Stephen J. Kosmyna
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 80:40:44
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Inspiration Meditations and Messages
As A Man Thinketh
27/02/2025 Duração: 23minIf you don’t like what is showing up in your life, your business, your organization, and / or your corporation; I strongly recommend you listen to this episode and take action at once.Most of us, on this positive path of personal, professional and leadership development, have heard it said in many different ways; our dominant thoughts create our reality.In fact, the quote for today in my ‘My-Tyme Success Planner’ by Paul J. Meyer, the founder of Leadership Management International says this:“You are where you are and what you are because of the thoughts that dominate your mind.”And we read in James Allen’s book, As a Man Thinketh:“As he / she thinks, so he / she is; as he / she continues to think, so he/ she remains. The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to be harmoniously related to their inner state. Men and women do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.”So that clearly places the responsibility for the results that we experience on us. We have been conditioned to
Living from Source Energy and Higher Consciousness
20/02/2025 Duração: 24minSo many wander aimlessly through life, living unconsciously, frenzied and frantic, often disturbed and agitated. They live life bouncing from one reaction to another like the steel ball in a pinball machine. Their reactions are often driven by fear and confusion as they receive the input that bombards all of us, from the world around us and outside of us.These reactions often become part of their internal programming which drives their reactive and habitual behavior which almost always produces an undesirable effect as a life experience.It is time to just STOP it. There is a better way, a Certain Way, to live life to the fullest, personally and professionally; to accomplish, achieve. and experience successful outcomes and the realization of worthy, intentional goals and dreams.It's time to stand in your power, to live from pure potentiality, to live solely from your higher self and from a higher, illumined state of consciousness. It's time to make the shift to living from 'On High.' Listen in now to this e
Crystalizing the Vision - Establishing the Foundation
13/02/2025 Duração: 24minCrystallizing your vision brings focused clarity to all you aspire to be, do, and have in your life and within your small business, your company, your organization or your ministry."Crystallizing your vision makes the process of becoming an effective leader much easier. For your associates, a concise vision identifies your overall business goals and links their goals to yours.Without a vision statement, many of your team members are likely to feel that they are a part of something quite ordinary - something drab, dull and lacking direction. The vision statement sets the tone for the future of the company. [And for you!] It should be exciting but brief, it should convey a sense of urgency and a clear sense of corporate destiny.If you want to be a highly effective leader, take a good look at your vision statement. (If you don't have one, you need to set about creating one today!) A vision statement defines the future; every day you work without it, you are working for yesterday rather than for tomorrow. Your v
Purpose, Mission, Vision = Be, Do, Have
06/02/2025 Duração: 23minIn the last few episodes I mentioned we would briefly touch on purpose, mission and vision statements and the importance of developing your own statements for you personally and for your business, organization or ministry if you don't already have these. In this episode I go a little deeper and take you just 'back of' purpose, mission and vision and how it relates to 'be, do, have.' Then we look to the relationship 'be, do, have' has to 'thought, word, and action.' As always, the first rule of law is order. So many get these 'out of order' then wonder why their results, their life, their business and their goals are 'out of order'. Let's get started now, getting this right, so you can properly be about the business of life and living in an extraordinary way. Going about it all in a Certain Way makes all the difference in the world when it comes to quantum leap goal achievement and radical personal and professional transformation for you and your organization.In this episode I offer an eleven page PDF on miss
Quantum Leap Goal Achievement – Your Next Step
30/01/2025 Duração: 25minI have always told you that you do not have to know the 'HOW' when you are deciding what big dream goal you are choosing to pursue. Your part is to think from that secret place of Infinite Potential within you. Your part is also being willing to do what it will take and believing you are able to do whatever is necessary for its fulfillment.With that being said, you still have to take action even though you don't know the 'HOW' part of what you want to accomplish. So what's next?In this episode I take you by the hand into your very next step and then into your next as you move deeper into the goal achievement process. Remember, in order to make a quantum leap in the direction of all you would love to experience, personally and professionally and within your organization, you must do things in a Certain Way.You can save yourself a lot of time and frustration by maintaining order throughout this process. I am aslo willing to help you and your organization become very effective and efficient when it comes to this
Mastery and Excellence = Expertise
23/01/2025 Duração: 24minWelcome back! This is season number seven of The Genesis Frequency podcast, a show that focuses on personal, professional, leadership, and spiritual development for you and your organization. I Am re-energized and filled with enthusiasm for this new season. I will continue to bring you what works, in the most effective and efficient way, when it comes to working in harmony with the Laws of Infinite Potential and doing things in a specific and Certain Way to accomplish the desires of your heart. In this episode I invite you to consider what is 'back of' all your hopes, dreams, desires and goals. What is it that you would truly love to become a master of? This may be tied to your primary personal or professional goal or perhaps it is an intangible aspects of character, one or more of your mental faculties, or several of your innate spiritual capacities that you would love to master.Let's get started. Listen in now and get started on your own journey to becoming a Master in your field of choice.I Am so glad you
Pattern Interrupt - Behavior Change = Desired Results / Culture Shift
19/12/2024 Duração: 28minToday we look at what absolutely must be done so you can have an impact at the level of behavior so that you may set yourself and your company up properly to efficiently and effectively knock out your vision and big dream goals in the year ahead.In this episode I explain the only way to replace habitual patterns of thought, word and action that don't support the vision and goals identified, and move in mental programming that IS supportive of the desired outcome. This will also help you to move beyond any limiting and false beliefs you may be holding onto. This practice I share today will also help you move energetically into your vision. You must change the frequency on which you are living and the daily activity you are engaging in. Listen to this episode as I wrap up this season giving you a head start on the shortest, quickest route to the realization of all your goals and dreams by learning to do things in a Certain Way..I also share opportunities for you to enroll in upcoming programs and perhaps even m
Moving Into Your Vision – Energy and Frequency Adjustment
12/12/2024 Duração: 24minSo you made your list and determined exactly and specifically what you would love to create in your life, personally and professionally, in the year ahead. You did that right?If not or If you're new to this show and / or this process, go back a few episodes so that you may set yourself and your company up properly to efficiently and effectively knock out your vision and big dream goals in the year ahead.In this episode I help you to move beyond any limiting and false beliefs you may be holding onto. Then I move you into the process of adding specificity to your vision and explain why it's necessary for you to do this.Once that is done I help you move energetically into your vision. You must change the frequency on which you are living. Just like adjusting the dial on a tuner, you may need to adjust your energetic frequency to match your desires.Listen to this episode for detailed instructions. If you would like to take the shortest, quickest route to the realization of all your goals and dreams, you must go a
Key Elements of the Certain Way – Quantum Leap Goal Achievement
05/12/2024 Duração: 24minDid you begin to make your list and consider what you would love to create in your personal and professional life? Did you look at every area of your life, your business, your company, your organization, your ministry? Did you spend some time in the silence giving serious thought to ALL the things you would love to experience in the year ahead; to be, to do, and to have? This is the starting point for going about quantum leap goal achievement in a Certain Way. In this episode we also take a look at your beliefs. What do you believe is true for you vs. what is actually true?Listen to this episode for detailed instructions. If you would like to take the shortest, quickest route to the realization of all your goals and dreams, you must go about it in a Certain Way.The time is now to get started on next year's goals and dreams. Your future self is watching you now through memories and will be so glad that this time, you paid attention and got started on the achievement process the right way, the Certain Way
Achieving Your Impossible Dream
28/11/2024 Duração: 23minFirst up in this week's entry, I would like to wish everyone who is celebrating Thanksgiving a very happy and joy filled day. I would also like to invite you to sustain the state of thanksgiving moving forward. Every single day get into an attitude of gratitude by making a list of what you're grateful for. This will go a long way when it comes to shifting your energy to a consciousness of positive expectation.From this place of gratitude, start to consider what you would love to create in your life. What would you love to be, do, and have in the year ahead, personally and professionally? Make a list. write it out by hand.But first, listen to this episode for detailed instructions. To make manifest what you may have previously considered an impossible dream, is indeed possible when you learn how to go about it in a Certain Way.The time is now to get started on next year's goals and dreams. Your future self is watching you now through memories and will be so glad that this time, you paid attention and got start
Words III - Your Power to Create Your World - Conclusion
21/11/2024 Duração: 25minWhen we study personal, professional and ledership development for the purpose of improving our lives, achieving our goals, and moving into the realization of our dreams; we often miss one little piece of the creation puzzle or a crtitical element that would lead us into the life we would love to live.We get excited about the laws that govern the manifestation process and in our exuberance we tend to miss some of the details. The words we speak subjectively and objectively have the power to impact, influence and mold and shape universal substance, the field of responsive energy we all live immersed in.This is law and a key point that must be understood so that you may efficiently move into the realization of all your goals and dreams. Understanding this part of the creative process is critical, especially when it comes to living the life you would love to live, personally and professionally, as opposed to living immersed in undesirable conditions experiencing unacceptable results.I really don’t think it’s tal
Your Words II – Seeds of Creative Potential – Impressing Substance
14/11/2024 Duração: 28minAll words are formative, but not all words are creative. This is law and a key point that must be understood so that you may efficiently move into the realization of all your goals and dreams. Understanding this part of the creative process is critical, especially when it comes to living the life you would love to live, personally and professionally, as opposed to living immersed in undesirable conditions experiencing unacceptable results.I really don’t think it’s talked about or taught about enough. The law of logos seems to have gotten lost in our fast paced world. With shorter and shorter attention spans, I don't believe we stop long enough to consider how the invisible thought process that designs, molds and shapes our dreams using the power of our imaginations, moves those goals and dreams into our visible world of form.We must consciously recognize the creative power of our words to make an impression into the universal substance of ethereal energy. This is beyond affirmations and words
Your Spoken Word - The Law of Logos
07/11/2024 Duração: 25minAll words are formative, but not all words are creative. Do you know the difference?I really don't think it's talked about or taught about enough. The law of logos seems to have gotten lost in our fast paced world. In our shorter and shorter attention spans we tend to react rather than appropriately respond, or make a choice to not respond at all. When we react we are most often unconscious, totally unaware of the formative power of our words.We must consciously and deliberately return to a recognition of the creative power of our words to produce the results we want to experience in our personal and professional life. This is beyond affirmations and words to live by. This is about the source and power of your spoken word which is the vehicle through which your ideas make themselves manifest. This is about moving your thoughts and ideas from the invisible world of non-form into the visible world of form; the realization of your ideals, your dreams and your goals.This is about the true art of manifestatio
Thought: Your Choice - Your Experience - Your Results
31/10/2024 Duração: 25minYou have so much power and your potential is unlimited and this is because YOU and only YOU get to choose the thoughts you think. Thoughts are things and thoughts are creative when wrapped with feeling and emotion.You think a lot of thoughts each and every day but have you ever taken a step back for a few minutes and really moved into the awareness that you get to choose the thoughts you think? You also get to choose whether you want to continue where a particular thought may lead you. The choice is always yours and the thoughts you choose to think and feel create the experiences in your life and the results that are showing up for you; personally, professionally and in your organization too.You live in a world coming at you at a hundred miles an hour from every direction. It's so important to consider, perhaps again, that we live in a cause and effect universe and the cause of the effect, your experiences and your results, are the thoughts you are habitually thinking.It's time to live with an always on aware
Act As If
24/10/2024 Duração: 24min"One of the greatest strategies for success is to act as if you already are where you want to be. This means thinking like, talking like, dressing like, acting like and feeling like the person who as already achieved your goal. Acting as if sends powerful commands to your subconscious mind to find creative ways to achieve your goals. It programs the reticular activating system (RAS) in your brain to start noticing anything that will help you succeed, and it sends strong messages to the universe that this end goal is something you really want," - Jack Canfield in The Success PrinciplesAct as if the desires of your heart, personally and professionally, are already yours, and you will have taken the first step in making a quantum leap in the direction of all you hope to accomplish and achieve.This is the being part of the be, do, have model of big dream goal realization. This is your golden key to success in every area of your life,Listen in as I take a deeper dive into this methodology to help you unlock more o
Belief + Faith + Knowing + Expectation = Realization / Manifestation
17/10/2024 Duração: 24minBelief is a must.You have to believe.What you believe is a choice.What do you believe about you?In this episode I explore your faith in the unseen realization of all you desire to be, do, and have in your life, personally and professionally; in your business, in your organization, and in your corporation.I will also begin to take a deep dive into these words from Napoleon Hill found in Think and Grow Rich:“You can be anything you want to be, if only you believe with sufficient conviction and act in accordance with your faith; for whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.” Don't wait. Let's get you on track immediately.Listen now!
Wisdom of the Ages - Words to Live By - Part Three
10/10/2024 Duração: 24minIn my quiet time, I always ask to be open to wisdom, inspiration and guidance to lead me along my way. I always do that before I record this podcast as well so that I may successfully offer you, the listener, content to support you and your desire to experience success and prosperity in every area of your life.When I was considering the direction I wanted to take you within the last few episode, I was inspired to simply look around me. Here in my studio office I am surrounded by the energy of many, many personal, professional, spiritual and leadership development books, hundreds actually.Then, I looked around at my bulletin board and the wall in front of me. Several powerful quotes surround me too and they support me day in and day out.In this episode, I share the basic formula for success and achievement in any and every area of your life. There's no secret, no magic book, pill or shiny object. It comes down to the wisdom of the ages I share within this episode and how you apply it in your life. The wisdom i
Influencing Creative Energy - Words to Live By - Part Two
03/10/2024 Duração: 25minLast week I shared that in my quiet time, I always ask to be open to wisdom, inspiration and guidance to lead me along my way. I also shared that I do that for this podcast as well so that I may successfully offer you, the listener, content to support you and your desire to experience success and prosperity in every area of your life.When I was considering the direction I wanted to take you within the last episode, I was inspired to simply look around me. Here in my studio office I am surrounded by the energy of many, many personal, professional, spiritual and leadership development books, hundreds actually.Then, I looked around at my bulletin board and the wall in front of me. Several powerful quotes surround me too and they support me day in and day out.In this episode, I share not only my favorite quote of all time, but I take it apart with you so that you may apply the wisdom it contains to whatever you are working toward and and the life experience you desire to create. I often tell you that "How" is non
Words to Live By – Power to Support Your Quest for Success
26/09/2024 Duração: 24minIn my quiet time I always ask to be open to wisdom, inspiration and guidance to lead me along my way. I do that for this podcast as well so that I may successfully offer you, the listener, content to support you and your desire to experience success and prosperity in every area of your life.When I was considering the direction I wanted to take you within this episode, I was inspired to simply look around me. Here in my studio office I am surrounded by the energy of many, many personal, professional, spiritual and leadership development books, hundreds actually.Then, I looked around at my bulletin board and the wall in front of me. Several powerful quotes surround me too and they support me day in and day out.In this episode, I share a few of those quotes and how they can become words to live by for you when you apply them to your pursuit of the life you would love to live.Whether you're working to achieve and accomplish something in your personal, professional or spiritual life, taking action as instructed wi
Your Dominant Thoughts = Your Present Reality
19/09/2024 Duração: 27minIf you don't like what is showing up in your life, your business, your organization, and / or your corporation; I strongly recommend you listen to this episode and take action at once.Most of us, on this positive path of personal, professional and leadership development, have heard it said in many different ways; our dominant thoughts create our reality.In fact, the quote for today in my 'My-Tyme Success Planner' by Paul J. Meyer, the founder of Leadership Management International says this:"You are where you are and what you are because of the thoughts that dominate your mind." And we read in James Allen's book, As a Man Thinketh: "As he / she thinks, so he / she is; as he / she continues to think, so he/ she remains. The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be harmoniously related to their inner state. Men and women do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.”So that clearly places the responsibility for the results that we experience on us. We have been conditioned