Streetwise Hebrew

#403 I Need Some Self-Discipline



There are quite a few words in Hebrew, like משמעות (meaning) and משמעת (discipline), that are connected to the root שמע (to hear) even though it might not seem like it at first sight. Let's go over some of these words together. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Mashmaoot – Meaning – משמעות Mashmaoot ha-shem – The meaning of the name – מה משמעות השם Ma mashmaaoot ha-mila/ha-mishpat – What is the meaning of the word/sentence – מה משמעות המילה/המשפט Ma mashmaoot ha-shir/ha-pasuk/ha-mila – What is the meaning of the poem/verse/word – מה משמעות השיר/הפסוק/המילה Vechulei – Etcetera, Etc. – וכו’, וכולי “Al techapsi mash’maa’ooyot ba-shamayim” – Don’t look for meanings in the sky – אל תחפשי משמעויות בשמיים Mashma’oot, mashma’ooyot – Meaning, meanings – משמעות, משמעויות Kefel mashma’oot – Double meaning – כפל משמעות Mishmaat – Discipline – משמעת Mishmaat ba-kita – Discipline in the classroom – משמעת בכיתה “Hayiti betucha she-mishmaat ze lo ha-kivoon” – I was sure that discipline wasn’