Redefining Strength Fitness Hacks

FHP 527 - Why Your Calorie Deficit Isn't Working (Mistakes To Avoid)



Calories in vs calories out are all that matter for weight loss.Yes. This is true - Take in less energy you expend and you will lose weight on the scale. But this oversimplification may also be holding you back from seeing results.And it may be leading you to make mistakes that aren’t helping you see the true fat loss and muscle gains, aka body recomp, you truly want.It may even be why you can lose the weight but never seem able to sustain your results. Because you can’t stay in a deficit forever!That’s why I’m excited to share some tips to help you truly adjust your diet as well as your training to see fabulous results and have Michelle share why macros matter most!Thank you to everyone who has left a review. If you haven’t please leave a review. It really helps spread the fitness love and keeps my podcast sponsor free so you don’t have to listen to any sponsorships!Learn my 3 step recipe to lose fat and keep it off without feeling miserable. Show me the three-step recipe