Selling The Couch With Melvin Varghese, Ph.d. | Weekly Conversations To Build And Grow Your Counseling Private Practice

ENCORE: How To Overcome The Crippling Fear Of Launching A New Product Or Service



In any solo episode, I love to be transparent in sharing the behind-the-scenes processes in the entrepreneurial journey. On social media, we see highlights and the finished product, but we rarely see the struggle and obstacles in getting there.Today’s focus is on confronting and overcoming fear as I go through the process of building a new product. My hope is that this episode will give you encouragement and inspiration to keep going in whatever new endeavors you undertake. You’ll LearnThree ways to combat the voices of doubt and fear:Work on showing the imperfect side of building something vs. just the finished productLearning and growing “in the open” helps others learn from both your failures and successes. (From Show Your Work, see Resources)Bringing what you fear will be judged by others can help dissipate the fear and bring encouragement and support.Realize that the first version of anything will not be the final version.Putting out beta versions during the development process reduces the pressure