Streetwise Hebrew

#398 Who’s Putting the Kids to Sleep?



The Hebrew word להשכיב means, to put something or someone in a horizontal position. Read that sentence again and you’ll understand why this episode is not suitable for children. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Lehashkiv – To put to rest, to put someone to bed – להשכיב “Kama kesef hishkavta al ze” – How much money did you spend on this – כמה כסף השכבת על זה “Eich ani matslicha lehashkiv et ha-ktanim kshe-yesh gdolim ba-bayit?” – How am I able to put the little ones to bed when I have older kids at home? – איך אני מצליחה להשכיב את הקטנים כשיש גדולים בבית Lehashkiv et ha-yeladim lishon – Put the children to sleep – להשכיב אותם לישון Lehashkiv tinok al ha-beten – Lay a baby down on its stomach – להשכיב תינוק על הבטן “Hishkavt oti be-eser” – You tucked me in at 10 pm – השכבת אותי בעשר Kmo eize tinok – Like a baby – כמו איזה תינוק Tashkiv oti lishon – Put me to sleep – תשכיב אותי לישון Tashkiv oti, tashkivi oti, tashkivu oti – Tuck me in (imperative) – תשכיב אותי, תשכיבי אותי, תש