Streetwise Hebrew

#389 Dear Inspector



This episode is about the Hebrew root פקח. We call parking enforcement officers פקחי חניה. What might you say to one in order not to get a parking ticket? And what does this root have to do with kosher certificates? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Pikuach – Supervision, regulation – פיקוח Be-fikuach/be-pikuach – Under supervision – בפיקוח Gaz beiti – Domestic gas – גז ביתי “Batuach kshe-ze be-fikuach” – It’s safe when it’s under supervision – בטוח כשזה בפיקוח Be-fikuach ha-oom – Under supervision of the UN – בפיקוח האו”ם Ha-mehir be-fikuach – The price is regulated, under government supervision – המחיר בפיקוח Mutsarim be-fikuach – Products under supervision – מוצרים בפיקוח Befikuach ha-rabanoot X – Under the supervision of the rabbinate of X – בפיקוח הרבנות  “Mis’ada zo nimtset tahat pikuhenu ve-hashgachatenu” – This restaurant is under our supervision – מסעדה זו נמצאת תחת פיקוחנו והשגחתנו Piku’ach nefesh – See link below Lefakeach al mashehu – To supervise something – לפקח