Streetwise Hebrew

#424 Can I Pet Your Dog?



Imagine this: You are walking your dog in the ‘Viv and, out of nowhere, someone comes up to you, clearly wanting to speak about something important. Their lips are moving. They are saying something. What are they likely to say to a dog owner like you? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Zachar o nekava? – Is it male or female? – זכר או נקבה Ben kama hu / bat kama hi? – How old is he/she? – בן כמה הוא, בת כמה היא Hi bat arba / Hu ben arba – She/He is four years old – היא בת ארבע, הוא בן ארבע Eich korim lo? Eich korim la? – What’s her name, what’s his name? – איך קוראים לו, איך קוראים לה Efshar latet lo / la hatif? – May I give him/her a treat? – אפשר לתת לו/לה חטיף Ginat klavim – Dog park – גינת כלבים Tiyul aroch – Long walk – טיול ארוך Hu noshech? Hi noshechet? – Does he bite, does she bite? – הוא נושך, היא נושכת Efshar lelatef? – May I pet your dog? – אפשר ללטף Kelev ze’ev – Wolfhound – כלב זאב Geza, gza’im – Tree trunk, breed – גזע, גזעים Eize geza hu/hi? – What breed is it?