
103 Danny Kennedy on CalCEF, zebras and cleantech investing



Welcome to Episode 103 of SunCast! Today, we are hanging out with well-known and influential solar icon, Danny Kennedy, cofounder of Sungevity and now Managing Director of the California Clean Energy Fund where he is catalyzing cleantech investment and entrepreneurship globally.  Danny believes in building a new global economy where clean energy is affordable and accessible to everyone.  For resources from today's episode and more information on how you can support Suncast, head over to to the blog. (the direct URL is ...episodes/103) Join the Tribe? Check out Episode 86, in which I explain how YOU can become an Energy Tribe member and support the growth and stability of SunCast moving forward! to join today! If you like what you see and hear, please SHARE it with this pre-filled tweet! Thanks again for setting aside THIS time in your day. Enjoy this episode of SunCast.