Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 197:42:03
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We welcome you into our conversations that cultivate intimacy with Jesus in life, love, and leadership. Soul Talks are sponsored by Soul Shepherding, a nonprofit ministry to pastors and leaders.


  • Your Child's Sacred Wound Draws Them to Jesus

    18/03/2025 Duração: 14min

    All of us experience grief when we fall short of caring for others the way the Good Shepherd perfectly tends to us. It can be especially distressing for parents of adult children to look back and realize how their own lack of wholeness wounded their kids. Thankfully, there's hope for redemption! We can pray for their wounds to become sacred and create an unquenchable longing for Jesus in their hearts.Tune in for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi comfort and encourage parents who feel overcome by regret. Not only can you trust Jesus to heal your children — you can meet the "God of all comfort" in your own brokenness as he redeems your hurt and transforms you into a wounded healer. Resources for this Episode:Attend a Soul Shepherding RetreatSecure: Letters From Papa to Help Moms Nurture Their Child’s DevelopmentEarn a Certificate in Spiritual DirectionDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • When Your Loved One Deconstructs Their Faith

    11/03/2025 Duração: 18min

    All of us likely know somebody whose relationship with Jesus seems to be collapsing like a house of cards. It’s difficult to trust God when a loved one deconstructs — we could find ourselves anxiously searching for solutions or lost in despair. Yet it brings comfort to remember that our Prodigal Father is furiously loving and always working in the hearts of those who appear to be walking away from Christ.  Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi share heartfelt empathy for you and your loved ones who are deconstructing. You will be moved to faithfully love those struggling in their faith and equipped to journey with them in the Spirit of Jesus. Plus, a powerful time of prayer will stir your faith for reconstruction to rise out of the ruins of deconstruction. Resources for this Episode:Journey of the Soul: A Practical Guide to Emotional and Spiritual GrowthEarn a Certificate in Spiritual DirectionDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Totally Loved Forever at the Cross

    04/03/2025 Duração: 19min

    Jesus’ suffering on the cross can make it seem like God is distant or mean. And it becomes hard to authentically trust God’s feelings toward us if we see him as someone who turned away from his own son. Thankfully, looking at the crucifixion with spiritual eyes shows us that Jesus is not only unforsaken at the cross — he’s deeply loved.Tune in for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi share incredible insight about Jesus’ interaction with his Papa during his suffering and death. Seeing Abba’s care for Jesus as he took humanity’s sin upon himself will encourage you to draw love, strength, comfort, and joy from your Father in the middle of your brokenness and shame. Resources for this Episode:Unforsaken: Journey with Jesus on the Stations of the CrossAttend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • When Technology Interrupts Our Attachment to God

    25/02/2025 Duração: 27min

    Let’s be honest. It’s easy to trade attunement with Jesus and others for the low-hanging distraction of a screen. Smartphones aren’t sinful and digital devices aren’t all bad. But our compulsion to overuse technology says something about our souls — all of us long for loving connection with God and others. Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi discuss the spiritual and psychological damage you experience from too much screen time. You won't be “shamed” into changing your technology habits. Instead, you’ll be equipped with soul care practices to help you detach from your phone and attach to Abba and his best life for you.Resources for this Episode:Attend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatIgnatian Meditation GuidesSabbatical GuideMeet with a Soul Shepherding Spiritual DirectorDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Sacred Attachment (Conversation with Michael Cusick)

    18/02/2025 Duração: 37min

    Many of us carry trauma or wounds that make us believe there’s no hope for secure attachment with God. But what if Jesus is already present in the parts of you that feel wounded and embarrassed? The good news is that brokenness is a bridge — not a barrier — to embracing the depths of God’s love.Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Kristi chats with Michael Cusick —professional counselor and author of Sacred Attachment: Escaping Spiritual Exhaustion and Trusting in Divine Love. His story of abuse and restoration will help you open every broken part of you to God’s healing love. Plus, you’ll be equipped with practices to help calm your body and cultivate a secure attachment with God.Resources for this Episode:Sacred Attachment: Escaping Spiritual Exhaustion and Trusting in Divine LoveLearn More About Michael and His Counseling MinistryJoin the Soul Shepherding Network to Watch Kristi and Michael's InterviewMeet with a Soul Shepherding Spiritual DirectorDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Warming Your Heart for Jesus

    11/02/2025 Duração: 13min

    All of us experience ups and downs in our devotion to Jesus. Sometimes we feel enthusiastic about our apprenticeship to him and burn with passion to share his love. But every season comes with unique challenges and it can feel discouraging when your heart isn’t fully throbbing for Christ. Tune in for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi read and discuss a love letter to Jesus. Their conversation will help you break through the shame that arises when you lack passion and draw you to reorient your heart and mind with the grace of the Risen Christ. Resources for this Episode:Attend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatMeet with a Soul Shepherding Spiritual DirectorSouls on Fire: Black Heroes Who Inspire Devotion to JesusDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • John Newton’s Amazing Grace

    04/02/2025 Duração: 30min

    It’s easy to assume God is absent when life gets chaotic or pain and hardship strike. But often the events we interpret as “useless” or “damaging” become the greatest blessings to our relationship with Jesus and formation in Christlikeness. That’s why we can take heart in the sovereign hand of God that guards us in all of our wanderings. Join us for this episode of Soul Talks and enjoy a “Soul Food Reading” from a recent Institute retreat. Bill shares the little-known story of John Newton — the preacher and hymnist who wrote Amazing Grace. You’ll be encouraged to see how God weaves all the details of your life together to draw you to himself, lead you deeper into grace, and shape you into a wounded healer who ministers to others with compassion.Resources for this Episode:Attend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul TalksSouls on Fire: Black Heroes Who Inspire Devotion to Jesus

  • The Fix - A Surprising Path for Transformation (Conversation with Ian Cron)

    28/01/2025 Duração: 37min

    Not everybody struggles with obvious addiction but all of us have a “fix.” The solutions we use to soothe our pain, meet our needs, and manage our lives apart from God seem to work temporarily but leave us with bigger problems. Thankfully, the brokenness of addiction serves as an invitation from Jesus to experience a level of intimacy and transformation that we didn’t think possible. Tune in for this episode of Soul Talks for a conversation between Kristi and Ian Cron — bestselling author, psychotherapist, and Enneagram teacher. Your heart will long to surrender everything to our compassionate and powerful God after hearing Ian’s story and insights from his new book, The Fix: How the Twelve Steps Offer a Surprising Path of Transformation for the Well-Adjusted, the Down-and-Out, and Everyone in Between.Resources for this Episode:The Fix: How the Twelve Steps Offer a Surprising Path of Transformation for the Well-Adjusted, the Down-and-Out, and Everyone in BetweenLearn more about Ian and his work with the Ennea

  • A Pastor Displaced by LA Fires Shares His Experience and Ministry

    21/01/2025 Duração: 39min

    The wildfires in Los Angeles have destroyed thousands of homes and displaced even more people. Our hearts are devastated for everyone affected. We’re especially praying for the friends we’ve made through Soul Shepherding who find themselves both experiencing and ministering through trauma.Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Kristi talks with Terry Fouche — a Sr. Spiritual Director with Soul Shepherding and pastor in a neighborhood hit hard by the Eaton fires. You’ll be drawn to go deeper into the compassionate heart of Jesus as Terry shares how emotional honesty, lament, and empathy have shaped him and his community during these challenging times.Resources for this Episode:Attend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatHealthy Feelings, Thriving Faith: Growing Emotionally and Spiritually Through the EnneagramMeet with a Soul Shepherding Spiritual DirectorDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Sharing What You Know With Empathy

    14/01/2025 Duração: 27min

    All of us find ourselves in conversations  — with both Christians and those who don't know Jesus — who feel it's unloving, judgmental, and arrogant to share the truth of Christ with others. It's sad when somebody's belief system keeps them from trusting the Good Shepherd more deeply. We often feel lost because we don't know the best way to love and care for them. Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi teach you how to confidently hold the truth about Jesus while simultaneously relating to others with empathy and humility. You will be encouraged to see that building your life on the foundation of Christ will both mature the way you think and help you grow in compassion for others.Resources for this Episode:Journey of the Soul: A Practical Guide to Emotional and Spiritual GrowthHealthy Feelings, Thriving Faith: Growing Emotionally and Spiritually Through the EnneagramEarn a Certificate in Spiritual DirectionDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Resting in God's Providence Despite Difficulties

    07/01/2025 Duração: 17min

    Right now, there’s a war happening between darkness and God’s kingdom of light. Difficulties like financial hardship, sickness, loss, and relational tension can make it challenging to live in genuine peace. But all of us can train in Jesus’ easy yoke to experience the comfort of leaning into Abba’s providential care. Tune in for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi wrestle through the fully integrated process (thoughts and emotions) of trusting God deeply when your circumstances feel desolate and disorienting. They’ll equip you with practices (like The Apprentice Prayer and emotionally honest conversation) to cultivate a heart that rests in God before, during, and after hardship.  Resources for this Episode:Your Best Life in Jesus’ Easy Yoke: Rhythms of Grace to De-Stress and Live EmpoweredMeet with a Soul Shepherding Spiritual DirectorAttend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Reflecting and Rejoicing as You Start the New Year

    31/12/2024 Duração: 23min

    The new year is typically a time to “leave the old behind” and “look forward to the new.” But it’s easy to become so future-oriented that you miss Jesus’ presence with you here and now! That’s why it’s powerful to reflect and rejoice in Christ before you turn the page to next year. Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi share the heart of genuine gratitude — being thankful for who Jesus is and not only what he does. They’ll equip you with a practical discipline that will transform the way you find closure and step into new seasons with hope, focus, and a healthy soul.  Resources for this Episode:Attend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatMeet with a Soul Shepherding Spiritual DirectorDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Carrying the Joy and Power of God's Presence

    24/12/2024 Duração: 25min

    Followers of Jesus carry the joy and power of his presence everywhere they go! This means we can cheerfully spread his mighty love to others during ordinary moments of everyday life. But opposition like hurry, stress, or over-earnestness can cause us to miss Jesus’ warm smile toward us and those around us. Tune in for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi unpackage the miracle of the indwelling presence of Jesus’ Spirit and encourage you to live every moment in friendship with him. Your heart will come alive as you learn to joyfully and powerfully participate in your Best Friend’s work.Resources for this Episode:Surprising Joy: A Journey with Jesus for AdventAttend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Immersed in Jesus' Presence in Handel's Messiah

    17/12/2024 Duração: 27min

    Many of us only skim the surface when it comes to spiritual growth because we don’t know how to relate to Jesus personally. Yet an under recognized and undervalued part of growth in Christlikeness is immersion in Jesus’ presence. Engaging your senses through spiritual practices like Gospel meditation helps you come face to face with Jesus and embrace his cleansing, healing, and growth.Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi reflect on a recent time of feeling saturated in Jesus’ presence while watching Handel’s oratorio, Messiah. You’ll be drawn to know and experience Christ more fully — participating in his joy, suffering, and ministry as a wounded healer. They then empower you with practical ways to go deeper with Jesus through spiritual practices.  Resources for this Episode:Ignatian Meditation GuidesSurprising Joy: A Journey with Jesus for AdventAttend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • You are Wanted by Jesus and his Father

    10/12/2024 Duração: 23min

    It's easy to miss the many ways Papa God reveals his abundant love for us through Jesus. Focusing only on “major” themes when reading the Gospels (although this is good) can cause us to miss the “minor” yet meaningful ways Jesus expresses Abba’s heart.  Thankfully, practicing slow and prayerful Scripture meditation helps us know and embrace God's desire for us.Tune in for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi share their recent Advent meditations from the life of Joseph. You will walk away confident that Abba sees, hears, and pursues you because of his gentle and relentless love. Resources for this Episode:Surprising Joy: A Journey with Jesus for AdventAttend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Rediscovering Christmas (Conversation with A.J. Sherrill)

    03/12/2024 Duração: 25min

    Do you feel disconnected from the Christmas Story? It’s easy to feel like Mary, Zechariah, or the Innkeeper are “characters” or “super saints” far removed from real life in God. But diving into the ancient context and practicing prayerful meditation will help us find our story within the Advent Story. Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Kristi talks with A.J. Sherrill — lead pastor, teacher, and author of Rediscovering Christmas: Surprising Insights into the Story You Thought You Knew. Your heart will be filled with longing as you gain a deeper understanding of the Nativity and how it transforms your relationship with Jesus today. Resources for this Episode:Rediscovering Christmas: Surprising Insights into the Story You Thought You KnewMore Resources from A.J.Donate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • So Many Decisions and Responsibilities — How to Trust God?

    26/11/2024 Duração: 21min

    Does the responsibility of decision-making leave you feeling overwhelmed or anxious? As life and ministry move forward, all of us face the reality that there's too much to carry without Jesus. This is when we can learn to lean on Immanuel who wants to journey with us, help shoulder the heavy load, and lead us in making decisions. Tune in for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi share how they practice trusting the Spirit's work through stressful ministry situations and growth. You'll learn to depend more deeply on Abba through faith-stretching circumstances as you become aware of how he's leading you and come to trust he's also guiding those around you. Resources for this Episode:Surprising Joy: A Journey with Jesus for AdventAttend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Playful and Trusting Like a Child with Jesus for the Holidays

    19/11/2024 Duração: 19min

    Did you know that Jesus delights in the little child inside of you? It might be hard for some of us to believe that he wants to make us smile and laugh like an elated youngster during the holidays. But our Savior continues to pursue us out of his deep desire to bring us home into playful joy and secure trust. Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi share their reflections from a visual meditation on the Christmas Story. You will feel drawn to experience the depths of your Papa’s heart for you through the childlike experience of Jesus. Plus, they share practical ways to connect with Abba through the heart and eyes of a young one during the holidays. Resources for this Episode:Surprising Joy: A Journey with Jesus for AdventVisual Devotion Card BundleDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Loving Adult Children Who Disappoint You

    12/11/2024 Duração: 27min

    Any close relationship can bring us pain or grief when those we love make choices that are opposite of what we desired. This is especially true for parents with adult children. Thankfully, we can learn to trust our Perfect Father to teach us how to transition into a new season of parenthood.Tune in for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi create a safe space to explore the relational dynamics with your adult children. You’ll be encouraged to trust Jesus to surround your kids with wounded healers, pray for relational restoration, and practice patience as part of your own apprenticeship to Jesus. Resources for this Episode:Meet with a Soul Shepherding Spiritual DirectorHealthy Feelings, Thriving Faith: Growing Emotionally and Spiritually Through the EnneagramDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

  • Putting Your Problems in the Light of Jesus' Smile

    05/11/2024 Duração: 22min

    All of us know (maybe a little too well) that problems are everyday occurrences. Simultaneously, God's kingdom is always open to us and the risen Christ is present in every trial. Learning to put our problems in light of Jesus' smile helps us stay present to our Best Friend and loving to those around us. Join us for this episode of Soul Talks as Bill and Kristi teach you how to practice Jesus' presence during distress. Cultivating awareness of Jesus does not mean denying your pain and needs during hard times. Instead, you can be comforted by the Good Shepherd through practices like meditating on his suffering and emotionally honest soul talks with friends.Resources for this Episode:Attend a Soul Shepherding Institute RetreatEarn a Certificate in Spiritual DirectionDonate to Support Soul Shepherding and Soul Talks

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