Stephen J. Kosmyna

Achieving Your Impossible Dream



First up in this week's entry, I would like to wish everyone who is celebrating Thanksgiving a very happy and joy filled day. I would also like to invite you to sustain the state of thanksgiving moving forward. Every single day get into an attitude of gratitude by making a list of what you're grateful for. This will go a long way when it comes to shifting your energy to a consciousness of positive expectation.From this place of gratitude, start to consider what you would love to create in your life. What would you love to be, do, and have in the year ahead, personally and professionally? Make a list. write it out by hand.But first, listen to this episode for detailed instructions. To make manifest what you may have previously considered an impossible dream, is indeed possible when you learn how to go about it in a Certain Way.The time is now to get started on next year's goals and dreams. Your future self is watching you now through memories and will be so glad that this time, you paid attention and got start