:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 61: What's Your Moral Compass?



In the confusing maze of this world, we can get turned around. Disorientation can fool us into being sure we are headed east while we are rushing west. What we need is a compass. This becomes even more critical when there are others we love following our lead. The same is true in life. We must understand our moral compass to help those around us and the generations behind us make wise decisions. Where do you turn when a decision is demanded? Friends, your own thinking, family, a favorite mentor, pop culture, etc.? What’s your moral compass?This week one of our #fhcTAKEAWAYS asked the question: What do you think about growing “tribalism” often reframed as multiculturalism, where my group’s interests determine right and wrong?Please share and reach out to us directly from the FHC Mobile App. You can share by using the Media tab, and then - Podcast banner - use the text and email share buttons, or use one of the following:■ Text: 407-965-1607■ Email: podcast@hospitalchurch.org■ FHC Mobile App: Media