Comic Lab

Crushing a kid's dreams



Today's show is sponsored by Dreamhost! If you want to own and control your own work, Dreamhost can help you get started.A listener is planning to exhibit at a comic con — and their five-year-old wants to sell their own comic there, too! Should children be encouraged to sell their crayon-crafted cartoon books at conventions? Also, we discuss the difference between thumbnailing and penciling.ON THIS WEEK'S SHOW...Five-year-old tabling at a conTwitter BlueUPDATE: thumbnails vs. pencilsUPDATE: Selling only four books through a publisherHow to hurt your characters... and whyYou get great rewards when you join the ComicLab Community on Patreon$2 — Early access to episodes$5 — Submit a question for possible use on the show AND get the exclusive ProTips podcast. Plus $2-tier rewards.Brad Guigar is the creator of Evil Inc and the author of The Webcomics Handbook. Dave Kellett is the creator of Sheldon and Drive.