Chaz & Aj In The Morning

Monday, June 5: Dumb Ass News; AJ Takes The Head Bonk Spelling Bee; News 8's Kent Pierce



Dumb Ass News - An escaped convict was identified and caught by police, because of his huge mistake in the fast food drive-thru. (0:00) Stunt or Stupid! AJ took a shot to the head from a metal garbage can (courtesy  of comedian Pat Oates) for every Spelling Bee word he was unable to spell correctly. Of course, this got off to a slow start with some controversy, but was AJ right this time? (3:50) Danny Coughlin, Assistant Chief with the New Haven Fire Department, was on to talk about the preparation for and execution of the rescue efforts in the building collapse over the weekend. (15:00) News 8's Kent Pierce was in studio to point out the constant errors made by TV shows and movies, when it comes to portrayal of media journalists. The Tribe called in major mistakes they've seen on screen with their own professions. (23:09)