Gcf Austin

Increasing Your Hearing



Life Group Questions 1.  If I want to increase my ability to hear God’s voice, I must learn to cherish the word of God. What does cherish mean to you in this context? Do you cherish God’s word? Why or why not? 2.  Three ways that the word of God supercharges our ability to hear God’s voice are:·     It tunes your spirit·     It establishes you in foundational truths·     It defeats the devil Which of these impacted you the most and why? 3.  Tell a story about the last time you operated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 4.  The second supercharger for increasing our ability to hear God’s voice is praying in the Spirit (praying in tongues). Are you baptized in the Holy Spirit? If so, do you pray in tongues daily? Why is this a good idea for any born-again believer?