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18: Forget Traditional Sales Methods - Go with Your Heart for Authentic Connections with Dr. Terry Levine



Dr. Terri Levine is a lady with a mission! She's a top Business and Marketing Strategist who's changing the way that business owners around the world connect with their target audience and then select and serve their customers and employees. She really has a lot to give, so it's no wonder that she's known as The Business Mentoring Expert With Heart. She's known for consulting with business owners to stop selling, marketing and operating businesses using the traditional methods and to move them into true, authentic, heart to heart, people-centered communication models, where sales and marketing are done with authenticity and transparency. Dr. Levine has more than thirty years of business, sales, and marketing experience and she's also the best-selling author of over thirty titles and she's worked with over five thousand business owners, to date. Terri's latest book, Turbo Charge- How To Transform Your Business As A Heart-Repreneur, hit the Amazon best seller list only twenty-four hours after it's release! Terr