Streetwise Hebrew

#411 Overcoming Depression



The Israeli song לצאת מדיכאון is perhaps the song that best describes how an entire nation is feeling at this moment. It’s an appropriate time to talk about דיכאון, depression, and its root. Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: “Atem yod’im ma ha-derech hachi tova latset mi-dika’on?” – Do you know what is the best way to get out of depression? – אתם יודעים מה הדרך הכי טובה לצאת מדיכאון Dika’on – Depression – דיכאון Dik’onot – Depressions – דכאונות Latset mi-dika’on – To get out of depression – לצאת מדיכאון Lehikanes le-dika’on – To fall into depression – להיכנס לדיכאון Lo nichnasti le-dikaon mi-ze – I took it easily – לא נכנסתי לדיכאון מזה Ze shir optimi, ze lo shir medaké – This is an optimistic song, not a depressing one – זה שיר אופטימי,זה לא שיר מדכא Ha-matsav medaké – The situation is depressing – המצב מדכא Ledaké – To depress, oppress – לדכא Medaké – Depressing – מדכא Ledaké mered – To crush a rebellion – לדכא מרד Ledaké regesh/regashot – To suppress an emotion/emotions –