Dr Karin Love & Life

Can Relationships Actually Be Easy? Ep. 288



The Love & Life family is a diverse bunch—from singles, to those exclusively dating, to engaged couples, to marrieds, to divorced folks back on the scene again. We’re all at different places in our love journey. As we thought about what we wanted to share for Valentine’s Day, Producer Tim suggested we grapple with the following:  Are relationships doomed to be a constant struggle? Do they have to be SO hard? Could marriage actually be easy? Since it was Tim’s idea, I asked him to share his thoughts and experience with the topic.  Specifically, we delve into the following: What makes a relationship easy? Do opposites attract and if so, won’t this eventually lead to strife? If we marry someone similar to us, won’t things get boring? How do conflict styles factor in? What role does attachment style play in terms of relationship ease? We then take a look at the psych research, of course! We also weave in clips from a song I wrote for Dan called Breathing—“It’s like breathing, so easy, lo