Streetwise Hebrew

#415 What Are You Sitting On?



The word לשבת means to sit, and there’s a plethora of uses for this verb in Hebrew. We’ll be talking about jails and cafes, dog trainers, Ottoman Jews, and restaurant hosts, all in the same episode! Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Yoshev – Sitting – יושב Yoshev al ha-gader – Sitting on the fence – יושב על הגדר Yoshev alai bool – It fits me perfectly – יושב עליי בול Ze yoshev aleicha/alayich bool – It fits you perfectly – יושב עליך/עלייך בול Eich ze yoshev alai? – How does it look? – איך זה יושב עליי Lo yodea, ze lo yoshev alai tov – I don’t know, it doesn’t fit – לא יודע, זה לא יושב עליי טוב Efo atem yoshvim? – Where are you located? – איפה אתם יושבים Yoshvim shiva’h – Sitting shiv’ah – יושבים שבעה Efo atem yoshvim? – Where are you sitting? – איפה אתם יושבים Hu yoshev ba-kele – He sits in jail – הוא יושב בכלא Al ma hu yoshev? Al ma hi yoshevet? – What is he/she sitting for? – על מה הוא יושב/היא יושבת Yoshev/yoshevet rosh – Chairperson – יושב/יושבת ראש, יו”ר Yoshev rosh ha-o