
038: Arturo Herrero, Old-school solar & a world-class network



Today we are going to take a trip down memory lane, to a time when names like Trina and Jinko Solar were yet unheard of in the solar industry, a time when the largest brands were BP, and Conergy, and countless other mainly western names you may or may not recognize.  When I joined Trina solar back in 2011, I became aware of a legendary figure who had been responsible for building the sales team there, and who had subsequently moved on to another Chinese company.  That mythical figure is the eponymous Arturo Herrero, and at long last we got a chance to sit down at the Miami Solarplaza event. Arturo has forgotten more things about growing a solar business than most of us have learned. I learned a lot from Arturo, and I think you will too.  We cover How Arturo climbed the ranks at BP Solar, and how he was ultimately enticed to move to China for a fledgling solar panel startup! The contrast between growing Trina Solar's team and later moving over to repeat the process at Jinko Solar How Arturo, who travels a to