
041: Jing Tian is the Boss you wish you had



Welcome to Episode 41 of SunCast. Today we'll chat with a friend who has done some pioneering work in solar R&D and in setting the bar for Women in Solar. I had the privilege to work with Jing Tian when she first got to Trina Solar in 2014, and have been impressed from day One.  She was recently promoted as President of Trina's North America business unit. And I think that you'll understand after today's episode exactly why she has been able to achieve the great heights she presently enjoys. In today's episode, we get into detail about: Jing's journey through various startup failures to arrive at now the top regional position for one of the largest and most respected Solar manufacturers in the world. The contrast of working at solar startups in thin film and CPV versus one of the largest crystalline module manufacturers Jing's approach to new product introduction Her thoughts on career development, especially as a woman in a mostly male industry Of course we play hot or Not And I get Jing to dispel some