Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere

Appreciating Jesus in Your Enneagram Type



Cultivating our enthrallment with Jesus is so important because we are shaped by what we love. For all nine Enneagram types, the Gospels show us Jesus as the healthy and holy perfection of our type.Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi reveal Jesus as the perfect Enneagram Six. Jesus is the exemplary Loyalist, trusting in God’s authority, and a pragmatic problem solver. As you come to appreciate Jesus as the perfection of your own Enneagram type, you will be drawn to become more like him.Resources for this Episode:Healthy Feelings, Thriving Faith: Growing Emotionally and Spiritually Through the EnneagramSoul Shepherding Enneagram ResourcesEnneagram & Emotions Free AssessmentContact Soul Shepherding to Invite Bill & Kristi to Speak