Building A Law Firm

057: Preparing For The Next Economic Crash



The world moves in cycles. Every up has a down. We've been up for a long time (7-10 years) and we're due for a down cycle. Is your law firm ready for a crash? After this it will be. Here are three ways to prepare for the pending economic downturn. 1. Perfect Your Systems Efficient systems ensure a few different things. First, they ensure a great working environment. Second, they ensure a great customer experience. Third, they ensure a steady flow of clients to your law firm day after day. These three truths operate in reality whether times are good or bad. The better your client and marketing systems are, the more equipped your law firm will be to handle a crash. 2. Create A War Chest There is nothing safer and more comforting than cash. Cash pays the bills. Cash keeps employees around. And cash gives you the freedom to make rational decisions when things aren't going well. I'm building up a war chest right now. My goal is to have one years worth of cash on hand at all times. I'm not doing this