Stephen J. Kosmyna

Cultivating an Abundance Mindset



Building on last week's episode, The Frequency of Positive Expectation, I share in this episode the importance of not only cultivating an abundance mindset, but how you can actually begin to do it right now.When we think of abundance, our thoughts generally turn to our experience with money and finances. This is true for ourselves as individuals, within a business or in an organization. On the negative side, those thoughts usually drift to lack, not enough, and limitation. If this is something you tend to do, personally and / or professionally, know that this is a habit of thought, an attitude, and it can be changed. Perhaps it's time to install new programming, a new attitude around abundance and that's what this episode is all about. However, in this piece, I go beyond money and finances. Do you have an attitude of abundance when it comes to your own potential, your team's potential or your organization's potential? Or do you have an attitude of limitation around what's possible for you and your colleagues