Amazing Fba

The problem of self-perception in business



Hey there. It's Michael from Amazing FBA- welcome to mindset moments, little bite-sized chunks of thoughts and hopefully wisdom about business and life from my wanderings around London, and other parts of Europe. Today we are going to talk about how your self-perception in business is, how good is it and why does that even matter? Stay tuned. The 10K Collective Mastermind  I'm the leader of the 10k Collective Mastermind, for private label sellers and product brand owners who sell at least half a million dollars a year or more on Amazon. Over the last five years we've had members triple their revenue in one year, grow to eight figures and one member get to a seven- figure exit. Now we're taking it to the next level. I'm excited to introduce the 10K collective Uber mastermind. It's a unique combination of peer group support in person and online and specialist coaching. If you're ready to take your business to seven figures and beyond, then just go to to find out more today. "The