Streetwise Hebrew

#412 Lost in Translation



The Hebrew word לתרגם, to translate, is a handy verb, especially if you live in Israel and go to the cinema. Why? Because you want to make sure the Israeli film you’re about to watch has been translated and has English subtitles. How do you ask whether something has been translated to your language? Hear the All-Hebrew Episode on Patreon   New Words and Expressions: Letargem – To translate – לתרגם Mutarjem (Arabic) – Translator – מותרג’ם Metargem – Translator – מתרגם Metargemet/metargem lisfat ha-simanim – Sign language translator – מתרגם/מתרגמת לשפת הסימנים Kshe-ata tsofe ve-metargem, ata lif’amim gam mitragesh me-ha-stsenot? – When you watch and translate, do you sometimes also get moved by the scenes? – כשאתה צופה ומתרגם אתה לפעמים גם מתרגש מהסצינות Hu metargem mi-turkit le-ivrit – He translates from Turkish to Hebrew – הוא מתרגם מטורקית לעברית Letargem sefer, letargem seret – To translate a book, a film – לתרגם ספר, לתרגם סרט Ata yachol letargem li rega ma hi omeret? – Could you translate for me what she’