Fintech Insider By 11:fs

505. Insights: How to build a cashless society



Simon Taylor is joined by some great guests to talk about cashless societies. In recen years the popularity of cash has dwindled as digital payments have become faster, cheaper and more convenient. In the UK, Sweden, China and many parts of the world we’re moving closer and closer to a cashless economy. The panel explores what would happen if we started from scratch now: What would our ideal financial system look like and how can we get from where we are now to where we want to be - and would we use cash at all? Joining us today are: David Dechamps – Senior Vice President, Digital Payments & Labs for Mastercard in Europe Joseph Hajj - Chief Strategy Officer, Swish Nadia Costanzo - Head of Banking for MEA & Latin America at Wise This podcast is brought to you by Jack Henry Digital the pioneer and creator of personal digital banking that helps community financial institutions strategically differentiate their digital offerings from those of MegaBanks, BigTechs and FinTechs. Banking as a Serv