלת את האופציות שלי Shakalti – I weighed – שקלתי Kama ata shokel, kama at shokelet? – How much do you weigh? – כמה אתה שוקל, כמה את שוקלת Kama ze shokel – How much does it weigh? – כמה זה שוקל Tishkol / Tishkeli li – Weigh it for me – תשקול / תשקלי לי Ten / Tni li reva tsfatit – Give me 250 grams of Tsfatit cheese – תן / תני לי רבע צפתית Ten li hetsi (kilo) – Give me half a kilogram – תן לי חצי Shkol milim, shkeli milim – Weigh your words – שקול מילים Shkila – Weighing – שקילה Shkilat hatsi ha-gmar – The semi final weighing – שקילת חצי הגמר Shoklim lehashkia – are you considering investing? – שוקלים להשקיע  Ani shokel laa

  • #422 Net Weight

    18/06/2024 Duração: 08min

    The Hebrew word משקל means both weight and the device we use to measure weight, a scale. Whoa! That complicates things. How do we utilize this word in all its possible uses? Guy explains. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Mishkal – Weight, scale – משקל Shomrei mishkal – Weight Watchers – שומרי משקל Odef mishkal / mishkal yeter – Excess weight, overweight – עודף משקל / משקל יתר Mishkal odef – Overweight (suitcase) – משקל עודף Horadat mishkal / yerida ba-mishkal – Weight loss – הורדת משקל, ירידה במשקל Laredet ba-mishkal – To lose weight – לרדת במשקל Yaradti ba-mishkal – I lost weight – ירדתי במשקל Lehaalot / laalot ba-mishkal – To gain weight – להעלות/לעלות במשקל Mishkal naki – Net weight – משקל נקי Mishkal beiti – Home scale – משקל ביתי Mishkal mitbach – Kitchen scale – משקל מטבח Mishkal neged – Counterweight – משקל נגד Shivooy mishkal – Equilibrium, balance – שיווי משקל “Ve-en lach rega shel shivuy mishkal” – And you don’t have a moment of balance – ואין לך רגע של שיווי משקל

  • #421 Oh, With Pleasure!

    11/06/2024 Duração: 07min

    How do we respond when someone thanks us in Hebrew? What are the equivalents of, ‘you’re welcome’, ‘don’t mention it’ and ‘it’s nothing’? Guy explains. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Al lo davar – You’re welcome – על לא דבר En be’ad ma, en al ma – You’re welcome – אין בעד מה Bevakasha – Please / here you are / you’re welcome – בבקשה Ein be’aya – No problem – אין בעיה Tafsik, dai / tafsiki, dai – Stop it, enough – תפסיק/תפסיקי, די Higzamta / higzamt / higzamtem – You’re too much – הגזמתָ/הגזמתְ/הגזמתם Be-kef – With pleasure – בכיף  Be-simcha – With joy – בשמחה Be-ahava – With love – באהבה Shtuyot – Nonsense – שטויות Ba-ktana – Nothing major – בקטנה Toda raba lecha/ lach – Thank you (m, f.) – תודה רבה לך   Playlist and Clips: Ep. 10 about politeness in Hebrew Ep. no. 48 about lehafsik, to stop Ep. 100 about toda Ep. 122 about waiter talk and be-kef Ep. 137 about lehagzim Ep. 268 about No, thanks

  • #420 Stink Bomb

    04/06/2024 Duração: 09min

    The words stinky, smelly, and stench, exist in all languages. But in Hebrew these words can also be used as slurs. And while you absolutely should not use them in such manner, you do need to know their use. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Masri’ach – Stinky, smelly – מסריח Sirachon – Stench – סירחון Eize sirachon – What a foul smell – איזה סירחון Ptsatsat sirachon – Stink bomb – פצצת סירחון Gvinot masrichot – Smelly cheeses – גבינות מסריחות “Russiya masricha, tachzeri le-rusia” – You stinky Russian, go back to Russia – רוסייה מסריחה, תחזרי לרוסיה Smolani masri’ach – “Stinky” leftist – שמאלני מסריח “Ata efes masri’ach’” – You $#!thead nothing – אתה אפס מסריח Targil / keta masri’ach – Dirty trick – תרגיל / קטע מסריח Masriach mi-alcohol – Reeks of alcohol – מסריח מאלכוהול Achshav kol ha-bayit masriach me-re’ach shel tigun – Now the entire house smells of frying – עכשיו כל הבית מסריח מריח של טיגון Yesh po mashehu masri’ach – There’s something fishy about it – יש פה משהו מסריח H

  • #419 I Can Identify With That

    30/04/2024 Duração: 10min

    From face and voice recognition, to identifying with a character from a book, for these and others linguistic uses we utilize the Hebrew root זהה. And how do we say, “Shazam, can you recognize this song?” Guy explains. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Zihuy panim – Face recognition – זיהוי פנים Zihuy plili – Forensics – זיהוי פלילי Mazap, Ma’abada le-zihuy plili – Forensics lab – מעבדה לזיהוי פלילי Mazapnikim – The forensics guys – מז”פניקים Zihuy koli – Voice recognition – זיהוי קולי Lezahot – To identify, to recognize – לזהות Ata lo mezahé oti? At lo mezaha oti? – Don’t you recognize me? – את/ה לא מזהה אותי Teuda mezaha – Proof of identity – תעודה מזהה “Shirim she-ha-shazam lo mezahé – Songs that Shazam won’t recognize – שירים שהשזאם לא מזהה Ha-rishon she-mezahé – The first person to recognize – הראשון שמזהה “Tsipor lo mezuha” – An unidentified bird – ציפור לא מזוהה Mispar lo mezuhé – Unidentified number – מספר לא מזוהה Eich lachsom et ha-sichot – How to block the calls –

  • #418 Is Someone Stealing Your Identity?

    16/04/2024 Duração: 12min

    The Hebrew word זהות means identity. It’s a word we Israelis use many times throughout the day, like any time we call customer service in Israel. Any guesses as to why? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Zehut – Identity – זהות “Zehut achat la-boker, achat la-laila” – One identity for the morning, one for the night – זהות אחת לבוקר, אחת ללילה Teudat zehut – ID – תעודת זהות, ת.ז Teudat zehut biometrit hachama – A smart biometric identity card – תעודת זהות ביומטרית חכמה Ha-meginim al zehutenu – Which protect our identity – המגינים על זהותנו Mispar zehut – ID number – מספר זהות Yitachen she-mishehu gonev lachem et ha-zehoot – Maybe someone is stealing your identity – ייתכן שמישהו גונב לכם את הזהות Ganvu lo et ha-zehut – Someone stole his identity – גנבו לו את הזהות “Ten li rak le’amet et ha-zehut shelcha” – Let me just verify your identity – תן לי רק לאמת את הזהות שלך “Ana zahu oti be-ezrat hakol sheli” – Please identify me with the help of my voice – אנא זהו אותי בעזרת הקול שלי

  • #417 Procrastinating in Hebrew

    09/04/2024 Duração: 08min

    It happens to all of us: we have a task to accomplish and we promise ourselves to do it right after this one last thing. So how did an entire week pass by so quickly and yet we’re staring at an even longer to-do list? Let’s talk about procrastination in Hebrew. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Dachyanoot – Procrastination – דחיינוּת Dachyan, dachyanit – Procrastinator – דחיין, דחיינית “Ha-yom ulai nidche et bo ha-laila” – Today we might postpone the arrival of the night – היום אולי נדחה את בוא הלילה Dachinu – We postponed, we delayed – דחינו Lidchot – To postpone – לדחות Doche, docha, dochim, dochot – Postpone (present tense) – דוחָה, דוחֶה, דוחים, דוחות Lidchot hatsa’a – To turn down an offer – לדחות הצעה Ze beseder im nidche le-machar? – Is it ok if we push back to tomorrow? – זה בסדר אם נדחֶה למחר Ze beseder im nikba le-yom acher? – Can we reschedule? – זה בסדר אם נדחה למחר Yesh matsav lidchot et ze le-yom sheni? – Is there a chance to delay it to Monday? – יש מצב לדחות א

  • #416 I'm Finally Settling In

    19/03/2024 Duração: 10min

    The Hebrew words להתיישב and לשבת are both translated as ‘to sit down’, but they are not used in the same manner. And how are these words related to the West Bank? Guy explains. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Bo maher, hayeshiva kvar hitchila” – Come quick, the meeting has already started – בוא מהר, הישיבה כבר התחילה Lehityashev – To sit down – להתיישב Hu yashav be-bet cafe – He sat in a cafe – הוא ישב בבית קפה Hu hityashev leyadi – He just sat down next to me – הוא התיישב לידי Ksheni mityashev – When I come to sit down – כשאני מתיישב Hityashavti – I sat down – התיישבתי Rak hityashavti le-daka lishtot cafe, ve-kvar telefon – I sit for a minute to have coffee, and the telephone is already ringing – רק התיישבתי לדקה לשתות קפה, וכבר טלפון Lehityashev – To settle, to inhabit – להתיישב Hityashvoot – Sitting down, settlement – התיישבות Ha-hityashvoot ha-yehoodit ba-aretz – The Jewish settlement in Israel – ההתיישבות היהודית בארץ Halutzim – Pioneers – חלוצים Hitnachlut – Settlem

  • #415 What Are You Sitting On?

    12/03/2024 Duração: 12min

    The word לשבת means to sit, and there’s a plethora of uses for this verb in Hebrew. We’ll be talking about jails and cafes, dog trainers, Ottoman Jews, and restaurant hosts, all in the same episode! Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Yoshev – Sitting – יושב Yoshev al ha-gader – Sitting on the fence – יושב על הגדר Yoshev alai bool – It fits me perfectly – יושב עליי בול Ze yoshev aleicha/alayich bool – It fits you perfectly – יושב עליך/עלייך בול Eich ze yoshev alai? – How does it look? – איך זה יושב עליי Lo yodea, ze lo yoshev alai tov – I don’t know, it doesn’t fit – לא יודע, זה לא יושב עליי טוב Efo atem yoshvim? – Where are you located? – איפה אתם יושבים Yoshvim shiva’h – Sitting shiv’ah – יושבים שבעה Efo atem yoshvim? – Where are you sitting? – איפה אתם יושבים Hu yoshev ba-kele – He sits in jail – הוא יושב בכלא Al ma hu yoshev? Al ma hi yoshevet? – What is he/she sitting for? – על מה הוא יושב/היא יושבת Yoshev/yoshevet rosh – Chairperson – יושב/יושבת ראש, יו”ר Yoshev rosh ha-o

  • #414 Are You in the Country?

    05/03/2024 Duração: 11min

    The Hebrew word ארץ means land/country. But it changes when we add prepositions to it. It’s also an important word if you are training your dog to lie on the floor. Guy explains. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Eretz – Land, country – ארץ Eretz Israel – The land of israel – ארץ ישראל Be-khol ha-aretz – All over the country – בכל הארץ Kadur ha-aretz – The earth, the globe – כדור הארץ, כדה”א Shatu’ah – Flat – שטוחַ Boor ve-am ha-aretz – Ignorant – בור ועם הארץ Melah ha-aretz – Salt of the earth – מלח הארץ La-aretz – To Israel – לארץ Izru lahem lachzor la-aretz – Help them to get back to Israel – עִזרו להם לחזור לארץ Lachzor la-aretz – Return to Israel – לחזור לארץ Linso’a lechul – Going abroad – לנסוע לחו”ל Tagid, ata bechul? Lo, ani ba-aretz! – Are you abroad? No, I am in Israel – תגיד, אתה בחו”ל? לא, אני בארץ Alisa be-erets ha-pla’ot – Alice in Wonderland – עליסה בארץ הפלאות Aratsot – Countries – ארָצות Artsot ha-chom – The warm countries – ארצות החום Artsot ha-brit – The U

  • #413 Hello, Your Honor

    13/02/2024 Duração: 09min

    So you’ve learned some Hebrew verbs and nouns, but now you’re not sure how to properly address your 80 year old neighbor. Ma’am? גברתי? Mrs. Cohen? גברת כהן? Or is it fine to just use her first name? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Adoni ha-shofet / Kvodo – Your honor (m.) – אדוני השופט / כבודו Gvirti ha-shofetet / kvoda – Your honor (f.) – גברתי השופטת / כבודה Adoni – Sir – אדוני Gvirti – Ma’am – גברתי Mar Cohen – Mr. Cohen – מר כהן Gveret Cohen – Ms. Cohen – גברת כהן “Shalom, ani medaber/medaberet im Guy?” – Hi, am I speaking to Guy? – שלום, אני מדבר/ת עם גיא “Adoni, ten li lehasbir” – Sir, let me explain – אדוני, תן לי להסביר “Gvirti, tni li lehasbir” – Ma'am, let me explain – גברתי, תני לי להסביר “Tikra li Danny”, “tikra li Avi”, “tikrei li Dalia” – Call me Danny/Avi/Dalia – תקרא לי דני, תקרא לי אבי, תקראי לי דליה Ratsiti lishol im taskimi lehitraayen lapodcast sheli – I wanted to ask if you’d agree to be interviewed on my podcast – רציתי לשאול אם תסכימי להתראיין לפודקס

  • #412 Lost in Translation

    06/02/2024 Duração: 09min

    The Hebrew word לתרגם, to translate, is a handy verb, especially if you live in Israel and go to the cinema. Why? Because you want to make sure the Israeli film you’re about to watch has been translated and has English subtitles. How do you ask whether something has been translated to your language? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Letargem – To translate – לתרגם Mutarjem (Arabic) – Translator – מותרג’ם Metargem – Translator – מתרגם Metargemet/metargem lisfat ha-simanim – Sign language translator – מתרגם/מתרגמת לשפת הסימנים Kshe-ata tsofe ve-metargem, ata lif’amim gam mitragesh me-ha-stsenot? – When you watch and translate, do you sometimes also get moved by the scenes? – כשאתה צופה ומתרגם אתה לפעמים גם מתרגש מהסצינות Hu metargem mi-turkit le-ivrit – He translates from Turkish to Hebrew – הוא מתרגם מטורקית לעברית Letargem sefer, letargem seret – To translate a book, a film – לתרגם ספר, לתרגם סרט Ata yachol letargem li rega ma hi omeret? – Could you translate for me what she’

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