Streetwise Hebrew

#392 Which Direction Is the Wind Blowing?



The word כיוון means direction but it’s got many different uses in day-to-day Hebrew. In this episode, Guy talks about wind direction, career trajectory, prayer orientation and so much more. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Kivoon – Direction, bearing, orientation – כיוון “Kol kivoon she-bo halachnu” – Every direction in which we went – כל כיוון שבו הלכנו Kivoon ba-kariera – Career trajectory – כיוון בקריירה Kivoon ha-ktiva be-ivrit hu mi-yamin li-smol – The direction of writing in Hebrew is from right to left – כיוון הכתיבה בעברית הוא מימין לשמאל Kivoon ha-ruach – The wind direction – כיוון הרוח Kartis be-kivoon echad – One way ticket – כרטיס בכיוון אחד Ma ha-kivoon ha-klali? – What’s the general direction? – מה הכיוון הכללי Kivoon ha-tfila? – The direction of prayer – כיוון התפילה Achi, yesh’cha kivoon? – Dude, do you know where to get weed? – אחי, יש’ך כיוון Dofek hiuchim le-khol hakivoonim – He is spreading smiles all over the place – דופק חיוכים לכל הכיוונים Yore/yora l