Dr Karin Love & Life

A Marriage Therapist’s Best Advice for Singles with Elliott Anderson, M.A. Ep. 208



I wanted to wrap up our celebration of National Unmarried & Single Americans week with a fan favorite and my favorite guest, of course, psychotherapist Elliott Anderson. When I was considering what I wanted Elliott to share, I thought about all the couples he’s worked with over the years. He’s seen it all—from those who just needed some tools to get through a rough patch, to couples who could barely stand to be in the same room together, to those who’ve become violent and abusive. I wondered, What would Elliott want to say to singles to help them avoid the pain he witnesses in his office every day? What do we need to know NOW as singles, to prepare ourselves for a solid lifelong partnership> What do we need to know NOW to prevent ourselves from marrying the wrong person?” Elliott answers this question and shares 5 relationship aspects you need to know to step into a great marriage! Elliott Anderson Work with Elliott, Books, & More: https://linktr.ee/pastorelliottanderson  Dr. Karin Web