:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 11: Living With Purpose



Welcome to Episode 11 of :15 with Andy, Randy, and Jeff! This week join Randy and Jeff as they look at our most recent message by President and CEO of the Adventist Health System Multi-State Division, Randy Haffner!In a world that is consistently disappointed by those in authority and positions of leadership, presenting ourselves as “unvarnished" allows an inviting and transparent look into our personal struggles to stay focused on God. Communicating Christ's love is difficult when our focus is everywhere but it where it needs it to be. No one said it was going to be easy or comfortable! Stick around until the end to find out who will be speaking on the 6th and final week of our Unfinished series. Don't miss it!Join us each week on Wednesday as we take a look back at the prior weeks message for unique takeaways, added perspective, and a peek at the upcoming message at the Florida Hospital Church. To find the message discussed, go to our website at www.hospitalchurch.org; and use the Archives link under