:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 7: Not Yet Quite Finally Finished



Welcome to Episode 7 of :15 with Andy, Randy, & Jeff! This week's show finds Andy and Jeff back in the studio and ready to look back at week 1 of our new series; Unfinished. Bill Largo started off the summer of “Everyone but Andy”, and did a fantastic job. We discuss the message and realize that living an authentic Christian life is not easy, but ultimately our faith in what God has in store for us will bring us through. As always, we wrap up with a sneak peek at this week's upcoming message and our next pair of special guest speakers.Listen each week on Wednesday as we take a look back at the prior weeks message for unique takeaways, added perspective, and a peek at the upcoming message at the Florida Hospital Church. To find the message discussed, go to our website at www.hospitalchurch.org; and use the Media link under the Resources tab.We will take your email questions and comments at podcast@hospitalchurch.org, and from our social media streams by using the hashtag: #fhcpodcastThank you for joinin