Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 521 | CELLULITE! Everything You Need To Know



Do you find yourself constantly worrying about cellulite, questioning how to reduce its appearance or even why it's considered a beauty issue? In this episode we'll explore the fascinating history of cellulite and its evolution into a perceived beauty problem. Join us for a riveting journey that reveals five secrets about cellulite, from its presence in 17th-century paintings as part of the beauty standard, to how the term became popularized in the 1960s for marketing purposes.Get ready to uncover the truth about cellulite and learn that 80-90% of the female population experience it. Together, we'll dive into the science behind cellulite, discussing how genetics, age, and weight gain/loss can all play a role in its presence. Plus, we'll explore the differences in fat cell alignment between men and women, which contributes to the appearance of cellulite in women. Discover why it's so important to understand and embrace our bodies, even as we strive to improve them.Finally, tune in as w