Amazing Fba

Brompton Bikes – the power of a niche brand



Hey there. It's Michael from amazing FBA welcome to mindset moments, a little bite-sized chunks of thoughts and hopefully wisdom about business and life from my wanderings around London, and other parts of Europe. Today we are talking about the power of a niche brand: Brompton. Hello folks, I am out here with a brand creation story, and not mine, but I'm a customer in this case, or a would be customer. And I just wanted to reflect on, when you really, really create a fantastic product and brand combined, how strongly people will... make an effort or go out of their way to get it. And that's when you've really got a strong brand. So I'm going out of my way right now to get something. I'm walking through a strange part of town. It's freezing cold here in London, as often is. And, I need a bicycle and I live in a relatively modest sized flat in London. It's not as small as the one we used to be in, but space is always at a premium. And so I'm off shopping for the obvious solution for a cyclist in London. With