Building A Law Firm

062: Your Law Firm Marketing Sucks Because You Aren’t Saying No To the Right Things



When You Choose One Law Firm Marketing Activity You Are Saying No To Another As an estate planning attorney I tend to hang out with financial planners a lot. What makes that interesting is when we talk about business and what's working for each of us the answers are completely different. The financial services industry is so heavily regulated they don't have any choice but to pound the pavement and find new clients. We have it much easier and can use tools like the internet, direct mail, and pretty much anything else we can think of to attract new clients. But, even though we have a lot of choices, we can still flounder about if we are making the wrong choices. Case in point. I don't really go to happy hours anymore. I don't sponsor events. I don't go to events unless I'm genuinely interested in what's going on there (no "networking" events for sure). The reason I've started saying no to these supposed tried and true law firm marketing strategies is that they aren't nearly as effective as reaching o