Streetwise Hebrew

#417 Procrastinating in Hebrew



It happens to all of us: we have a task to accomplish and we promise ourselves to do it right after this one last thing. So how did an entire week pass by so quickly and yet we’re staring at an even longer to-do list? Let’s talk about procrastination in Hebrew. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Dachyanoot – Procrastination – דחיינוּת Dachyan, dachyanit – Procrastinator – דחיין, דחיינית “Ha-yom ulai nidche et bo ha-laila” – Today we might postpone the arrival of the night – היום אולי נדחה את בוא הלילה Dachinu – We postponed, we delayed – דחינו Lidchot – To postpone – לדחות Doche, docha, dochim, dochot – Postpone (present tense) – דוחָה, דוחֶה, דוחים, דוחות Lidchot hatsa’a – To turn down an offer – לדחות הצעה Ze beseder im nidche le-machar? – Is it ok if we push back to tomorrow? – זה בסדר אם נדחֶה למחר Ze beseder im nikba le-yom acher? – Can we reschedule? – זה בסדר אם נדחה למחר Yesh matsav lidchot et ze le-yom sheni? – Is there a chance to delay it to Monday? – יש מצב לדחות א