Fintech Insider By 11:fs

Ep110 – Will AI change the world of Banking?



This week we have a marathon of a show focussing on AI, Bots, Machine Learning and everything else augmented.  Your hosts, as always, is David Brear (@davidbrear), Jason Bates (@JasonBates), Simon Taylor (@sytaylor) and Chris Skinner (@Chris_Skinner) We have a fantastic lineup this week of guests with; Devika Thapar (@DeeThapar) – Financial Services Leader, IBM Watson, Dr. Ella Rabener (@ella_rabener) – CMO of Scalable Capital and Ereli Eran (@ereli) – Senior Data Scientist at Ravelin. We hope you enjoy the show Key stories this week: IB Times – Barclays completes the world’s first live, end to end trade finance transaction with a live customer on Blockchain : LINK – Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft are creating the Justice League for AI : LINK Technology Review – MIT report – AI Wants to Be Your Bro, Not Your Foe : LINK Polygon – Watch the first ever movie trailer made by artificial intelligence : LINK Venture Beat – Are chatbots an evolution or a revolution? : LINK